April 26, 2024

How to get rid of thoughts? Turiya, the fourth state. The meaning of life. Spiritual Awakening.

The point is that we don't seem to understand the meaning of all this. Here I refer to life. What is the meaning of life? What are these problems that we face every day? Why are they here, why are they present? There is something here that we must have a very clear, very vivid, very direct, very real approach to. We are in life and we have a challenge in life: it is to comprehend what we are, what you are within this context. The non-comprehension of this is what has established all forms of disorientation, complication, suffering, and disorder in our lives.

The point is that we are in life to have a Comprehension of ourselves. Note, people sometimes ask: what is the meaning of life? Yes, we need to Comprehend the meaning of life, as long as this comprehension is not verbal, intellectual. All our efforts in the search for understanding, for a comprehensive approach to something, in general, are merely intellectual, and this is not the way to approach life. We cannot approach life intellectually, through words. So, if my purpose is to listen to something about life or read something about life, it remains on an intellectual level. There is only one way to get closer to the Truth of the meaning of life.

What is the meaning of life? If that is the question, there is only one way to get closer to this: it is by living, having a direct experience of Reality, which is living. Intellectually, verbally, through words, all we have are symbols, images. We are very attached to verbal formulations, descriptions, concepts, models of ideas – this explains all this pattern in us of being very easily attached to beliefs. So, we go from this belief to that other belief, from this model to that other model; then, intellectually, we are always established on beliefs. The point is that understanding from beliefs, concepts, words, ideas, is not Comprehension.

So, let's see here, clearly, what is the difference between having a Comprehension of the Truth about who we are, which represents the Comprehension of the Truth of what living is and, therefore, the Real meaning of life – perceiving the difference between this and the purely intellectual approach is fundamental. Thus, it is not about, intellectually, spiritually – in the sense that people give to that word out there – or philosophically, or theoretically, theologically, having a Comprehension of What is the Truth that we are and the Truth about who God is.

So, for many, having a comprehension of the meaning of life is having a religious approach, but religious in the sense of this well-known spirituality, which we hear about every day, religious practices, religious systems, or theological beliefs. Therefore, it’s not that either. The Truth of the Comprehension of Life lies in the Comprehension of how we function, the Comprehension of how our mind works. The Comprehension of What you are, is the Comprehension of what Life is.

For us there is this “my life” and “life,” so we talk about life as something separate from who we are. “Let’s understand philosophical life,” “let’s understand divine life,” “let’s understand spiritual life,” “let’s understand the life of relationships, of human relationships,” “let’s understand professional life” … We divide life, then there is this “I” and there is life; there is “my life,” “your life,” the “divine life,” the “human life,” the “spiritual life,” the “philosophical life,” the “professional life” … Then, we are dividing, dividing everything.

And here we are telling you something that may sound quite challenging: there is only one Life and that Life is you in your Being. That Being that is you, being the Reality of Life, includes all these other aspects of Manifestation, of Existence. Comprehending this, not the search for a particular understanding of one of these aspects of this so-called “life,” “religious life,” “spiritual life,” “human life,” “professional life,” but the Comprehension of Life, the Comprehension of this living, is the Comprehension of the Divine Reality. Because the Unique Life present is the Life of God, of that nameless, indescribable thing, which is beyond this dream.

Notice – as we have been talking about here, we have several videos on the channel showing you this – what we call “life” in this humanist aspect, is just the dream of an identity that is the “I,” the ego, present, having a private life. So much so that we use the expression “my life.” The point is that there is no “my life,” there is only Life, and that life cannot be personal, private. The life of a center that is the “I” – this “I” sees itself separate from this “you” and sees itself separate from everything around it – this “I” believes to be alive, being someone within the experience of living. All of this needs to be seen, needs to be investigated.

So, to see this, to become clearly aware of this, to investigate this, is to make the Comprehension possible; and when there is Comprehension, we have Liberation, Liberation from this dream of separate identity. There is no sense of an “I” with its life, an “I” within its world, an “I” within its dream, an “I” within its existence, an “I” separate from the other. This “I” is the dream, this “I” is this so-called “my life,” this “I” is this so-called “other.” There is no separation, that's what needs to be seen!

The end to this illusion is Liberation, it is Liberation from the dream, from the dream of the “I.” So, we are in direct contact with the Immensity, the indescribable Reality of Life, which is the Reality of God. Every human problem, every problem of dissatisfaction, of incompleteness, of unhappiness for human beings is exactly in this principle, in this principle of duality, where there is “me and life,” “me and the world,” “me and the other,” “me and my thoughts,” “me and my feelings.”

