June 26, 2024

What is Spiritual Awakening? Observing the mind. What is meditation? How to practice meditation?

The question is: “What is Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening?” What is Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment? We are working with you here to put an end to the illusion, the illusion of this sense of “I,” this “me,” this person present in life.

We have been programmed to believe, trust and live as persons, each carrying this sense of personality, something very personal, very particular, very unique in each of us, within this psychological model of being someone. The interesting thing here is that, despite this singularity, this personality, this person in each of us, we basically have the same movement.

We are within the same movement: it is the movement present in this sense of someone, in this “past, present and future” time, where we have and where we are basically the same, as separate entities. We have unique behaviors indeed, but in general, all forms of confusion, psychological disorder and psychological suffering are common to all of us.

Thus, as human beings, we carry fear, anguish, sadness, pain, guilt. We carry all kinds of psychological unhappiness with us as part of this behavior, this movement common to all of us in this psychological model of being, in this sense of being, in this idea of moving through life as being someone. So, this is the model of this entity that separates itself from life, that separates itself from existence; it's the model of the “I,” of the ego.

Here, we are together investigating this issue of the end for this condition, since this is a condition of problems. There are many problems within this person, this personality, this sense of being someone. The good news here is that we are facing a dream, a mirage.

When you encounter a mirage, it appears to be real; when you approach the mirage, it becomes clear that it isn't there. Your contact with the mirage is distant, removed. So, there's you and the mirage. Once you get close to the mirage, it becomes clear that there is no mirage. This proximity is the end of the separation between you and the mirage. When a dream happens, there's you and the dream. When the dream ends, we have the end of the dream. And when the dream ends, we have the end for the dreamer.

Thus, when we talk to you here about Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, we're talking about the end of the mirage, the end of the dream, the end of the illusion. This is the end of the “I,” it's the end of the ego and, therefore, of this person, of this sense of personality and all that it brings, and all that it represents. Then we have the end of all that.

There is an incompleteness present, there is a dissatisfaction present. There are countless problems that this person has, that this sense of “I,” of the ego, carries. The flowering of your nature is essential, of what is indescribable, unnameable in you. This Reality is the Divine Reality. The flowering of this Reality, the flowering of this Presence, taking on this body and this mind, is the end of the dream, the end of the mirage, the end of illusion, the end of ignorance. This is what some people call Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening, although many also use this expression – spiritual awakening – in various other senses.

Here, we are being very specific with you when we approach and use this expression. The approach and the expression are put in a very specific way. We're not talking about this spiritual awakening or spiritual enlightenment that people generally use out there. We are talking here in this sense, in the sense of the end of the “I” of the ego, where there is no longer any separation between the dream and the dreamer, between the one who sees the mirage and the mirage.

We are facing something indescribable, which is the Reality of your Being. And this is where another frequently asked question comes in: “What is meditation?” Notice, Meditation is something else that we present here differently from how people present it out there as a technique, a practice, something you do to achieve a certain result, to silence the mind, to quieten and calm the nervous system, to relax or to achieve goals, purposes, targets, in this so-called material world or spiritual world. It is not in this sense we use the expression Meditation here.

For us, Meditation, the truth of Meditation, Real Meditation, is what is present when the sense of the meditator is not present. Therefore, it's not something that someone does. Meditation is something that happens naturally, when there is attention to this whole movement, which is the movement of the consciousness of the “I,” this “me,” this ego.

When there is this truth of the revelation of this consciousness of the dreamer, we have the understanding of the illusion between this dreamer and its particular dream, between the one who is present seeing its particular mirage. So, there is the presence of attention. This already gives the answer to another very common question: how to practice meditation?

Notice, Meditation is the awareness of this Being, something that occurs in a very simple, direct and natural way when there is this attention to this instant, to this moment. If there is attention to this moment, there is an understanding of the illusion of separation between the thinker present and its thought, between the experiencer and its experience, between the one who is feeling something and what it is feeling.

