June 8, 2024

Advaita. How to deal with emotional triggers? How to meditate correctly? Spiritual Awakening

“How do you see this issue of emotional triggers? How to deal with it?” That's the question. “How to deal with emotional triggers?” First, let's understand certain things here.

The first of them is that all this psychological movement present in you, which is the movement of the mind, is a reactive movement. We can't change that. We have to be aware of this: this is what we need.

What people call emotional triggers... Observe: when a situation, an event, happening occurs, it can trigger within you, once you are in contact with the experience – that's what they call triggers, that's what people often call emotional triggers – this can awaken a certain level of feeling, emotion and a specific quality of thought within you. So, look, this is how we work.

Our brain works based on stimuli, perceptions. So, this internal movement of reaction to these stimuli is determined by what someone would like to call, or could call, a trigger. But, remember: this is how we work. The question here is how to deal with this, because people want to be free from internal states of suffering present in them, which occur due to these stimuli or triggers.

So, how to deal with emotional triggers? Notice, here on this channel we are presenting to you the possibility of going beyond this unconscious and mechanical movement, this brain mechanism within us. We need to have the freedom not to react to the experience, and, therefore, we need to be free from this unconscious and mechanical movement created by these stimuli, by these triggers.

That's why an approach here to the truth of your Being will give you an understanding of how the mind works. The mind also naturally encompasses the brain and how it processes information, perceptions and sensations. Here we have emphasized with you the importance of Self-awareness.

People want to be free from anxiety that these triggers cause, from fear that these triggers cause. Thus, in contact with a smell, with someone's voice, with something that is being seen or perceived by the senses, the brain triggers this psychological condition of anxiety, fear, or returns to a traumatic memory situation. People want to be free from this.

We need to have an approach to the truth about who we are, the Reality of our Essential Nature, outside this model, which is the model of the “I,” the ego, this “me.” Because it is this ego, this “I,” this “me” that lives within a model, a programming, where experience is registered in it, and everything it goes through, it always records.

Some situations are pleasant and the person wants to cultivate this, but the unpleasant ones, they want to get rid of. But this is based on this model of the “I,” which is the model of the ego. Let us clearly understand this here. We may have alternatives, formulas, tricks to deal with these triggers; however, this is not the end of suffering, because this is not the end of the “I,” of the ego.

Here is the purpose of these meetings, both on this channel and on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto” – here in the video description you have the link to check out our other channel as well. We are also working with you in online meetings and face-to-face meetings – our work is to show you that it is possible, yes, a life free from the “I,” free from the ego, therefore, free from this experiencer; free from this experiencer with a brain of a different quality, where this model of unconscious and mechanical reaction no longer exists.

So, yes, it is possible to live a life free from suffering and all this psychological condition that these so-called emotional triggers cause, create and sustain. The beauty of the Awakening of Consciousness, the Awakening of the Nature of your Being, Awakening, which is the flourishing of God. There is a present Truth that is beyond the “I,” this “me,” this ego. The Awakening of this Real Nature, this Divine Truth, is the end of suffering, the end of problems.

So, here it is about this contact with Reality. In this contact with Reality, there is no longer this separation between you and life, between you and the other, between you and the experience. Since duality no longer exists, because this “I” no longer exists, all of this falls apart, all of this disappears.

All the various psychological problems, of a sentimental and, naturally, emotional nature, created by a present psychological condition, due to contact with experience from a conditioned brain that has lived in this model of unconsciousness and mechanicality for millennia – the fact is that we have been living like this for millennia –, this disappears when you are aware of the Reality of your Being.

So, the ancient sages in India called this non-separation, this non-duality as Advaita. This “I,” this experiencer, this thinker, this one who responds in an unconscious and mechanical way to these triggers, bringing this condition of memory, which comes from the past, which comes from this psychological condition of past, unfinished, unresolved experiences. The end for this “I” is the end that occurs when this duality no longer exists, when this separation no longer exists, when the clear vision of this Being that is your Real Nature is present. This is Advaita.

This is why we have emphasized here the importance of how to meditate correctly. People practice meditation out there based on a method, a technique, a formula. They want to find a certain relief from all this psychological pressure that this “I,” this ego, this thinker, this experiencer, this one who lives in this condition, always captured by these triggers. People want to find out how to get rid of these psychological conditions or how to move away from these psychological conditions, through the use of a technique, a meditation practice.

