June 12, 2024

Advaita. The importance of Self-Awareness. How to deal with frustration? Mental health at work.

“What can you tell us about this question of mental health at work?” Another question is: “How to deal with frustration?” See a few things with me: here on this channel, we're addressing with you how to approach life without that sense of someone present in the experience. What we don't perceive is that all the problems we have in life are problems based on that one carrying the problem.

It may seem strange what we've been saying here, but if you investigate closely, if you approach to look at this in a very direct way, you'll perceive the reality of what we're putting here for you. There is no problem in life, there is a problem in us.

Life is as it is, it happens as it happens. It's our relationship with experience, it's our form of contact with what occurs, with what happens, this model of how we psychologically represent the present moment, accidents, incidents, occurrences, events – that's what determines the problem in us. I said the problem is in us, not in life.

Here we are with you, showing you that life is possible in all that it represents, in all the beauty of its meaning, when we abandon this sense of the “I,” of the experiencer, of that one who sees itself as separate from experience, having the experience as something happening to it.

Notice what we're saying here: situations are challenging, events create scares, bring us surprises, many of them quite unpleasant, but that’s life happening. The psychological sense of someone present in this experience of life is what represents suffering.

Dealing with situations, however unpleasant they may seem to us, is possible when we don't place that particular element, which is the “I,” the ego, within that experience, being an experiencer who is seeing something for itself in the experience. This personal attitude disappears when you discover the nature of your Being, which is the Divine Nature, which is the nature of Truth.

This Reality is the presence of That which is indescribable, unnameable. We call it God, but the idea of God is not what we're talking about here. We're talking about Something outside the known and, therefore, Something outside what thought imagines to be God.

So, we need to approach life from this new space. It's a space where there is no longer any separation between you and life, between you and God. Thus, there is no separation between you and what occurs, and what happens. Perceive the importance of this.

The point is that we can't get any closer to this without having a direct comprehension of the importance of Self-Awareness. If you don't understand what you are, in that contact with what happens, you see yourself as a separate entity. This is the movement of someone living. It's no longer life happening, it's someone living this experience of life, which is the “I,” the ego, this “me.”

So, the truth of Self-Awareness brings the clarity of the awareness of your Being. In this non-separation we have what the sages call Advaita, non-duality. Then, there is no separation between life and you. What happens is what this Being is, which is present in everything.

So, when the person comes in search for this answer to this matter of mental health, whether at work, in the family, or in any situation, event, incident, accident, or experience, the health of this rests in a mind free from this model of psychological disorder, psychological suffering, mental confusion, psychological confusion. The truth of That which is You in Your Being carries the Freedom of a free mind.

Here, when we use the expression “free mind,” we are talking about a psychological condition where what we have present, in reality, is the non-mind. The great truth about the mind is that the mind is the problem. The mind carries the problem, the mind takes the problem, the mind bears the problem, the mind is the problem.

What we know as mind in us is confusion. It also includes, encompasses this brain. So, everything we've been receiving for millennia... In fact, millions of years ago this brain was formed and has this formation. In this formation, the model that is processed, the way in which we function, within this model of conditioned brain to this pattern of thinking of society, of the world, of culture, is one of disorder.

Notice the presence in you of ambition, the presence in you of envy, jealousy, feelings of anger and frustration. How do you deal with frustration? It's the same as asking how to deal with anger, boredom, the pain of loneliness, fear. These are all internal psychological states that we, as human beings, bring with us, and which are an inheritance; an inheritance of the world, an inheritance of culture, an inheritance of society, an inheritance of cerebral, psychophysical functioning. This is within this sense of “ I,” of the ego, of this “me.”

Here, a new vision is being shown to you, presented to you. We present you to the truth of something entirely unknown. Naturally, unknown because it no longer has this model as a reference, which is the model that we, in the ego, in this “me,” in this “I,” know. A life free from fear, free from frustration, envy, ambition, free from the conflict that desire produces.

Notice the matter of desire. There is frustration, there is anger, there is a level of disappointment and suffering present, for example, when desire is not achieved, not fulfilled. Look at the problem that desire is in us, the conflict it causes, the suffering it causes. Can we get rid of all this? The answer is yes, when there is the awakening of your Divine Nature. You see? When there is the blossoming of your Being, when there is this awareness of God.

That which is You in your Being does not carry frustration, does not carry mental insanity. Your Divine Nature is Intelligence, Freedom, Peace, Stillness, and Love. In fact, those words don't reach that Reality, they don't describe that Reality. So, when there is no longer this separation between what is You in your Being, it becomes clear that life is happening in this Being. Life is this Being.

Thus, notice that this approach to life is the approach to Reality, it is the end of this psychological condition in which we find ourselves, in this particular view, where there is this “I” and the world, this “I” and life, this “I” and what happens, this “I” and family, this “I” and work, this “I” and what can create frustration, disturbance, disorder or suffering for me.

Notice, everything consists precisely of the presence of this “I.” For it, that thing is in front of it, so there's it and that other thing. And here we are saying that all this is the “I” itself. There's a space opening up now, a space without a center.

Here in this work, within this approach, we are inviting you to awaken to your Divine Nature, which is exactly the end of this space of duality, to a new space, where there is this presence of Advaita, of non-separation. This new space of non-separation, of non-duality is the reality of this new mind, this non-mind. Are you with me?

It's essential not to cling to these words, these terms, but to have a direct, experiential vision of what we're putting here. When you learn to look at all this movement of the “I,” of the ego, which is the movement of thought, of feeling, of emotion, of perception, of this way of feeling, without putting an identity on it, there is an elimination of this duality, there is an elimination of this space in duality. So, there's something here, right now, outside the known.

The beauty of the Awakening, of the blossoming of your Divine Nature, is that all the problems are present when the illusion of this psychological condition of being someone is present. Becoming aware of this is the beauty of this work. Once this becomes clear, the awareness of this disorder, this confusion, there is a new way of perceiving experience, where the “I” is not present, where the ego is not present, where problems, all problems, are solved, all problems disappear. That's the beauty of the vision of Reality.

When there is a vision for this Reality, that’s the end of this illusion. Notice what we're saying. Once you are aware of the illusion, there is a vision of Reality. Once you're not aware of the illusion, that which is the illusion is becoming the reality of our lives. So, what is the truth of your Being? It's the truth of the end to all this. True Sanity, true Happiness, Love, Peace, the awareness of life as it is, is the awareness of God.

So, it's in this sense that we're using expressions like “the Awakening of Consciousness,” “the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness,” “Spiritual Enlightenment.” Then, it's not about mystical, esoteric experiences, contact with extraterrestrials, or contact with other worlds or parallel worlds, all that sort of thing. This is about the direct and simple verification that this experience of the “I,” in this model of duality, of separation, is the dream of a separate existence.

Here the invitation is for you to assume the Reality of God, which is your True Nature, which is the nature of truth about each one of us. So, that's our work here on this channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto.” Take a look there later, here we have our link for you to get to know our other channel as well, we have lots of videos there.

Here we are working with you, in these videos, both here and on the other channel, to awaken your Divine Nature. There's something even greater than that. It's these online meetings that take place on weekends, a unique opportunity to be together, investigating, through questions and answers, and also having contact with this Silence of Meditation, discovering what the truth of Meditation is in a practical, experiential way. So, here in the description of the video, you find our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings.

We also hold face-to-face meetings and retreats. If what you've just heard makes sense to you, here's an invitation. Go ahead and leave your “like'' here; please subscribe to the channel and write “Yes, it makes sense” in the comments, OK? And see you. Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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