March 23, 2024

Spiritual Awakening | Thought and memory | The Truth of Meditation | Real Meditation

The question here is: what do we want? What do most of us want? In a confusing world, in disorder, in this restlessness that our mind has been dealing with the experiences of life, with the experiences in this world, having to face these challenges of this chaotic and confusing world in which we find ourselves, what does most of us really want? We desire peace, we desire happiness, and we desire love, but it is a kind of peace, happiness, and love.

This video, these speeches, this channel, here we are with you in all these meetings – in this, in all the other meetings we have had here, and that we will have from now on –, exploring this question: the question of this encounter with the Truth about ourselves. There is no awareness about this, and for the vast majority, there is no interest in discovering the Truth about it; and, however, the vast majority are yearning for a peace, for a happiness, for a love that they idealize, that they believe exists.

Here we are working on this, presenting to you the Truth of the possibility of Love, not this “love” that people, we human beings, idealize. The Truth of Happiness, not the idealism of “happiness” as people believe they can find, as well as the Truth of Peace.

For us, peace – within this idealism that people have about the need for peace and what they believe to be peace – is simply a moment where there is no conflict, where there is no disturbance within a relationship. At that moment, there is the presence of this idealized “peace.” This is not peace we are talking about here.

The presence of “love” is when there is affection, care, exchange of satisfaction, pleasure, in the relationship we call this “love.” So, in this mutual encounter of pleasurable, satisfying satisfaction, linked to sentimental, emotional, affective pleasure, we are naming this “love.” So, the idealization of the encounter with love is the encounter with that. Note that this represents mere sensation, an emotional sensation, a physical sensation.

When we talk about the Truth of Love here with you, we are talking about something else; just like the Truth of Peace, we are talking about something else.

And as for “happiness,” for most people, it consists of achieving projects, dreams, and desires. So, achievement gives you a temporary completeness, a momentary satisfaction. Happiness, in general, is confused with satisfaction. So, the truth about the pursuit of happiness, for most people, is just a pursuit of satisfaction. As for love, it is the search for satisfaction, and the search for peace, a search for satisfaction.

Here we always address to you, in this meeting and in the other meetings we have here, that once we are aware of the Truth of this Being, this Divine Reality that we carry, we are faced with the awareness of Love, Peace, and Bliss. However, this does not represent anything that thought has constructed around this subject. In fact, thought can never approach the Truth of Love, because thought does not reach something outside itself.

Thought is circumscribed by its own model of life, its own model of existence, its own model of appearance. Everything we know is within this model, which is the model constructed by thought. Thus, our ideas about Truth, about God, as well as our ideas about Freedom, about Love, about Happiness, about Peace, all of these are ideas within this context, which is the context of thought.

The Reality that we deal here with you is Something that is beyond thought, that Divine Reality of this Being that we are when we are no longer tied to this movement, which is the movement of thought. Thus, when thought ceases, there is Something present that is not within that context of what thought formulates, is not part of what thought knows.

Thus, when we deal with Love, Happiness, Peace, when we deal with the Reality of God, the Truth of this Being, we are touching Something that is possible to be verified by each one of us, but it is not possible to be described by the brain, by the thinker, by thought, by the experiencer with his experience, by the one who feels with his feeling.

Note that, in general, our idea and feeling are linked to the presence of a thinker, an experiencer, and someone present in that feeling. So, it is always personal – invariably it is like this – the proposal we receive given by thought for the realization of that which, in truth, is beyond thought, is always personal.

How to find Happiness? How to find Peace? How to realize the Truth of God? These questions cannot be answered by thought. It is not within thought that you find the solution to the problem, which is the person's problem. The person's problem, which is the problem of the “I,” this “me,” this ego, is exactly the absence of the Truth of Peace, Happiness, Love, Freedom.

So, this matter here is our subject. We are working on this, pointing out, signaling, showing you. The Truth of What We Are entails a quality of life, an entirely new condition of existence, where acting, feeling, thinking, a new way of moving in life is present. It is present because of the Revelation of That which is Indescribable, of That which is Nameless, of That which is beyond thought.

Therefore, we need to investigate the nature of the Truth about ourselves, the nature of this “I,” this “me,” this feeling, this thinking, this acting within different purposes, within different intentions to, in this life, achieve something. We first need to understand the nature of the “I,” that which seeks, then we will understand that this search is just a movement of self-projection of itself, of that same model of identity that is looking for something, but which is the “I” itself in projection, is the ego itself in its self-projection. And everything it projects is within thought.