Note, we are touching here, putting in a different way exactly the same thing between the dream and the dreamer, between the mirage and the one who sees the mirage. We need to approach this separation, this duality, when attention arrives at this moment, when we learn the art of observing the movement of the “I,” this “me,” this ego, which is the movement of the mind.

Observing the mind, learning the art of looking at each and every internal movement that occurs within this consciousness of the “I”: this is possible in this attention, this is an approach to Meditation. Not the practice of meditation through a technique, a system, where you sit down, cross your legs, breathe or do something. Here, the approach to Meditation is practical, here, in living. So, there is a difference between the practice of meditation and Meditation in this simple and direct format, practical Meditation, here and now. Looking at this movement of the “I,” of the ego, is Meditation.

Now, you see, you can't and it’s not possible to approach this Meditation without looking directly at yourself at this moment, at each and every movement of thought, feeling, sensation and perception. Now, what does it have to do with crossed legs or sitting in a quiet place listening to music? Absolutely nothing! It's here at this moment, it's in living, instant by instant, moment by moment, becoming aware of the movement of the “I.” Notice, it's not something you do, it's something that is present when there is this attention.

Notice, this attention is exactly the annulment of this “me,” this “I.” When there is attention, it's just a look without someone to do something with what arises, with what appears. Here, we have innumerable videos on the channel showing the difference between doing something and this attention being present, without someone. Learning the art of getting closer to yourself, without this “me,” is to look without the one who looks, to feel without the one who feels, to listen without the one who listens. The sense of “I” does not enter, the sense of the meditator is not present.

The truth of Meditation is the presence of Meditation without the meditator. There is no meditator when there is Meditation. When there is pure observation of the movement of the mind, there is no observer. That's the end for the observer, that's the end for the meditator, that's the end for someone present doing something.

So here, when we use the expression “the truth of Self-Awareness,” we refer to what we're putting here for you: the awareness of this “me.” This is present when there is this attention, this looking without someone looking, this perception without someone perceiving, this awareness without someone being aware of it. Because that someone is the “I,” that perceiver is the “I,” that observer is the “I.”

That's why all these meditation techniques or practices only work temporarily, during the time when the meditator is quiet, but it's there and then it comes back. When the minutes of meditation are over, it arises again.

Here we are talking to you and showing you that the art of Being is possible. This art of Being is Meditation. But it's not someone who does it, it's something that happens in the blossoming of your Natural State of Being, through self-observation of the movement of the “I.”

Thus, what we need is an approach to the truth about Spiritual Awakening... I'm going to touch on this a little more: the real Spiritual Awakening, not what some people say about an experience they've had or obtained. We're talking about real Spiritual Awakening, like real Spiritual Enlightenment. It's not about an experience that someone has or that someone has had and can talk about later.

When there is real Spiritual Awakening, real Spiritual Enlightenment, we are only before this simple, direct and natural state, where there is no one awakened, where there is no one enlightened, there is only this Natural State, free of this sense of the “I,” of the ego. The experiencer is not left with their experience, the experiencer is not left with their memory to relate their experience. This is the end of psychological time, the end of an identity present in the experience and the end of an experience for someone. It's something indescribable, something that is beyond any words, any form of expression.

Thus, these expressions really don't do justice to the reality of your Natural State of Being, which is the Divine Truth, the Truth of God. So, these words of spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening or God-realization, don't do justice to this Reality of this Natural and simple State of Being, where there is this real and true Consciousness, beyond this ego consciousness, beyond this “I” consciousness.

So, that's our subject here. We also have another channel, called “Marcos Gualberto,” you can put it here on YouTube, we also have a link here. Please visit the other channel too, we have lots of videos. We're going deeper into this subject with you, addressing this issue of the blossoming of your Natural State of Being on our other channel too.

So, we're working on this with you. We have online meetings that also take place on weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link in the video description to participate in these online meetings, through questions and answers. Of course, it's something greater than a video like this. Through this contact with Silence, we spent two days together investigating this. Thus, here's an invitation for you. Okay?

We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If what you've just heard makes sense to you, please leave your “like” here and subscribe to the channel, OK? And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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