March 29, 2024

Complicated life | The Truth about who we are | Egoic identity, egocentric interest

It seems that there is this need in us to find something. Something that connects us to a new condition of life, a new condition of existence. So, there is this so-called “search,” “search for God.” Some people call this “encountering God” or “the yearning to reach God.” See how curious our approach to all of this is. People have the question: “How to know God? How to find God? How can we carry out this search for God?” Notice, human beings are really looking for something beyond themselves. There is dissatisfaction in us. We do not investigate the nature of this dissatisfaction; we formulate the idea of an encounter. It's like the idea of a finished cake missing the icing: it seems like the cake is perfect, just the icing is missing. In our idea we only need to add the presence of God to our lives, but we do not investigate what it is that we call “our lives.”

So, the idea of finding God, of knowing God without first knowing who we are, of finding ourselves, of becoming aware of the Truth about who we are: this is where all our confusion lies. Having an approach to the Truth of God requires us to be Aware of the Truth of the “I,” of this “me,” therefore we are faced with something impossible. We can, at most, have the report of the saints, of the Sages who realized the Truth. Then, we go to the scriptures and we start repeating what they said, but what we actually need, each one of us, is a direct experience. We can spend a lifetime theorizing about what they did, who they were, what they lived, what they experienced, and we will only be reporting concepts, ideas, and beliefs. What we need is our own experience of this Reality, the Reality of God, the Reality of this Being.

So, becoming aware of this is something that only becomes possible when, first, we are aware of the truth about who we are. Thus, Self-Awareness is the basis for the Awakening of Truth, for the Awakening of Wisdom, for the Awakening of God. Thus, what is this Realization of God? What is this Real knowing God? What is this Real discovering God? It is the acknowledgement of Reality, the only Reality present, when the sense of the “I,” this “me,” this ego, this person as we believe ourselves to be, is no longer present. So, notice: the Reality of God is only possible when the “I” is not present. Thus, it is impossible to have this “marriage,” it is impossible to have this cake – which is what we present ourselves to be, what we demonstrate to be – with this topping, which is the Divine Reality, which is the Reality of God. What we present ourselves to be is disorder, confusion, suffering, ambition, envy, desire, fear, egocentrism, jealousy, possession, attachment... This sense of an “I” present is confusion, this icing cannot cover this cake.

The Presence of Truth is the only Reality; it is What is present when there is no longer this “I,” when there is no longer this old and ancient condition of egocentric identity, of egoic identity. That is why without Self-Awareness, we do not have the basis for the Revelation of this Divine Truth. Self-awareness brings you closer to this art of Being Consciousness, which is the Revelation of what Meditation is. Meditation is What is present when there is an emptying of all that content that gives this formation, that gives this basis for this cake. A complete emptying of all this egoic content is needed. We are conditioned to feel, think, and act within the same model as our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and all those who came before us. We are today what humanity is.

For millennia, human beings have been living in this dissatisfaction, in this non-completeness, in this condition of internal restlessness. So, the idea is to be taken out of ourselves into something great, extraordinary, into an experience. That's the imagination, that's the idea: being taken out of ourselves into something much richer, deeper... However, that doesn't happen. Then, this yearning of man, of human beings, is not really the yearning for God. Life is tedious, suffering, distressing, violent, scared, poor, and unhappy. We have moments of pleasure, of fulfillment, of temporary satisfaction in achievements – like a new marriage, a house, a job, the birth of the first child, all these kinds of things we know – which are temporary, transitory, passing moments of satisfactions we have, of achievements that do not fulfill us. We have that, but, in general, our life is a complicated life, full of problems.

So, human beings long for something beyond that, for something outside of that, for something that can bring them a completeness that they do not find, or have not found until today, in these things. Then, they talk about this encounter with God, about knowing God, but note: this knowing God is the Revelation that God is the only Reality present, when this model of existence, of separate identity, of ego-identity, is no longer present. Thus, all we need is the Revelation of Self-Awareness, this Awareness of Being Pure Consciousness, which is Meditation. Here, I refer to the Truth of Real Meditation, something we are unaware of. Real Meditation is not what people out there call “meditation,” to achieve targets, to achieve objectives. It is nothing like that! It is exactly the emptying of all this content of egoic identity, with its diverse egocentric interest, with its ambitious searches for external achievements to fulfill itself in that.

