March 6, 2024

Awakening of Consciousness. The Turiya State. Being-Consciousness-Happiness.

What we've been saying here may seem quite strange to you at first, because our model of thinking and feeling starts to be challenged here, because we have a model, a pattern of thinking, feeling and, of course, behaving in life, which is actually something cultural, something we have acquired from our society, from our model of the world.

Here in these meetings – and this also happens in the online meetings we have here at weekends; you can find the WhatsApp link to take part in the meetings in the description of the video – we are investigating this, making it clear to us that this way of living, this model of being someone within this context of culture, society and the world is sustaining conflicting conditions in our lives, conditions of disorder.

So, the problems are innumerable when we are living within this regime, which is the regime of the “I,” of the ego, the regime of the person. We hardly ever question this. We rarely come across a challenge of the kind we are presenting to you here. The challenge is to investigate the nature of this “I,” this “me,” this personal sense of being someone. We hardly ever question it. As long as we don't question it, we remain within this model. When we begin to question it, when we begin to investigate it, to look closely at it, something new begins to happen, a change begins to take place.

So, this structure of life as we know is the ordinary life, the routine life of the vast majority of people around us. We are repeating, psychologically, internally – internally, psychologically speaking – the pattern of the culture in which we were raised and educated. The team you cheer for, you've learned that. Your political views, right or left-leaning, you've learned, you've acquired.

So, throughout your life, you have an education, you receive an education. In reality, it's an education in culture, in propaganda. So, we root for a certain team, we're from this or that political party, we have this or that model of religious belief. So, the religion to which we belong is something from culture, something from family, something from inherited tradition.

What we're saying here is easy to observe in yourself. You have the language of tradition, of culture, you have the way of behaving and doing things based on imitation, copying, and repeating patterns. The model of thought is one of propaganda, of feeling, of emotion, sensation, and of ways of experiencing life. You see, all of this is part of a program, a model. So, this conditioning of behavior, of feeling, of emotion, of thought, of life model, this is something inherent in each one of us, it's something present in all of us.

What is the truth about who we are? Since we are this model, since we are replicating this pattern, all this modeling is happening, taking place, and repeating itself. We are repeating the pattern of our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, we are repeating the pattern of the culture of the country where we were born. Psychologically, we are human creatures loaded with envy, jealousy, ambition, contradictory, conflicting desires, and innumerable fears. So, you see, this is all part of this “me” model. Note that, all of this is part of this pattern of identity that we assume we are, that we believe we are, that we think we are.

So, it is natural that something like a speech like this might scare us a little, or perhaps it will actually awaken us to something that we already suspect internally. Is there something beyond that? Beyond this model of an anxious, anguished, tedious, depressed, suffering, bored existence, with a few brief moments of pleasure, satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, emotional, sentimental fulfillment – but a large part of our lives consists of problems of all kinds, of various kinds of suffering.

Is there anything beyond all this, beyond this condition that has been, has shown itself to be, our lives today? That's what we're dealing with here: the Truth of understanding oneself, of studying oneself, of verifying oneself here and now; understanding something here, outside of this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of the person, of the ego, outside of all this, which is all this conditioning of society, of culture, of the world, of the history of humanity, of propaganda. To discover the Truth about this is to have the opportunity to go beyond it.

Awakening to your Real Identity, to your Real Nature, to your Real Being, to That which is here, but which is beyond this body, this mind and this social, religious, philosophical, political structure, family tradition, discovering That which is here and which transcends all this is the discovery of Divine Truth, it is the discovery of God's Truth, it is the realization of the Reality that is beyond all this movement.

So, let's put it this way: we have all this movement that we've just described, this is the movement that we know, that we're familiar with, and here we're talking to you about Something outside all this. If there is Something outside all this, it's not part of this known movement. We are dealing with something that is the Unknown.

Something that is the Unknown has no name, so it is Nameless. It is the Unknown, it has no name, so it is Indescribable. That is the Divine Reality. So, when we use the expression “God” here, we are referring to this Reality, this Divine Reality of your Being, of your Essential Nature, of the Essential Truth of each one of us. When people ask: “What is the Awakening of Consciousness?” It is the Awakening of Reality.

