April 5, 2024

Kundalini Awakening | Kundalini is nothing like that | The sign of Kundalini Awakening | Advaita

What is Kundalini Awakening? Note: in general, people deal with this – all the interest people have about this issue of Kundalini – to know what it can give them, grant them, what it can offer them. So, for most people, the idea of approaching Kundalini is to obtain something. What is the truth about this matter of Kundalini? The word “Kundalini” is actually synonymous with Real Consciousness. It's simply that. As a synonym for Real Divine Presence, which is Real Consciousness – which, by the way, we are unaware of – we have the synonym that is the word “Kundalini.” Therefore, it is not an experience or a phenomenon, or a phenomenon-experience that will give us something like a mystical, spiritual, esoteric power. It's not that. Kundalini is the presence of Real Consciousness within us.

Once this Consciousness finds room to flourish, to assume its place in this body-mind, listen: normally the presence of this Reality, which is Kundalini, despite not being an experience or a phenomenon, can reveal in this body-mind a change and this may represent, indeed, some changes in our physique and psyche, but it only stays at this level. The real change, the real transformation carried out by this Presence – which is the Presence of this Divine Energy, which is Kundalini in us – is the emergence of a New Consciousness. In this New Consciousness, we have something unknown: it is the Presence of the Truth of God. It is not an experience; it is a change in this mechanism, in this organism, in the brain cells themselves so that there is here and now, in this body-mind, the Truth of a Real Intelligence to deal with the present moment, with life as it happens, without conflict, without contradiction, without suffering.

Therefore, what we have in this Revelation, which is the Revelation of Kundalini Awakening, is the presence of Real Consciousness. This true Consciousness within us is not this human consciousness as we know, within this human mind that we live with; it is something unknown, it is something new. We have the unusual presence of What is beyond the egoic mind, the egoic consciousness, human consciousness; it is the Divine Truth. The presence of this Reality in us is the presence of Love, Peace, Freedom, and Happiness. This is the end of selfishness, the end of egocentrism, the end of an egoic, egocentric identity present, which represents the end of fear, anguish, envy, jealousy, and everything so common to this egoic consciousness, which is the ordinary consciousness in us, which is the common consciousness in human beings. So, it is the presence of a new consciousness.

The classic sign of the Awakening of Consciousness is the Truth of Happiness present and the absence of the ego, the absence of the “I.” This is the sign of the Truth of Kundalini Awakening. People say, “Oh, my Kundalini has awakened.” Understand this: “My Kundalini has awakened,” when the presence of this Reality is there, there is no one left to claim anything. There is no one who can awaken Kundalini. There is no Kundalini that can awaken within someone. The Truth of Kundalini is the absence of someone to awaken, the absence of someone awakened.

So, when people use the term “awakened people,” the sense of a person is the sense of an identity that is separate from life, from the other, from existence. The sense of a present person is the sense of a particular, personal, egocentric identity present. This is the sense of the “I,” this “me,” this ego; this does not awaken. The Awakening of Real Consciousness, Kundalini Awakening, is the absence of this person, this “me,” this “I,” this ego. Thus, what is the Truth about Kundalini Awakening? When a new energy assumes this body-mind, something new, unusual, indescribable is present. This is Divine Awakening; this is the Realization of God. It is not someone awakened; it is not a person who has awakened; it is not Kundalini having awakened in someone – it is the Presence of this Being, this Divine Truth.

I know all of this goes against everything that, in general, people are hearing about Kundalini out there; of Kundalini associated with a phenomenon and an experience, heat in the body, sensations, extra-physical perceptions, and all kinds of things. The Awakening of Consciousness does not give you power. The Awakening of Consciousness is the end of someone; it is the Presence of Love. Therefore, Love is the only Truth present, the only Power present, but it is not someone in power, it is not someone with power. It is the power of Truth, the power of Freedom, the power of Grace, the power of Intelligence, the power of Love.

Having a real approach to yourself, becoming aware of all this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” the ego, of this ordinary consciousness – which is the common consciousness, the human, egocentric consciousness – becoming aware of this consciousness, becoming aware of this movement of the “I” is Self-Awareness. When there is work in this direction, it becomes possible to discard this consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I,” which is this ordinary consciousness. So, yes, a work on this body-mind, on this brain, is possible. A process of psychological deconditioning occurs and the cells of the brain itself undergo a change, a profound, significant change, something radical happens in this body-mind. Then, a space opens, something new emerges, there is a profound psycho-physical transformation in that organism when this Divine energy takes over this brain, this heart, this entire organism, this entire mechanism. That’s when we have the Presence of Truth revealing itself, this is Real Kundalini Awakening.