That keeps us within a psychological condition of existence, where an identity is present, seeing oneself as an agent, someone who is responsible for thoughts, feelings, actions, for the own private life. This pattern of existence is self-centered, it is pure egocentric self-interest. Therefore, our actions are egocentric actions, thoughts are egocentric, desires are egocentric, fear is present because of this egocentrism, anxiety is present because of this pattern, this pattern of envy, of searching for more, of ambition.

So, the psychological condition of the human being is, naturally, of psychological disorder. This is reflected in all areas of this so-called “private life” of this “I.” Will there be an end to this? Is it possible for us to discover a life free from this “I”? And, of course, free from this center that has its particular life in this dream of separate identity? This dream of separate identity places us apart from the Unique Reality, which is the Reality of God.

Here, we are telling you that the approach to Truth, the Comprehension of how you function, the Truth of this, is the Truth of Self-awareness. The Comprehension of this Truth, which is Self-awareness, reveals a Natural State of Being which is Love, Freedom, Happiness, which is your Natural State of Meditation. In this state, this Liberation is present, this Freedom from this dream, from this egocentric life, from this private life, from these different patterns of divisions, representations, and egocentric models of being someone in Existence, at this instant, at this moment.

Here, what we are seeing together is the possibility of One, Unique, and Real Life; not about someone's private life. Perceive the Beauty of what we are saying: this incompleteness of being is the incompleteness of the psychological condition of egoic identity, in the absence of the Revelation of the Real meaning of Life. Work is necessary for each of us. Your appearance in this scenario that we call “human life,” your appearance in this scenario is for a Discovery, it is for an Acknowledgement. I would say that you were born to discover that you were never born, that this is all a dream that ends when the dreamer ends.

It's not that, literally, the dream disappears when that dreamer disappears. If that dreamer disappears, this dream is the Totality of Life, but there is no longer that element that is the “I,” the ego, the dreamer who sees itself as a separate entity from life, creating all these sections, these divisions. Once this has been created by the “I,” being sustained by the “I,” in this self-centeredness, one is unhappy, one is dissatisfied, one is in separation and therefore in conflict. Why do I feel this pain of loneliness? It is the pain of isolationism that the ego has, that the ego carries.

The Reality of your Being is the One, Unique Reality, but it is not isolated, it is not separate. It is the sense of an “I,” of an ego, which sees itself separate, in need of something, of a completeness that it never achieves in external achievements; and because of that, pain is present. So, it doesn't matter if you are famous, rich, powerful; if you are someone, you see yourself separate from what you have, from what you possess, and, therefore, fear is present, suffering is present, the longing for more – which is suffering – is present, the fear of losing what you have or believe you have, is present. Then, it is in this sense of separation that suffering lies in this dream, where the dreamer is the center of its particular dream, of its illusory dream. The end for this dreamer is the end of the “I.”

That’s when all this representation of life, of existence, is a simple dream, but it is not the private dream of the “I,” of the ego; it is the Divine dream, it is the dream of God. Then, a State becomes possible in this Realization when thought ends, when we have the answer to the question “How to get rid of thoughts?” The Comprehension of this answer is the Comprehension of the Real meaning of Life, of the Real Divine Life, of the Real Life of God, for each one of us, because to be moving in thought is to be moving in the dream.

A life beyond the “I” is a life beyond thought, beyond this illusory center of egoic identity. A practical and objective thought still remains: your name, your address, someone's name, professional occupation... all of this requires the presence of thought. That's not what we're talking about, we're talking about the end of the illusion of an identity separate from life. We are talking about the end of the “I,” about the end of the ego, about the end of the illusion of a present identity.

In ancient India, the sages called this State of Being Pure Consciousness, free from this dream, Turiya, the state of Turiya, the fourth possible state. We have several videos here on the channel investigating this with you. This Natural State of Being Pure Consciousness, where there is only one Unique Life, not the life of the “I,” but the Real Life of God, is the state of Turiya, your Natural State. So, you are living beyond the vigil state; beyond the dream state, that dream you have at night, when your body sleeps; and beyond this state of deep sleep. So, there is a fourth possible state, which is the state of Turiya, it is the fourth possible state.

So, this dream state, of sleep and vigil, occurs in this particular dream of the “I,” of the ego. If this dreamer disappears, something new is present, that something new is the Presence of the Reality of your Being. Some also call this “Spiritual Awakening” or “Awakening of Consciousness,” it is your Natural Divine State possible in this life. This is the end of all confusion; it is the end of all suffering.

For this purpose, we have online meetings here, which take place on weekends. It's really something much bigger than a meeting like this one, or two, or three in a video. They take place on weekends; we have two days together. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to participate in these meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If what you have just heard is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel, OK? Please write in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense.” Alright? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and until next time.

March, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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