August 23, 2024

The importance of self-awareness. Supreme Self-awareness. What is the mind? Advaita, Non-Duality.

Here, invariably, we are together on this investigation of the Truth, the Truth about who we are. Why is this essential? Because without it, you have no real vision of the Reality of God. This is the discovery, the discovery of your Being. This is the realization of the Reality present right now, the only Reality present: the Divine Reality, the Reality of God. Thus, our work here together is based on this foundation – the foundation is the revelation of Self-Awareness.

Here we are seeing with you the importance of Self-awareness. We will never have the importance of Self-Awareness without first having Self-Awareness in practice. We can theorize about it, have concepts about it, ideas, beliefs... We can have intellectual formulations about it and, in fact, without getting closer to it, we won't have the truth of it, the awareness of it, the very importance of it being revealed. It becomes fundamental for us to have an approximation of what Self-awareness means, since Self-awareness – here I'm referring to true Self-awareness – is actually Self-awareness of the Supreme, it's Self-awareness of Divine Truth, it's Self-awareness of God.

To have the vision of Self-Awareness is to have the vision of the Reality that God is the present Truth. However, this present Reality is only realized when the sense of “I”, this “me”, this ego, dissolves. So, let's see some aspects of this with you. One of the most fundamental is understanding the mind. What is the mind? How does our mind work? We go through experiences, we're not aware of what experiences are. All our actions, all our behaviors are born out of experience. We don't know what these experiences are, we're not aware of how these experiences are present today, here in our actions, in our behavior, in our way of feeling things, of thinking about them.

Notice, all of this is part of experiences. We have been through experiences in the past, and when we go through experiences, they leave records in us; we record them as part of the knowledge, as part of the past in us, of the memory that is now present in us. Thus, this memory, knowledge, past, memory, present in us for us to act, speak, think, relate to the other person, to the world around us, this is something that comes from these experiences. Our mind is the result of experience. So, what is this mind in us? It's the result of the past, of everything we've been through.

Now, there are two very interesting aspects here that we can approach and perceive. The first is those particular, personal experiences that each of us has and that we hold within us as part of this identity, which is the identity of the “I”. But in addition to this quality of personal, private experience, we have a whole accumulation of experience of race, culture, the world, humanity, and all of this is also part of this whole collection that we bring. Thus, the identity of being someone – note this – this someone you are, you believe to be individual. This someone who is you is all the result of a collectivity, a society, a world, a humanity, a race.

So, we are human creatures living in this world, in a relationship with ourselves and in a relationship with life, always within this model; this is our way of being. Having an understanding of all this, having an investigation of all this, represents the possibility of emptying all this. Here, we come across something we never imagined. This something is the possibility of the end of this pattern of continuity – see – of repetition, of the practice of human culture, of human society, of the world.

When you look at the world, you see all the confusion that the world is in; when you look at yourself, you also see internal elements in you that reflect exactly all this confusion that is in the world. The truth about this is that the world represents what each one of us is; or each one of us is, in fact, to a lesser extent, what the world, in this greater extent, represents. So, all the confusion there, is the confusion here. The fear present in the world, the misery present in the world... all the pain, all the disorder, all this condition of insecurity and search for security... Everything that we are seeing in the world is actually present in each one of us. There is no separation between what you are and what the world is, it's all the result of this set of experiences that the “me,” the ego is.

So, this “me,” this ego, this “I,” is this set of experiences, something that comes from the past. To go through this life without investigating this, without becoming aware of it, without going beyond it, is to continue like everyone else around you: living in an internal and also external condition of problems, of suffering. Thus, we are together seeing this here with you. Getting closer to oneself is Self-awareness in practice. So, the importance of Self-awareness is revealed, because when the importance of Self-awareness is now shown, that Self-awareness is Supreme Self-awareness. We're not talking about self-awareness in the sense that most people use that expression. Here we are talking about investigating the nature of the “I,” breaking away from this whole psychological structure, this psychological conditioning. We're talking about seeing life free of this duality. Let's touch on that now, here, with you.