I know this sounds strange to most people who research this subject, who look for explanations about it in books or in the testimony of others who have gone through experiences, experienced psychological as well as physical phenomena, and who treat it as if, in fact, it was Kundalini Awakening. Here, what we are telling you is that it is nothing like that. The emptying of all this psychological content that is the “I,” the ego, the end for this common, egoic, human, ordinary consciousness, where envy, jealousy, fear, ambition, every form of psychological illusion are present, philosophical, religious… The end to all this, the emptying of all this, is a work possible when there is a true approach to Real Meditation, something that becomes possible when there is Self-Awareness. Therefore, without Self-Awareness there is no Real Meditation.

Notice what we are saying here: without the foundation, that is Self-Awareness, we do not have an approach to the Truth of Real Meditation, and Meditation is nothing other than an emptying of all this psychological content of egoic identity. Then, work becomes possible in this mechanism, in this body-mind, with the emptying of all this content of the “I,” this egoic content, through the awareness of Self-observation, which ends the model of duality, of separation of this “I” with its experiences, of this thinker with its thoughts, of the one who feels with one’s feelings, of the one who experiences, accumulates and stores experiences in this memory background and who, therefore, is based on the past. This past is the “I,” the “me,” the ego, with all its experiences, with all its particular vision of the world.

All of this needs to be emptied, all of this needs to disappear because there is no such identity present, there is no such “I” present here, at this instant, in this experience. There is no “I,” “me,” the ego, just a set of conclusions, beliefs, remembrances, memories and stored experiences, forming to this so-called “human consciousness,” “the consciousness of the person.” Observing the entire movement of the “I,” this entire movement of this personal consciousness is Self-Awareness. To have an approach to this is to get closer to the Truth, to the Revelation of true Meditation, which is not a practice, a technique, a system of quieting the mind by sitting in a certain place and relaxing, trying to silence thought, forcing thought to disappear, in this attempt to silence the brain, to quiet the mind through a technique, through a practice, to obtain a certain stillness, a certain psychological, mental peace. This is not Meditation. Or this meditation technique, that's not what we're talking about here. We are talking about the Truth about Real Meditation.

Here it is an emptying of this psychological content of the “I,” the ego, this “me.” So, there is a clear vision of the illusion of this thinker with thought, this experiencer with experience, this one who lives the phenomenon, reserves and keeps this phenomenon as one’s experience – which is just memory. Contact with the Reality of Real Meditation is the emptying of all this through Self-Awareness. Self-Awareness is present when there is attention to this entire movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of the “I” itself. So, in a natural way, without any technique, without any practice, without any act of volition or personal desire and, therefore, egocentric, it naturally happens, this energy of Consciousness assumes the work in this body-mind, operating a change, an alteration in the brain, in the body, in this structure. This is Awakening, the flowering of this Divine Energy that is present, which is Kundalini.

This is the Truth of Kundalini Awakening: What is present when the ego, when the “I” is not present. So, What is here is Liberation in this life; it is the end of the illusion of this sense of egoic identity, where there is this model of separation, of duality. This is the Revelation of What the sages call Advaita, non-separation. Notice, there is a very intimate relationship between the Revelation of the Truth about Advaita and Kundalini Awakening. Where there is the Presence of Real Consciousness we have the Truth of Advaita, of non-duality, which is Kundalini. So, they are different words pointing to the very same thing: Advaita, Real Consciousness and Kundalini. The Reality of your Being is Love, this is the Truth of the Awakening of God, of the Awakening of your Being, which is Happiness, which is Peace.

In these meetings of ours that take place here, as well as online – on weekends we have online meetings – we are presenting this to you, delving deeper into it with you, exploring this with you. There is something present in online meetings that we don't have in these videos. We have the opportunity, through questions, answers, a moment of Silence, of getting closer to the Truth of Meditation, to work on this together, within a weekend – different from a 25 or 30-minute video. Having an approach to the Truth about who we are requires a work on ourselves, the work to discard all the illusion of this personal sense, which is the sense of the “I,” the ego, of this “me.”

Then, the Truth about the Awakening of Consciousness is the Truth of the Awakening of your Being, which is Kundalini. This happens due to work, so I want to leave you an invitation: it happens on weekends here. You can find our Whatsapp link in the video description to participate in these meetings. Apart from these online meetings, we have in-person meetings and we have retreats, where we spend a few days working on this, deepening this, discovering the Awareness of the Truth of Meditation. Thus, if what you have just heard is something that makes sense to you, here's the invitation, please leave your like and subscribe to the channel, OK? And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

March, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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