June 19, 2024

Advaita Vedanta. Self-Awareness psychology. How to deal with a narcissist. Restless mind. Self-image

Here, we are investigating together the truth of the awareness of what we are. Becoming aware of this is what we refer to, here on the channel, as Self-Awareness. However, our approach here to the issue of Self-Awareness is perhaps a little different from that approach within psychology. So, there is this self-awareness in psychology, but here our approach is perhaps a little different.

Here we are approaching the truth of this awareness, this study of ourselves, and not the application of some technique to adjust ourselves to a pattern, a format, a model of behavior, as some people generally approach this issue of self-awareness.

Here we are talking about an awareness that is born from self-observation, discovering this psychological movement of being, becoming aware of this movement. It's not about doing something with it. Once you become aware of it in a direct way, by learning what is this awareness of Meditation, you realize that this awareness of Meditation is part of this awareness of Self-Awareness.

The very approach to Meditation requires a direct look at what this psychological “I,” this ego model, represents. And this looking is enough for a new action to take place. The interesting thing here is to discover that this action occurs in a very direct, complete, unique way, without the intervention of the will, the desire, the volition of the “I” itself.

This is what we'll be discussing with you here. We need to approach ourselves in a very direct way. Thus, Self-Awareness is of fundamental importance, and that's what we're addressing here, working on here with you: the importance of Self-Awareness.

The approach of looking without this center, which is the “I,” is a look free of the one who sees, the one who observes, the one who is present and sees itself as separate from what it is seeing. So, there is a new way of approaching what we are. Studying this is studying ourselves.

So, it's not something that you theoretically, intellectually, approach. You must have a direct, experiential, real approach to it. Thus, you have the revelation of the idea you have about who you are.

In general, people get involved with the issue of self-awareness in order to adjust this idea they have about who they believe to be. With this adjustment, there is a new pattern, a new model of a person, this is what they call self-awareness.

Here, we are discovering together what it is to have a vision of that person. A vision of that person, becoming aware of what that person represents. It's not about adjusting that person to a new model of behavior. So, this person is the idea you have of who you are. This idea is an image you have formed about yourself.

When you become aware of this image, you can get rid of it. Once you're free of that image, you're free of that “I,” that ego. Because what you are as a person is just an image. Yes, exactly that. Whatever you're feeling in that you, that you is a belief about you, in that feeling within a relationship with the other, with life, with what happens.

So here we've already touched on the issue of separateness. There's the person and their experience, the person and their relationship: this is the model of duality. An approach to this study of ourselves takes us beyond this duality because it takes us beyond this center, which is the “I,” the ego, which is the person, which is this self-image.

So, this center, this “I,” this ego, in the relationship, whether with people, objects, places, situations, circumstances, with itself, with the thoughts that are processed within ourselves, there is this “I” and the thought, there is this “I” and the feeling: this is duality.

Here, we are together investigating this, the end to this duality. So, it's one of the most relevant subjects here with you. The end to this duality is the emergence of Advaita, non-duality. The word Advaita means non-duality, “the one without the second.” This is straight from Vedas, straight from Advaita, from Vedanta.

We need to approach life without this ego, without this “I,” so we stay with life as it happens. Notice the beauty of this. The end of the ego present there, of this “I” present there, of this self-image present there – notice, it's a self-image present, it's the image you have of who you are – this is the end of duality.

This psychological condition of being someone places you in an internal condition. This being someone is this self-image, is this “I,” this ego – it's in this sense that here, we use the expression “being someone.” This puts you in a condition where you're trying to solve problems within relationships. Then, you have a problem with the world, a problem with life, a problem with yourself and a problem with others.

People have questions like: “How do you deal with a narcissist?” We want to deal with others without first having an understanding of how we function internally. If you don't understand this process of self-image, of the image you have of who you are, in your relationship with the other... Notice, the other person has an image of who they are, and that image makes them live in that format in which they are living.