Duality is the principle that guides our lives in conflict. When there is this duality, which is separation, conflict is established. So, what is this duality? Duality is the idea that we are people, living with people, as a person living in the world, having our particular experiences and being the center of those experiences. You see, we're facing something totally illusory, because this so-called “person” is just the result – as we've just put it and see now – it's just the result of a set of beliefs, ideas, concepts, knowledge that comes from the past. All of this is the result of propaganda. So, some of it comes from this collective itself, from this whole social set, and some of it has been acquired privately, by our own movement through life, interacting in our relationships, without understanding those relationships, going through experiences and accumulating those experiences.

You see, this is what constitutes this “I,” this sense of being someone. So, this is what we call a “person,” and this person is seeing himself separate from all situations, events, circumstances, incidents, accidents... One is seeing oneself separate from thought. You see, thought is actually you, but you see yourself as a thinking element. Our model of thinking is one where there is thought – notice that – that thought is just something like a memory, a recollection, that comes from the past, and there is the illusion of an identity thinking it. So, there's a separation. That's duality: an “I” thinking with its thought. So, there's the “I” and thought.

In reality, what is present is thought itself, in its own movement, giving us the illusory impression of a present thinker. Let's look at this very carefully. We believe we are the thinker of thoughts, so there is a duality. We believe we are the one who is acting, who is taking action. So, there's “I” and there are actions. We don't know the nature of actions; we don't know the truth of why we do what we do or don't do what we don't do. Why do we do such a thing or why don't we do such a thing? We believe that we are in control of it, that we are a separate entity from thought, actions, the other, the world, situations, events, happenings.

So, what is present? A mistaken concept of duality, of separation. To look closely at this, to be aware of this illusion, is to have the Supreme Truth being revealed, the Divine Truth being revealed. In this Supreme Self-awareness, we are aware that this duality is an illusion. The only Reality present is non-duality. The word for this is “Advaita”; Advaita, non-duality. The Divine Truth, the Ultimate Truth, the Truth of God is non-duality. The Reality present is non-dual and that Reality is the Reality of God.

We are living a particular life, this particular life is within this context of continuity in this movement, which is the movement of the mind. This movement of the mind, you see, is something that comes from the past. This movement of the “I” – it seems clear now – is something that comes from the past. Everything you know about yourself, everything you think, everything that happens inside your head, you see, is a memory, it's something that comes from the past. Every piece of knowledge, every position you take, every action you take, your speech, your language, everything is something that was learned, and it was learned in the past. This contextualizes this sense of a present identity that is the “me,” the “I,” the ego.

Can we go beyond this, to the realization of something entirely new that is beyond the known and, therefore, beyond the “I,” the ego, beyond all this conditioning of human culture? The realization of this is the realization of this Being – Consciousness – Bliss. This is not part of the known, it is not part of time, it is not part of the past. It is the Reality of this Being. This is something indescribable, unnamable, it is the presence of Love, Peace, Happiness, Freedom... of a life free from this particular life, which is the life centered on the “I.” So, there is a full understanding of life, in life, for life, and that life is you in your Being, without duality, without separation. When the Beauty of Meditation is present, of Real Meditation, it arises when there is Self-Awareness. When the Beauty of Meditation arises, the Reality of the absence of this time – which is the past, which is this illusory notion of the present and this fanciful search for the future that the “I”, the ego, knows – becomes clear.

Our work here consists of this discovery, the discovery of something that is outside the “I” and, therefore, outside the known, outside time. Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, God Realization – there are many names for this Natural State which is Advaita, non-separation, non-duality. There is no one present here, right now. We will always continue exploring this here with you, investigating this here with you, there is no one in the experience; this experience is not recorded. This means the Truth of experiencing: when there is no record, we no longer have the experience, we have the experiencing. It's life in life, for life, with life, it's the presence of Love, it's the presence of Truth, it's the realization of this encounter with the Truth of Being. So, there is no longer anything that can be seen here as a model of duality, of separation, there is no longer this egocentric pattern of action, of thought, of feeling, of private and personal life. Becoming aware of this is the most important thing in this life.

We hold online meetings here, on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, and we can get closer to this through questions, answers... in this verification with Self-awareness and Meditation, to be aware of the Truth of What we are. So, here, in the description of the video, you'll find our WhatsApp group link to take part in these meetings. We have face-to-face meetings as well as retreats. If what you've just heard makes any sense to you and you feel the need to go deeper, I invite you. Okay? So, go ahead and leave your “like” here, leave a comment on the video: “Yes, it makes sense” and subscribe to the channel. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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