June 29, 2024

Kundalini energy. What is Kundalini Awakening? Mindfulness Meditation. Advaita.

In general, our living condition in this world is somewhat monotonous, routine, and this is what drives us to fill ourselves with knowledge of all types, to seek information, to read books, to participate in events, to seek different forms of entertainment. This occurs due to an internal state, present in each of us, of dissatisfaction, of incompleteness. So, there is an absence of something, and we really don't know what it is that is absent.

I would like to delve a little deeper with you here into this issue of this dissatisfaction present within each of us. This model of human existence as we know it, is something repetitive, continuous, something that remains exactly the same. What is it that has made our lives, or made our lives like that?

A careful approach will show you that the only movement present in us, notice, is the movement in which the impulse to action or to that model of life is the impulse that thought produces. Thus, our life has been shaped, adjusted, led and driven by thought, and we know nothing else.

We don't know why we are living within this psychological condition, where what matters to each of us is this model of existence, where we are just repeating the common pattern of common life for all of us. So, there is no originality, there is no creativity, there is no awareness of anything outside of all this. So, all we have is exactly what we have. Other than that, we have nothing. Other than that, we are nothing.

So, it would be interesting for us to start discovering what it is to have an approach of what is really outside of this, outside of all of this. What would be a contact with that which represents being nothing? Because, look, we are stuffing ourselves with all kinds of experiences and we are living within a model that is the common model guided by thought, and yet we continue within this condition, where, for most of us, what prevails is a dissatisfaction that nothing satisfies, a lack that nothing fills.

What will be the truth of being outside this pattern? What will be the truth of actually encountering this nothingness? Let's put aside this search for fulfillment, let's put aside this pattern. Note, this pattern is the standard of humanity, it is the standard of human beings. It is the model of an existence focused on the search for external achievements.

So, we are educated, trained, formed within this culture for envy, ambition, the search for material achievements, fulfillment in terms of emotions and feelings, in search of spaces where we can enjoy this. So, we go to the theater, cinema, and concerts. All we are looking for is, in fact, the search for fulfillment. And we are only looking for this fulfillment because we don't want to come across the fact that, apart from this, what remains present, when this type of thing is not in our lives, is a void.

What is the contact with this void? What is the truth of this void present in each of us? What will be the truth of this tedious condition, which is our life? Unexciting, that is our life? And that's why we're looking for all kinds of distractions, fulfillment, entertainment, to bring a certain meaning to it. See, is there anything beyond all this?

Here we are approaching with you an encounter with something outside the known. Because this is the known model, where all this is present. Only when we come across what is outside the known, do we have the opportunity for something new. But we cannot access what is outside the known as long as we maintain this pattern of continuity, of searching for the known, of searching for what all this represents, in this model of the “I,” in this model of the person.

Here we are exploring with you the awakening of something new. This something new is the presence of Real Consciousness here and now. Notice: it is this Real Consciousness that the sages in ancient India called Kundalini. We are working with you here on the flourishing of your Being, which is Bliss: this is the truth of Real Consciousness in each of us, and the nature of that energy, which is Kundalini energy. Let's understand this expression here.

There is a lot of mystification out there about this. People want to have sensations, experiences, contact with the so-called spiritual world or parallel worlds. So, they engage in some esoteric, spiritualistic, mystical techniques or practices, and they call it “the search for kundalini awakening.”

So, we are mythologizing this thing. What we call Kundalini, in people's minds, is something mythical and is also something mystical. So, there is also a mystification about this. In other words, there is a lot of fantasy, there is a lot of imagination about what you bring in your Being as you, which is this Consciousness, which is the presence of God, which is Kundalini.

So, what is Kundalini awakening? What is the awakening of this Real Presence, this Real Consciousness? It is the flourishing of the Unknown. In the egoic mind, the entire movement in search of the known, of all these things, is the search for fulfillment, it is the search for satisfaction, for external fulfillment, for completeness on the outside. So, we go to theaters, cinemas and concerts, we go to watch games. We are doing everything in an attempt to find a brief moment of fulfillment, see, of satisfaction, of joy.

There is, in each of us, an incompleteness that completes nothing. So, we're always chasing something. And now we are pursuing an experience. When we talk to you here about Liberation in this life, about the Realization of That which is you in your Being, we are talking about the flourishing of Kundalini. But this is not an experience, it is not a sensation, it is not something linked to this movement of emotion, extraphysical or so-called spiritual perception. It's not something you can report on later, tell someone about.