Here we are emphasizing to you how to meditate correctly. The point is that this “correct meditation” is the presence of meditation without this element, which is the “I,” in the practice of meditation. We need to eliminate this sense of “I” present in the practice of meditation, in the technique of meditation, in the method of meditation.

So, breaking with the psychological condition, which is breaking with this condition of the “I,” the ego, this “me,” breaking with this condition of the sufferer, this experiencer, this person who lives trapped in this condition of suffering, due to the non-understanding all of this, breaking with it is breaking with ignorance, breaking with the illusion of the “I,” the ego, is breaking with this movement of separation, of duality.

So, meditating correctly means having an approach to Self-awareness, without placing the sense of “I” present, here and now, when the experience arises. So, the truth of the revelation of Self-knowledge is the Awareness of Real Meditation. I have called it Real Meditation in a practical way.

If your purpose is to break away from this psychological condition of imprisonment to these emotional triggers, you need to discover what Real Meditation is in a practical way. Here on the channel, we have a playlist on this subject, going more in-depth, clarifying in detail, specifically, this issue of Meditation practice.

So, for the answer to that question – “How to meditate correctly?” –, you need to discover that the first thing here is the elimination of the illusion of the person who meditates, who is the meditator. Meditation is the presence of the awareness of Being, without the “I,” without this “me,” without this ego. When there is this truth of Meditation, there is no longer this unconsciousness, this mechanism, this movement of the brain towards these triggers. Notice how interesting this is.

What human beings need is the Awakening of this True Consciousness. In Real Consciousness there is no such psychological background from which these reactive responses born out of the past come from, creating these psychological conditions of anxiety, depression, fear, frustration, and everything that is present in this consciousness of the “I,” in this egoic consciousness, for millennia.

The Awakening of this Real Consciousness in you is the Awakening of your Divine Nature. This is Kundalini – here we have already added another expression that, in general, people use anyway out there. Here, when we use the expression Kundalini or the Awakening of Consciousness, we are talking about the flourishing of your Natural State of Being, free from the “I,” free from the ego.

So, the presence of Kundalini Awakening is Spiritual Awakening, which is the Awakening of your Being. If this is present, this model, which is the model of the “I”, the ego, which is this model that moves unconsciously, in this mechanicalness, within this pattern of cerebral, emotional, psychological conditioning, for millennia, this is broken, this is undone. So, the beauty of Spiritual Enlightenment, this flourishing of Kundalini, this Kundalini Awakening, which is the Spiritual Awakening of your Divine Nature, which is the Nature of God.

People are looking for a palliative answer to a problem. Our interest here is different. We are interested in a complete, final answer to this psychological condition, which is the presence of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, which lives within this model of separation, this model of duality and, therefore, of suffering.

When there is this Freedom, notice, this Freedom of Being, this Real Consciousness that You are in your True Nature, we are faced with life without this condition of disorder, confusion, suffering, without this mechanical form, without this mechanicalness of reactive response of a conditioned brain. This is because, with Kundalini Awakening, there is a change in this mechanism, in this body, in this mind and, naturally, in this brain. When this Realization is present, there is no more suffering, there is no more disorder, no more triggers.

So, how to deal with this? Becoming aware of the Reality of God, becoming aware of the Reality of your Being, of your True Nature, becoming aware of the non-separation between you and life, between you and God, between you and another, between you and a thought, and a feeling, and a sensation, and a perception.

The truth is that there is no longer this sense of the “I” present, when this Reality has taken over the space that belongs to It, here and now, in this instant. So, the flourishing of your Natural State necessarily passes through the real vision of Self-awareness and this awareness of Meditation, in living here, in this moment.

So, this is our emphasis here with you, within this work: Awakening in this life, assuming a life free from all forms of suffering. This is our commitment, this is our work here on this channel and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.”

Here in the video description, there is our link so you can also check out our other channel. And, more than that, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday, we are together deepening this, also having contact with this awareness of Meditation. So, here's an invitation. Here in the video description, you have our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, here is this invitation. Leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and post it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense,” ok? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and until next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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