June 1, 2024

How to overcome death fear? What is Meditation? What is Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual Enlightenment

Here the question is: “How to overcome death fear?” Understanding this requires approaching the truth of what death represents. See, this is not an approach based on beliefs.

People have been studying this subject and, as a result, today they carry, due to all the learning within spirituality or this movement of religious life, all types of beliefs regarding afterlife. And this provides them a certain consolation, a certain comfort, a certain intellectual certainty. But this is not the end of fear. Let's have a very real approach to this here.

The sense of someone present, which is the “I,” the ego, which has its things, it doesn't want to get rid of these things. This is a fact; this is a reality. So, it doesn't matter how many beliefs you have about the afterlife or the non-truth of death. The fact is, when death comes, it changes everything. It changes everything because everything you have disappears, everything you are disappears. And this is a contact with the unknown.

So, notice: this contact with life, without understanding what it is, puts you in a condition where you are trapped in experiences of all types and giving an identity to all types of situations around you and within you, what you call “my life.” So, all you know is this what you know about yourself, about this so-called “life.” Anything outside of that is the unknown.

So, the truth is that a belief is a concept, it is an idea, it is a thought. Concept, belief, idea, thought, this is something that is still part of an abstraction. So, the reality of death is understood when the sense of “I,” of the ego, with everything it truly represents, disappears. It's not physically, notice, it's psychologically.

This sense of “I,” of the ego, has a vision of its physical world from its imaginary psychological world. So, this is where the problem lies. Human beings are not exactly afraid of death, because death is something unknown. The fear of human beings is the fear of losing their security in what they know.

So, their fear is not exactly of the unknown, but it is the fear of losing security within what they recognize, within what they know. And what they know is what their egoic identity, this sense of “I,” which is the ego in each of us, carries. Here's the point about fear.

So, fear is present, and it is the fear of losing everything that it represents. When something that is yours is taken from you, there is pain involved in it. And why is this pain present? Due to the psychological, sentimental, emotional, and physical attachment to that object, to that person, to that given situation, to the own body. So, your fear is attachment to the known. This is the experience of the “I,” this is the life of the “I,” this is the life of the ego.

So, how to overcome death fear? See, everything we overcome, everything you beat, you have to keep overcoming. But who is this one who is overcoming? Isn't it the “I”? What is it beating? The truth about this is that, yes, the end of fear is possible. This is what we have been talking about to you, studying with you, exploring with you, here, within this channel and also on the other channel called “Marcos Gualberto” – you can find our link here in the video description to also find out about our other channel.

As here we are working with you on this issue of Spiritual Awakening, because people also ask: “What is Spiritual Awakening?” See, Spiritual Awakening is the awareness of Divine Truth, of your Real Being – at least that is how we put or give the meaning to this expression here within the channel. It is in this sense that we use this expression here.

The Realization of That which is You, which is Divine Truth, is Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment. And if This is present, we have the end of fear. See, it's not about overcoming fear. There is nothing you can overcome that you don't have to overcome again, and again, and again. Here, we are talking about a definitive victory. But a definite victory does not come from a fight between you and these things called fear and fear of death.

Here we are talking about the end to fear and, therefore, the end of this “I,” because this is how this Reality of the end of fear happens. As long as there is a sense of an “I” present, which is the ego, with its things, and if it has its things, it is those things. It may seem very strange for you to hear this, but everything that is part of this center, which is the “I,” the ego, everything that is part of it is what it has. Everything it has is part of itself. This is where this illusory identity is found.

The “I” is nothing more than a memory, it is nothing more than an idea, a belief, a set of things that it imagines itself to be, that it imagines it has. When you say “my house,” remember, that is an illusion. You can't have a house. This is a projection of thought from an illusory center of a self-image, which is the “I.”

So, you see, you have an image of who you are and a thought, an imagination of what you have. You are just a thought; this self-image is a thought. The story you have about yourself is an idea created by thought, sustained by thought, told by thought, because all of this is part of a memory of the past that this body and mind have lived.

So, the past experiences that this body and mind have lived, all these experiences are part of the story of the “I.” But this body and this mind are not the Reality of your Being. Therefore, it is not this “I,” because this “I” is a set of memories, a set of remembrances, an image – follow that – an image that you make about who you are.