So, let's make this clear to you here. What do people call Kundalini energy? There is enormous confusion. We believe that the presence of this energy, which is Kundalini energy, we associate Kundalini with a presence of power, so that when this energy awakens, you become someone special. And it's not that!

The flourishing of this energy, which is the energy of Consciousness – see, it is the energy of Consciousness – that is Kundalini energy. When it has the freedom to work on this body and mind, it makes a psychophysical change in this structure, in the mind, body and brain. So, now there is something new present, but it is not the presence of an experience and an experiencer enjoying it. It is the Reality of That which is indescribable, which is beyond names, therefore, it is unnamable.

The awareness of this Being that we are is the awareness of the Reality of That which is God. So, when we are afraid of moving away from this psychological condition of the world, in this search for something out there, having the belief that this nothingness is the end of joy, it is exactly the opposite. The presence of this contact with the Unknown, which in thought, in imagination, is nothing, is being nobody.

Notice, here we are proposing the end of the ego, the end of the “I,” the end of the sense of someone seeking experiences or living experiences. So, thought idealizes this as the end, the end of everything. And in fact, it is the end of the known. But there is something new present that is beyond all description. It is the presence of Divine Reality; it is the presence of your True Self. Not this psychophysical being, not this movement, which is the movement of the mind.

It is something that is not part of this thought model context, where we are stuck with an idea of ​​always achieving something. So, we want to get rid of what bothers us, what makes us suffer, we want to achieve something that fulfills us and gives us pleasure. Notice, this is the movement of thought.

This movement of thought places you within a condition, which is the condition in which the human being, in a common way, is living. Notice, all this movement of the ego present is in search of pleasure and in an attempt to get rid of pain. So, we are always in a movement of reaching, of obtaining or of getting rid of, of giving up. This is the movement where, in itself, there is the importance of thought moving.

Observe your mind, how agitated it is. It passes from one thought to another, from one feeling to another, from one emotion to another. All of this is part of the movement of the mind, made up of thoughts, feelings, emotions. So, this entire movement of this center, which is the “I,” is a movement that takes place in this notion of past, present and future.

Here we are becoming aware of the truth about who we are, we are getting closer to the Realization of God's Truth. There is something that becomes fundamental here in this approach: it is the approach of Meditation. This is our approach to the truth of Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation. The awareness of this moment eliminates the movement of thought that places you in this time “past, present and future.” Contact with the reality of this Being requires this Mindfulness at this moment.

Life is here, at this moment. This internal, psychological movement of the ego, of restlessness, is a movement of time, it is the absence of the awareness of Being. Having an approach to the truth about Meditation... Note, Meditation here and now, in this instant. It is not a technique or a meditative practice, it is the awareness of the truth of Meditation revealing itself here and now, in Mindfulness.

So, our approach is to this alertness, it is to this awareness. This reveals the absence of this movement of dissatisfaction, of restlessness, of desire to obtain sensations, something so common in egoic identity, in this false center, in this false “I,” in this idealized “I,” in this one who sees himself separate from experience and wants to enjoy an experience in this pattern of duality. Are we together?

Maybe this sounds a little strange to you here, at first contact. I want to invite you to get to know the channel better, to enter here. We have several videos, many videos, both here on this channel and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” You can then take a look there; the link is in the video description.

An approach to life is an approach to Bliss, it is the end of this old condition of boredom, of routine, of searching for something to fill an existential void, a condition of existential pain, present due to the presence of the illusion of duality. Our subject here is Advaita, non-duality, the awareness of the truth of your Being revealing itself as Spiritual Awakening, as the Awakening of God Consciousness.

So, that's our topic here with you on this channel and also on our other channel. But we also have something beyond these videos, and we want to invite you to come closer to our Satsang meetings. The word Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means “the encounter with your Being, with the truth of your Divine Nature.”

So, we have online meetings, which take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday, we put our minds and hearts involved in this investigation of the truth about ourselves. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to participate in these meetings. It is clear that we have something greater within these online meetings than what we have in a video.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If what you just heard makes sense to you, touches you in some way, this is an invitation. Leave your like here, subscribe to the channel and post it in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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