Look at yourself and you will see this very clearly. Your entire life model is based on thought. Everything you know about yourself, everything you know about others, everything you know about life, everything you know is part of what thought has established within you as memory. Thus, all knowledge in us is memory, and all experience that we can report, describe, explain, everything we go through and can describe as our known life is something that is part of thought, experience, and memory.

So, what constitutes this “I”? This “I” is a memory. Your name is a memory, your story is a memory; So are your projects, your goals, dreams, ideals, your beliefs, your disbeliefs, the good experiences and the bad experiences, all of this is within this memory, this known model, which is the model of thought.

We cannot find what is present here, outside of the known, therefore, outside of thought. What is this that is present outside of thought, outside of the known? It is the Reality that is beyond time. The thought in us, which is memory, is history. The experience in us, which is memory, is history. Goals, projects, dreams in us are part of thought, which is memory, which is history. All of this is within time.

Thus, the ideal of happiness is within time, of love is within time, of peace is within time, of freedom is within time. And what is this that is found here, that is outside of time, that cannot, therefore, be found, because it is already present? The present Reality, which is outside of time, which cannot be found, is the Reality of Being.

You can describe who you are. The entire description of who you are refers to this memory that thought formulates based on the thinker you believe you are. So, this “I” is made up of memory, which is thought, which is this thinker, which is this history, and all of this is within time. But this is not the Truth about You, it is what you manifest yourself to be, what you appear to be, what you demonstrate to be.

So, first of all, you demonstrate that you are this and you idealize yourself to be that. So, observe, that which you were is a thought, that which you are is a thought, that which you want to be is a thought. So, what do most people want? What they want is within the model of thought formulation. So, all of this is part of this model, which is the “I” model, which is the ego model, which is the time model. Why is all this within time? Because this can only exist as thought. So thought is time. It's very simple.

There is no thought present in you at this moment that is not coming from the past. So, this past is time, therefore thought is time. This is what we have called psychological time here. It is in psychological time that the identity of the “I” resides. The “I,” the ego, this center, this “me,” this sense of being “someone” resides in time, and it is in time that one projects what one wants to achieve. It is in time that one projects what one also wants to get rid of. From fear, the ego wants to get rid of; of pleasure, the ego wants to achieve; from suffering, the “I,” the ego wants to get rid of, but from satisfaction, which it calls “happiness,” it wants to achieve.

So, it's always within time that this whole project resides. This movement in time is a psychological movement in this psychological time. “I am not, but I will be,” “I do not have, but I will have,” all of this resides in time, moves in time, while Reality is outside of time.

Our approach here is for the Truth about Self-Awareness and a direct vision of what Meditation is, because when there is this vision of the Truth of what we are here, in that instant, we have the awareness of Self-Knowledge. And when there is this awareness of Self-knowledge, we have the end to this psychological condition of time, this “reaching,” this “getting rid of.” Then, time ends, and when time ends, the awareness of Being Pure Consciousness is Revealed; then, we have the Truth of Meditation, the Revelation of Meditation.

So, we are interested here in looking at this, looking at the end of this psychological condition of being “someone” who resides in time, who lives in time. Your name, your story, your identity, your desires, your dreams, your projects, as well as your anguish, your frustrations, your conflicts, contradictions, your fears, all of this is part of this “someone,” this sense of being “someone,” of this model of being “someone” within living, within this experience. This is all within this time.

In this chronological time, your body has aged; and in this psychological time, your thoughts have projected an identity. So, the body, in this chronological time, is moving towards the end, and this psychological sense of an identity that is supported by thought – I refer to this “I” – is what seeks continuity. It's something that is always searching for something, so there is this dissatisfaction, this incompleteness, there is this whole sense of existential void. This is what explains all our bonds of attachment, because the sense of “I,” of the ego, seeks its continuity in what it acquires psychologically.

So, we also have this fantasy, the fantasy of the continuity of a present identity; present in what you own, in what you have, in what you have achieved, in what you control, in what is yours. This is all part of the illusion of “I.” The end to all this is in the vision of the Truth of your Being, in the Realization of Divine Truth. Becoming aware of this is Realizing This right now. The Truth of your Being is already Love, Peace, and Bliss. That which You are is not in time, it is not in the body, it is not in the mind and it is not in the world. The Revelation of this is the Truth of the Awakening of Consciousness – some call it Spiritual Awakening.

So, this is our subject discussed here with you, within these meetings. We have online meetings on the weekends – you can find our WhatsApp link in the video description to participate in these meetings. We have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. Here is an invitation for you. And if this is something that makes sense to you, leave it here in the comments: “It makes sense!” Ok? And leave your like, subscribe to the channel and we'll see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

March, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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