So, human beings are indeed... It's not just him or her who is bipolar, who is narcissistic, who carries this or that condition, diagnosed or not. The human being, while carrying this self-image, this sense of the “I” present, which is the ego, is living a psychological condition of disorder, mental confusion, suffering, insanity. In this sense, neurosis is something common to everyone, psychological disorder is something common to everyone.

Can we get rid of it? Once you are free of this self-image, free of this “I,” this ego, there is a profound Freedom present. The presence of your Being – note, this is not the presence of the “I,” of the ego, it is the presence of God – the presence of this Being, which is your Being, is the Divine Being, is the Being of God. This doesn't carry any problems or difficulties in dealing with the other because there is no other. This sense of the other is within this projection of the sense of “I,” of the ego.

We need to approach life without this self-image, without this ego. So, this approach to life requires the presence of the revelation of oneself. Becoming aware of yourself, of this movement that operates in these relationships, the awareness of this performs a natural action of eliminating this psychological condition of being someone. This is the end of the self-image, this is the end of the ego. It is the Reality of this Being. Get this calmly.

So, our vision within Self-Awareness – here, we're talking to you about the importance of this because all this restless mind that is present in you, this restlessness, vanishes, disappears. This is the way to deal with a narcissistic person.

Get this clearly. Is this person out there or is this person inside each one of us? Is it possible to relate to the other without the image we make of them, being fully aware of the disorder that is here, right now? By understanding the disorder in oneself, there is an understanding of the disorder outside oneself, in the other.

The beauty of this Awakening of Consciousness is the end of this restless mind, this chattering mind. Also, this is the end of the difficulty of dealing with life since the difficulty of dealing with life is something present when there is this model of separation, where there is you and life, where there is you and the other, where there is you and your thoughts and your feelings, which are disordered, conflicted, restless, problematic.

Note our approach here, what we're investigating with you. Our proposal to you is the end of the illusion, the illusion of this identity present in life, in living, at this instant.

Notice that the image you have of who you are, the model of psychological representation of being, that you translate into experience, that you demonstrate within experience, this model of being that demonstrates itself, that presents itself, that is in this relationship, notice, there is no real contact, it's a contact between images. You have an image of him or her, she has an image of you. So, it's a contact between images.

We can create adjustments between images. In general, people are using these expedients, but these are all tricks that don't solve the problem. People spend years of their lives in a relationship, in marriage, in the family, in dealing with the world around them, but within this strategy. All the ego can do is to adjust itself.

Here, our commitment, our concerns are different. We are offering you an end to the “I,” to the ego, to this model of self-image, a life free from the past. Because, you see, it's the past that brings the experience that was in order to, at this moment here, make a reading of what is here, of what is happening here.

When you meet your wife, you're bringing of her an image of all the moments you lived alongside her, or of the husband, alongside him. The moments of pleasure, of pain, of affection, cuddling, adjusting ideas, but also the moments of criticism, of harsh, bitter words, of rejection. So, the moments of pleasure and pain in the relationship are present, and this is being resurrected here in this contact, again and again, something from the past.

Our proposal here is the end of the past, which is the end of the experiencer, which is the end of the ego. This is the end of the self-image. Is that clear? Is it possible to live a life free of the ego and therefore free of what was gone? Free from this notion of what will be, of what could have been? So, we're eliminating that time, which is the time that thought creates. This time is eliminated when the “I,” the ego, is no longer present.

That's what our meetings consist of, and that's what our work consists of, here on this channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto,” where we have lots of videos. Here's a link to our other channel.

We're exploring with you this subject of Blossoming, this subject of Realization, this subject of the Awakening of Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it. We're basically talking about the Realization of God in this life, the end of this disorder, the end of this confusion.

So, besides these videos here on the channel, as well as on our other channel, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday are dedicated to this investigation. It's a contact, through questions and answers, with the moment of Silence, learning this art, which is the art of Meditation. This Meditation that discards this illusion.

And so that's our work, which you have here. Here's our link to take part in these meetings, here's our WhatsApp link. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats.

If what you've just heard makes sense to you, here's the invitation. Go ahead and leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and please take a look at our other videos on the other channel. And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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