So, Something new arises, Something new reveals itself, when the Truth of this Being, which is the Divine Nature of each of us, has this freedom to arise. Then, becoming aware of the movement of the ego, of the “I,” discovering what it is to be aware of it without resisting, without fighting, without doing something… Then, the mind goes through a process of change, this brain goes through a process of change, this body, this mechanism, goes through a process of transformation. Thus, this Truth of the Revelation of God shows itself. That is Realizing God in this life, it is Realizing the Truth of your Being in this life. Observing how thought works – this model of thinking is something very revealing – becoming aware that a thought arises due to a stimulus, whether external or internal. To be aware that this thought arises due to a memory, a remembrance, something that is coming at this moment, showing itself at this moment; and when that shows itself, there is a conditioning present in each one of us, which is the conditioning of the presence of that thinker, which is something that arises with that thought, to control thought.

Here, we already have a way of getting closer to this Self-Awareness: becoming aware of how thought works within you. A thought arises, it is something that comes from the past. You don't have one single thought going on that isn't a reaction, a memory response, something from the past. When this appears, already included, along with this, there comes the illusion of an identity that is the thinker, the experiencer, the one who has kept this experience, and at that moment you are captured again by this personal center that is the “I,” the ego. Perceiving this movement of duality “thought and thinker” is becoming aware of the sense of the ego, of this identity present. You need to discover what it is to look at this identity. Notice: it is something that requires attention right now. This energy of attention makes you immediately aware of this movement of thought and the presence of this “I,” who likes or doesn't like thought, who wants to do something with that thought, wants to get rid of that thought, or wants to get attached to that thought. By doing this, again, we are giving identity to the sense of a present person, which is the identity of the “I,” the ego. And doing so, we are separating ourselves from life, separating ourselves from the whole of Existence.

So, we are continually reaffirming the sense of an identity present, which is the ego when a thought arises, when a feeling arises, when an emotion arises, when a specific way of perceiving an experience arises. At this moment, we always bring the illusion of an identity, which is the identity of the “I,” of the ego. Thus, our psychological life constitutes a life centered on the past, we are always moving through life in a reactive way. Then, our speech, our actions, the expression of feelings and emotions are present at this moment due to this condition of the past, something that is present at this moment, which we mistake ourselves for due to the unconsciousness of this entire process. So, when a thought, a feeling, an emotion, something coming from the past arises, we are constantly reacting. Our action at that moment is an action that comes from the past, our response to this present moment is a response that comes from the past; it finds an identity here, which is the identity of the “I,” of the ego, and this is how we are responding. When this happens, and it happens to all of us, we are always in the illusion of this center, this “I,” this ego.

That is being alienated from the totality of life; it is the non-awareness of the truth of the movement of the “I” when it arises. Notice that, in your head, you are always in the past or the future, in what you did or what you want to do. And this present moment, in it you are always expressing these thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are coming from the past, without ever being aware of the entire process. The awareness of this requires attention to this moment. This attention on this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” is Self-Awareness. Perceiving a thought, a feeling, an emotion, perceiving the way of feeling, speaking, responding within an action, bringing awareness of Consciousness at this moment, is breaking this condition of unconsciousness, of mechanical and unconscious repetition of the egoic movement. So, Self-Awareness is the basis for the Truth of Meditation here and now. This is the end of this past, it is the end of the continuity of this thinker, the one who feels, this emotional one, this agent, this “I,” this ego.

We go deeper into this here; we have a playlist here on the channel about the Truth of Self-Awareness and Real Meditation. Becoming aware of what Self-Awareness is, what Real Meditation is, bringing this to your life here and now, is going beyond this condition of egoic life, to the Truth of the acknowledgement that God is the Reality present when this “I,” this ego is not present. Thus, this is our work here with you within this channel. It's not about finding God. It's about verifying the Reality of the Truth that is God, here and now. We are working on this with you here, in online meetings on the weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link here to participate in these meetings that take place on weekends. We have face-to-face meetings, we have retreats… So, I want to leave here an invitation for you to deepen this, work on this, become aware of this. OK? If this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave it here in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense!” Please, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. OK? Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

March, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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