This image has a house, a car, a wife, a family, has children, and all of this disappears in death. Note: all this goes away. When this extraordinary thing called death arrives, it doesn't warn you, it doesn't negotiate with you. You can't argue with it, chat with it. You are a set of images, memories, remembrances. So, the belief is exactly there, in the idea of ​​being someone who has things. In fact, these things are part of this self-image.

All the pain you feel, all the worry you have, all the fear you carry, because we are not just afraid of death, we are afraid of getting old, the fear of getting sick, the fear of becoming poor, the fear of not getting rich, the fear of being deceived, of being betrayed, of being abandoned, the fear of illness, the fear of old age… There are so many forms of fear present in each of us – the fear of losing what we have achieved. Why is this fear present? Because this fear is the condition of the identity of the “I” itself.

See, fear is not something separate from the “I.” The “I” is fear. See how fascinating it is to have an understanding of this and how fundamental it is for this Divine Realization, which is the Awakening to That which is beyond all this, this human condition of egoic identity, this identity of the “I.” Notice how fundamental this is.

A thought in you is present, then you are present. If there is no thought, there is no you present. If, for example – now we touch on this issue of the house –, the house you have, the thought “house,” with all the furniture there, where it is located, the city, the neighborhood, all of this is within thought. If the thought is present, you have this house. But you, notice, are present in this memory, this memory is present in this you: this cannot be separated.

So, memory is you, you are the memory. If you don't have the memory, you are not present. So, thought is the thinker. Having an approach to this here is fundamental. Every thought in us is the presence of the thinker. Free from thought, free from the thinker. And, if there is no thinker, because there is no thought, there is no home, there is no story, there is no fear.

So, here it is about the Realization of That which is You and your Being, beyond the “I,” beyond the thinker, beyond the egoic mind. This is the end of fear, it is the end of the fear of death, because at this moment, there is no longer any continuity of the “I,” it is already gone.

So, how to live life free from the fear of death? Assuming the Reality of life, without the center, which is the “I,” the ego, the thinker, the movement of the egoic mind, with everything it possesses. This is being free from this binding of images that sustains attachment.

So, notice, you are in direct contact with all the experiences of life, with family, with business, with movable and immovable property, but without the sense of “I,” of the ego, of this psychological movement of being someone trapped, clinging, in this linking of images of attachment to all of this, there is no fear, there is no suffering. This is the Awakening of the Reality of your Being.

A life free from the ego is a life free from fear, from all forms of fear, because at that moment life is happening without the sense of someone in this particular life of this center, which is the ego, which is the “I,” with everything it has, with everything it possesses, with everything it is. Does that make sense?

We are working with you here on exactly this vision of the Reality of Life, which is the Reality of your Being. It is in this sense that we use the expression “Spiritual Awakening” here. See, at no point did mystical, extraphysical experiences, contact with extraterrestrials or anything that the person experienced and can talk about come into play here. It's not that! It is not in this sense that we investigate this here with you, it is not in this sense that we put this expression here, within these lines.

The Awakening of your Being is the true Awakening of God, it is the Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, it is the end of the “I,” it is the end of the ego. This is the end of this illusory condition of being someone. This becomes possible when you discover what Meditation is, the approach to the truth of Meditation.

Learning to look at this entire movement of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, perception, in this contact with people, places, objects, without placing an identity present, which is the “I”: this is Meditation.

So, the truth of Meditation is the awareness of Being pure Consciousness, in this instant. So once again, we have a word here that we have made very clear to you. It's not a practice, it's not sitting, closing your eyes, doing a visualization, repeating a mantra, or breathing a certain way.

The truth of Meditation is the disidentification with all this psychological content of the “I,” an emptying of all this content into the simple awareness of Being, where there is no separation, where there is no duality between the thought and the thinker, the experience and the experiencer, the one who is present and the presence of that given thing, here and now.

Understanding this better requires an approach to this work. On our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto,” we are also delving into this topic with you. You can pay a visit – here in the video description there is a link so you can check out our other channel.

Furthermore, we have meetings to deepen this, make it clear here, in this life, and realize It in this life. That is the purpose of these meetings. So, we have online meetings that take place here on weekends, Saturday and Sunday, through questions and answers.

So, in these weekends, we are working with you. It is also an opportunity to come into contact with this awareness of the truth of what is Meditation in a practical, experiential way.

So, I want to leave this invitation to you here. If this is something that makes sense to you, leave a comment here: “Yes, it makes sense.” Leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel, ok? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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