April 5, 2024

Real Consciousness, Kundalini | How to awaken Kundalini? | What is Kundalini Awakening?

People ask what Kundalini is, what Kundalini Awakening is. See, it's important that we approach this in a somewhat different way as we do, in general. People are looking for this subject and their idea is that in this contact with this well-known thing called Kundalini, they will acquire something special.

Therefore, the central idea in this search for this subject is because human beings are looking for an experience. The truth is that our lives are very routine, very habitual and we are looking for something that can fill, take the place of this condition in which we find ourselves.

So, the search for a deeper experience for their lives makes them get involved in this search for spirituality or spiritualization for themselves, and part of this search is also within, including other things, this search for knowledge and experience, this thing called Kundalini.

But what is Kundalini? Will that be it? See, Kundalini is another word for Presence, Consciousness. Kundalini means an energy available in each of us, outside of this so-called “consciousness” that we know. So, the presence of this Energy, which is Divine Energy, when It flourishes, when It emerges, when It Awakens, we have the presence of the Truth of Real Consciousness in us, which is Kundalini.

So, Kundalini is synonymous with Presence, it is synonymous with Consciousness, it is synonymous with Energy, Intelligence, Freedom, Being. Therefore, this is Kundalini. So, Kundalini is the Presence of your Being, of this very Real Consciousness in us. When It expresses itself, what is present is an Energy, which is Divine Energy, which is the Energy of God.

So, Kundalini has nothing to do with an experience. First, we have to understand what an experience is. An experience is something you go through and then recall, and then remember. So, when you have a memory of something you've been through, that's an experience. But it is something that is already in the past.

People ask, “My Kundalini has awakened, what do I do now?” So, look at the mistaken notion we have regarding this issue of Kundalini. They [people] believe they have a Kundalini. As people, we have this idea that we can have experiences, and one of those experiences is the presence of this “my Kundalini,” so, “my Kundalini has awakened.”

The Truth of Consciousness, which is this Real Consciousness that we are dealing with here with you, which is Real Kundalini, the Truth of Kundalini is not personal, it is not an experience for a person. The absence of this “I,” this ego, this person is exactly the presence of the Truth of Consciousness.

When this Energy flourishes, there is the presence of Grace, the presence of Love, the presence of Freedom, and this is not personal, this is not private, this is not for “someone.” So, let's understand this better here. This body-mind needs to go through a change, a transformation, because we are living a life within a model of psychological conditioning, conditioning of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

Life in the “I,” in the ego, is a life programmed within a model of reactive actions, reactive thoughts, reactive feelings, and all of this due to past experiences. So, as we go through experiences, we acquire these experiences, we retain them, and they express themselves from this particular, personal, individual center, which is the “I,” the ego.

The expression of this conditioning is something that comes from the past, thus, the person's condition is the condition of an identity that is tied to time. This time is the past presenting itself in this moment and moving towards the future. So, the person, the sense of “someone” present is a psychological conditioning.

So, what we call the human mind, the egoic mind, is this consciousness of the “I.” Contact with the Truth of your Being, with your Divine Reality, is the Awakening of this Energy of pure Presence, which is Kundalini. So, when It comes, Something new is present. This Something is not recognizable or identifiable by thought.

Note that every thought in you is something that comes from the past. Thought is that in us that identifies any experience by adding something more to what happens here, in that experience, and transforming that experience into something that is part of it too.

All thought does is recognize experience and make it part of itself. So, the condition of a thought model is always of recognition. And here, when we deal with Life in this moment, free from this center that is the “I,” the ego, there is no recognition, therefore, there is no thought.

So, the Truth of Kundalini, the Truth of Consciousness, the Truth of your Being is Life here and now, without the sense of a present person, which is coming from the past, which is going into the future. So, Kundalini is the answer, as this Real Consciousness, to this issue, which is the issue of the ego. The Truth of this is the end for the ego.

So, whatever people are saying about this so-called Kundalini is something still within imagination, within illusion, because Kundalini is not recognizable, it is not something that is known. Just like your own Being, your own Divine Presence is not identifiable by thought. Thus, the Reality of That which is You is the Unknown, because that is the Reality of God.

Notice how simple this is. This moment now is not recognizable, it is outside the identification of thought, it is outside the recognition of thought, it is outside what thought can explain, deduce, conclude, and name; this is a new instant. Life is always new, Life is what is here, at this moment, now.

