March 22, 2024

Human relationship | We mistake satisfaction for happiness | This psychological conditioning

Our behavior in search of answers to life's problems, to the various problems present in our lives, is very curious. What is the truth about these problems? Where is the solution for all of them? How to solve problems? These human relationship problems of ours… What are these problems? Where are they actually based? What is the Real way we have to approach life, so that life flows with this Freedom, with this Lightness, with this Softness that we so much desire to have? Because all of this is very clear: we all want some kind – not Happiness, because we don’t know what Happiness is – but we are in search of some kind of happiness. And I say that we don't know it because we mistake satisfaction for happiness. We are all in search of some level of satisfaction and, through satisfaction, to have an encounter with an idealized happiness, an ideological happiness.

The search for love is another thing, it is something present in human beings. There is something in this word that enchants us, that touches us on a certain level… but on what level does it actually touch us? At what level, in fact, does this happen for each of us? For us, love is fulfillment, pleasure, caress, affection. It's something that warms us, embraces us, fulfills us, but notice: we're still talking about some kind of satisfaction. We link the word love to satisfaction, and it seems that this love we have found until now, in this format that we have just described, always turns out to be, in the end, something incomplete. Then, incompleteness of this love soon shows itself as a new dissatisfaction. So, the satisfaction of this love in the beginning is no longer that satisfaction in the end, it is dissatisfaction. And we are back in search of a new love or what we believe love to be.

We need to investigate all of this; we need to get closer to ourselves, how we internalize experiences, how we experience thoughts linked to these experiences we go through. The awareness of it, the Understanding of it, the Consciousness of it, can give us the key to the Truth of the end of human suffering, of suffering of each one of us. That can give us the key to Freedom, to Real Happiness, to Real Love. So, first of all, here we are dealing with you, not with the achievement of what we idealize, but with the investigation of the illusion, this illusion of how we configure all of this, internalize all of this, how we elaborate all of this within ourselves.

Thus, the most essential thing for all of us in life is to study what is happening to us. You need to know how you, internally, function, how thoughts are processed, feelings, emotions, sensations, this particular way of perceiving others, experiences, and life. Studying oneself is Self-Awareness! Understanding how you function is the foundation for living in Wisdom. When there is Wisdom, we have the Presence of Truth. Notice how singular this thing is: without Wisdom there is no Truth and without Truth there is no Love. When there is no Love – because there is no Wisdom, because there is no Truth – our life is confused and disoriented. We are alienated from Divine Truth, which is the Truth of our Being.

Our Real Being – here I refer to the Truth of this Real Being we are, not of this psycho-physical figure that is sustained by thoughts, emotions, feelings, and sensations, in this central idea that is “me and the body,” “me and my story ”… I do not refer to this psycho-physical being; I refer to the Truth of this Being – the Revelation of this Truth is the expression of Divine Consciousness. This Divine Consciousness is, by nature, Love, Peace, Intelligence, Freedom, and Wisdom. If this is present, there is no suffering, there is no confusion, there is no disorder, and there is no ignorance.

I know it sounds challenging for all of us to hear this here, that you were born for Happiness, you were born for Love, you were born for the Awareness of Wisdom. When we look at the world, we perceive exactly the opposite of this; the opposite within this particular, still limited vision thought has. Because what we see in the world, in terms of the positioning of personal identity, this identity of the “I,” this psycho-physical being in the relationship with others, with itself, with life, is confusion, suffering, disorder, and fear.

So, the condition of the world centered on this illusion of egoic identity, is a condition of suffering, a condition of problem. Becoming aware of the Truth of your Being, getting rid of this illusion, becoming aware of What You Are, discovering that this idea of being born, of being living and heading towards death, carrying a particular center – which is the “I,” separate from the other, separate from the world, separate from life, separate from God – becoming aware of this is the end to this illusion. Here, it is about illusion. If this illusory condition remains, suffering remains due to ignorance: there is no Truth, there is no Love, and there is no Wisdom. Learning to look at all this internal movement within you – which is the movement of the “I,” which is made up of images, memories, remembrances, beliefs, concepts, prejudices, a viewpoint of culture, race, of humanity – to become aware of this movement of mental conditioning, of conditioning of the mind.

The presence of this psychological conditioning is sustaining in each of us this sense of separation and, therefore, of conflict. Lost as we are within a religious, philosophical, spiritualist principle of political culture, having a model of thinking, feeling, acting with everyone around us, our actions are mere egocentric activities, without any Freedom, because they are actions already predetermined by a background of psychological conditioning. We are aggressive, violent, jealous, ambitious... Our actions are motivated by desire, by fear, by the search for the continuity of existence of this illusory identity, which seeks its continuity in thought.

Notice how interesting it is to investigate this. Thought within you is always projecting the future. In this future, it wants to become something, to achieve something. Observe: it's just a game of your own thinking. Obviously, it creates a thinker behind that thought, but it is thought itself in movement. This thinker is the “I,” and this “I” consists only of remembrances, of memories, it is not a fixed identity. This thinker is thought itself, so thought creates the thinker. Thought projects itself into this idea of someone who is the thinker, to achieve something, to obtain something, to accomplish something. All this is the search for the continuity of the ego. So, we are always creating more confusion, more disorder, more suffering in the world because of all this egocentric, selfish behavior, where we are always moving in this self-centeredness.

These actions centered in the “I” are ego activities. To perpetuate itself, to maintain its continuity, it is in search of its purposes and goals. So, we are creatures centered on ourselves, separate from others, separate from life, separate from the world, acting in an egocentric way, in an action already programmed by this egoistic center. We are repeating, replicating, maintaining the same format of attitude, of action in the world that our ancestors had. We are practicing the same model of action they practiced. Thus, we are just continuing this old model.

Is it possible to awake from this condition? Notice that it is a dream condition, a dream of an identity present. There is no present identity, there is only this continuity, this maintenance, this perpetuation of this egocentric movement, sustaining the condition of a world in contradiction, in suffering, in this apparent, illusory model of separation, separation from God, separation from life. All of this is within this dream, which is the dream of the “I,” of the ego.

The invitation within these meetings is to come closer to the Truth of this Being, the Understanding of What We Are. It is the end to this psychological condition of someone present within living, within experience, seeking something to complete oneself in this so-called “search” for something to be, in this illusion of becoming. Because the Truth of What is, is That which is pure Being, here and now. However, this is not within the model of the dream, within the project of the dream, within this condition that thought sustains. This is outside of thought. So, when thought stops – I refer to this thought model of psychological conditioning, which is this whole inheritance of human culture we have received – when that stops, we have Something new present. This Something new is the Presence of this Being, which is the Divine Truth of each one of us. This Truth of each one of us is the Truth of the whole, the Truth of God.

We are working on this here with you in online meetings on weekends. We have a very direct way of approaching this subject with questions, answers, investigating, exploring, looking closer at all of this. It is essential to awake and discover the Truth about all of this. This is the end of the dream. Something new is present, it is the Reality of your Being! So, you can find our WhatsApp link in the video description to participate in these online meetings that take place on weekends. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. I want to leave this invitation here to you. I want to remind you, if this is something that makes sense to you, write it down here in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense.” And please, leave your like here and subscribe to the channel. OK? Let's work on this together. Here's the invitation and see you. Thanks for the meeting and until next time.

March, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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