What we have as “consciousness” is within the known. This so-called “human consciousness,” the consciousness of the “I,” this whole set, all the psychological conditioning, all this is part of this structure. So, we are bringing today and manifesting in the world a condition of existence that when you look at the world, you see all the confusion, all the disorder, all the suffering present, all the problems present in all areas of our lives. All of this is present because of this condition, which is the condition of the “I,” of the ego, of this illusory identity.

You might ask: “And all this that is happening, all this that is happening, all this suffering, confusion, turmoil, all this that you've just described, where is it all happening?” That's what we need to find out here together.

When there is the Awakening of the Truth of this Real Being, of this Real Consciousness, all this that we are seeing is within a dream, the dream of an existence separate from Real Life, Real Consciousness, Real Divine Identity. So, the Awakening of True Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment, God-Realization. You see, here we are using terms that people know, but with a meaning that perhaps is totally different from what they know, from what they have heard or read out there. We're talking about a Reality that, when it's present, this dream of the world loses all importance, all appreciation, all sense of reality.

Notice that when you dream, you have a sense of reality, but it's the sense of reality of a dreamer. In this life, which is the life centered on the “I,” in this old, old model of conditioning, where the vast majority of people are today situating themselves as being “someone” within the experience of life, of living, this is exactly the condition. It is the condition of a dream in which the dreamer is present in “his dream of the world.”

The awareness of the Truth of this Being, of this Divine Reality that we are, is the Awakening to a new Consciousness, the awareness of the Reality that is present when this sense of “I,” of the ego, which is this dreamer, is no longer present. So, there's a new way of dealing with the dream without the dreamer.

Notice how fascinating it is to have a non-intellectual understanding, to have a direct insight so that what you're hearing here resonates within you on a level outside the intellect as, yes, a possibility, a reality possible, something beyond a mere intellectual understanding or conviction, a certainty from within, and showing that what we're putting here is something outside the known, yes, but it's something that resonates within you as a possible Reality. And this is very simple, because this is the Reality of your Being, of That which is You.

To become aware of this Reality is to assume your Natural State of Being-Consciousness-Happiness in life. That is the Nature of this Being, this Real Identity, this Real Truth, this Divine Truth that we carry. This Natural State is described by the ancient Sages of India. This Natural State of Being, outside of this model of conditioning that we've just described to you here, is recognized as the Turiya State.

Turiya is a fourth state. Beyond this waking state, where this conditioning model is, which is, actually, a dream in which this dreamer, which is the “I,” the ego is present. Beyond that dream state, which is the one we have at night when we sleep and experience a world similar to this one. There we are facing a dream and the presence of a dreamer who doesn't question the validity, the veracity, the truth of that world, of that oneiric existence. Notice that it's like this: the dreamer never questions whether or not it's a dream, he's living in his own particular world, a dream world, created and produced by the dreamer himself. So, this is the dream state. Then there's the state of deep sleep. So, there are three states: the waking state, dreaming, and deep sleep.

Here on the channel, we've been talking about this Turiya State. We have several videos here going into this in depth. So, the states we know in this egoic state of being someone present in this model of consciousness, of conditioning, are wakefulness, dreaming, and deep sleep. But here we are referring to a fourth possible state, which is Turiya: your Natural State of Being, free from the sense of “I,” from the ego and therefore free from the identity present, which is the egoic identity, in this waking state, in this dream state and temporarily forgotten in the state of deep sleep.

The Reality of this Being that we are, of this Divine Truth that we bring is the fourth state of Consciousness, it is your Natural State of Being. So, here, when we refer to Turiya State, to the fourth state of Consciousness, we are referring to this Natural Divine State, where there is a life free of all these complications, all these problems, all forms of suffering as we know, because we are facing That which is Nameless, Indescribable, it is the Truth of the Unknown.

So, what is Spiritual Awakening? It is the Awakening of this fourth state. It is the Truth of your Being revealing itself, free of suffering, complications, dilemmas, conflicts, contradictions, and actions centered on this sense of ego-identity. Your Natural State of Being is Love, is Freedom, is Happiness.

So, that's our work with you here on this channel. In addition, we have online meetings at weekends, you can find our link to take part in these meetings here in the video description. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If this makes sense to you, please leave a “like” and subscribe to our channel. If you watch the videos and haven't subscribed yet, take the opportunity to subscribe now. And we'll see you. Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

February, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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