What the ego has done in this present moment is to give an interpretation, an evaluation, make comparisons, make judgments based on the past, based on its previous experiences. So, in fact, the sense of “I,” of the ego, which is the present person, is a fraud, an illusion. This is what explains all the conflict we have with life as it is. There is life as it is at this moment and there is thought as it intends to be, as it idealizes to be, as it seeks to be, as it believes this moment, this instant to be, so there is conflict.

So, all suffering in our lives is present because we are not living the Truth of That which we are, which is this Truth that is not in time, that is not in the known, that does not come from the past. This contact with the Divine Truth, this contact with the Truth of God is the end of the “I,” it is the end of the ego, it is the end of the past.

So, the question is: “How to awaken Kundalini?” Notice the mistake in this question, because it is already based on a mistaken principle that Kundalini is something that we can deal with, that we can make it possible, viable and, therefore, we can control, that there is a path, there is a way, there is a formula, there is a technique for this Awakening. This is completely false, because Kundalini Awakening is the Revelation of the absence of the “I,” the absence of the ego and, therefore, the absence of any technique, formula.

A technique, a formula, this is something that comes from the known, it is something that comes from the past, it is a path, it is a model to arrive at something; This “something” is Kundalini. So, it is as if Kundalini was in the future and through a technique, which is knowledge that we acquire – and if we acquire it is something that comes from the past – we could find Kundalini, have an experience.

Now, note: it is not an experience. An experience is something that you go through and that is recorded. Kundalini is that which is Consciousness here and now, and this Reveals itself when the “I,” the ego, which is the past, is no longer present.

So, the Real way of approaching Kundalini Awakening is to have an understanding of the movement from the past in us. Bringing Attention to this moment, becoming aware of the movement of the “I,” of the ego, which is the past, which is all this movement of the known within us, is Self-awareness. Thus, the way to approach the Truth of the Revelation of your Being is to discard this ego, which is the past. This requires the presence of Self-awareness. All right?

So, to observe the movement of the “I,” the movement of the ego, this model that comes from the past, which in this present moment is in conflict with Life revealing itself, to what is here, become aware of this sense of “I and Life, ” which is separation, becoming aware of this duality, this “I,” which is the “me,” the ego, and the “non-I,” which is Life, with whatever it is showing itself here, presenting here, becoming aware of this is Self-awareness. This is the way to get closer to this Attention. This Attention on the movement of the “I,” which is Self-awareness, is the discarding of this condition of the past.

This way we are faced with the death of this sense of egoic identity. This is a fundamental question for us to also investigate, the importance of the death of this psychological contact, with the end of the sense of “I,” of the ego, of this “me.” So, at this moment, Something

new arises in this Attention. So, there's this Energy becoming available.

First we were wasting all this Energy in this false center, in this ego, in this movement of thought, feeling, emotion, way of perceiving based on the past now, always in this moment, with Life showing itself; we were always dealing with the present moment based on the false center, this ego. However, now we have this Energy of Attention, on this movement, available, which is the movement of the ego. This available Energy is the Energy of Real Consciousness, which is the Energy of Kundalini. So, at this moment, we have the instant of Meditation, because there is Self-awareness.

Then, this Energy becomes available for a psychophysical change in this brain, in this mechanism, in this organism. Then, a change occurs in this body-mind. Kundalini Awakening is present when this Energy takes over this body and this mind, making a change in the body, in the brain, in the brain cells. So, That which is present now is Something unknown, it is Something nameless, it is the Beauty of Meditation.

We can go through anything in life, acquire anything in life, achieve anything in life, but without the Realization of the Beauty of Being, which is this Real Consciousness, which is this Flourishing of your Natural State, which is also called Kundalini, we can go through anything in life, acquire anything in life, achieve anything in life, but without God Realization we remain in the same old condition of an ego-identity, within illusion and, therefore, living a life in contradiction, in suffering, full of fear, of all forms of confusion and psychological disorder, because we lack the end to this conditioning, to this egoic conditioning, to this psychological conditioning.

So, the Beauty of this contact with Divine Truth is the Flourishing of Love. Thus, the presence of the Truth of your Being is the presence of Love. Where to find Love? Here, right now. Here is the presence of Love when the Truth of your Being, which is Consciousness, Flourishes.

For this purpose, we have meetings on weekends – they are online meetings. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to participate in these meetings. We have face-to-face meetings and we also have retreats. If what you just heard is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” Leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. And we'll see each other. OK? Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

March, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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