June 5, 2024

What is Spiritual Awakening? | Spiritual Enlightenment | How to Practice Meditation? | Avidya

The question here is: “What is Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment?” Therefore, it's common for people to have questions like that. We're going to work with you here on this matter of the end of the illusion, of the illusion of the “I,” of the ego, of this sense of someone present here, right now.

Notice what an interesting thing our behavior is, the idea that, for example, here, at this moment, you're listening to us. Therefore, I'm talking and you're listening. So, there is a listening, where there are two people present within a given experience.

In relationships, in this contact we have with the world, with life, the central idea is that life is happening to me. What we call “life” or “living” is life for someone or for someone's living.

So, what is Spiritual Enlightenment? It's clear vision. What is Spiritual Awakening? It's the clear comprehension that this is a dream. We're before a dream happening. At night you have a dream – notice this – in that dream you are living life. That life you're living in the dream is very real to you. Consequently, everything that happens there is very real, until you wake up. And when you wake up, it's clear that this life wasn't real.

The life of the dream, the oneiric life, is relative to what the dreamer could experience, verify, be, have, live. Therefore, the life of the dream is real for the character in the dream. What we call “life,” here, at this instant, what we call “human existence,” where we are within this movement of trust, of certainty, of security, of absolute conviction that everything around us is real, is present because of the same condition.

You only have a dream at night when you sleep, and you only have that dream here while sleep is also happening. The truth about this is that that dream is just as real as this dream here is real. At night you dream because you sleep, and here, during the day, you dream because you sleep.

So, Spiritual Awakening is the awakening of your Real Nature, something beyond dreams and, of course, beyond sleep. Note what a simple thing we have here and, at the same time, how extremely serious it is when not understood, when not clarified.

That's why in India they call it avidya. Avidya is a Sanskrit word that means the non-vision. The non-vision is like looking in a mirror and not being able to see yourself in the mirror because the mirror is too dirty, too dusty. What you have there is a complete blur. You can't see yourself clearly in the mirror which is foggy, dusty, very dusty: that's avidya.

The view you have of yourself is avidya. So, the word avidya means ignorance. When there is ignorance, you don't have the vision: it's non-vision. That's the condition in which we, as human beings, find ourselves in this life.

Every particular vision you have of the world – note that – is not a particular vision, it's the collective vision, which now shows itself to be the particular vision of someone. You see yourself as being someone with an individual and particular consciousness, having a view of the world that, in thought, the idea in you is that it's your particular view of the world and of life. But it's not! What you have is a vision of the conditioning of culture, society and the world.

This so-called “personal consciousness” is, in reality, the consciousness of humanity. The way you see the experience of life is the way every human being sees the experience of life. You see yourself as an entity separate from life – every human being sees themselves this way – having an individual consciousness. Every human being has this feeling of individuality.

There is something present in you that is present in every human being. Every human being is exactly like you, psychologically. So, in the sense of an identity present in experience, the only singularity present here are your fingerprints, the shape of your face, your particular name, your particular history, your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). But psychologically, the structure of this consciousness of the “I,” which is human consciousness, is the consciousness present in all of us, and this consciousness is sleeping and dreaming. Its particular, private world is actually a world shared by all humanity.

Then, what is Spiritual Awakening? Notice, this is the truth of Spiritual Awakening, it's not about contact with extraterrestrials, it's not about the private experiences of this “I,” mystical, esoteric experiences, contact with the extraphysical, with the non-material, with the so-called “spiritual world.” It's not about that.

I'm talking to you here about the Real Awakening, at least in the sense that we put it here, within the channel for this expression: the Spiritual Awakening. The Real Spiritual Awakening is the end of dreaming your dream, the end of the sense of an identity present separating itself from life, seeing itself as someone in the experience of living. This is the end of the “I,” of the ego.

The Reality of your Being is present when the illusion ends. So, that's the end of avidya. This word in Sanskrit, we've already put it here for you, is ignorance. This condition of ignorance, when it ends, we have the Reality of your Being present.

When people ask what meditation is or how to practice meditation, here we also use the term meditation in a different way. Here on the channel, we call it Real Meditation, as opposed to meditation as a technique, as a practice, as something you do. No, absolutely not!

Real Meditation is the blossoming of your Being when you approach the truth of Self-Awareness in practice. We also use the word Self-Awareness in a different way here on the channel. We're talking about approaching the truth about who you are. Not to intervene or interfere in it, but to become aware of this you, which is the “I,” the ego. That's when it ends, that's when this identity, which is this “me,” this “I,” vanishes because of this attention, this clear vision of Meditation.


For you to better understand this issue of Meditation, we have a playlist here on the channel about Real Meditation, what Real Meditation is, and the truth about Self-Awareness. Self-awareness, as well as meditation, is something that is present when there is this attention to all this movement of the “I,” of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation and perception.

Becoming aware of this is the end of this ignorance, the end of this illusion, which is the separation between Reality, which is You in Your Real Being, and life. This separation is present because of this illusory identity, which is this false center, this illusory center, which is the “I,” the ego.

When we approach the truth of Meditation, which is this approach at this instant to any and all movements of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, sustaining this illusion of an identity present in this model of experience, be it a thought, an emotion, a feeling, a sensation, a way of perceiving. The end to this present identity is the end to this separateness. This is the real approach to Meditation because at that moment we have Self-Awareness present.

So, Self-Awareness here is the simple verification that this center is this element that separates itself as the experiencer, the thinker, the observer, within life, in living, in experience. To look at this closely, to approach it, is to eliminate this separation, to eliminate this duality. Eliminating this is something that occurs naturally when there is this attention, this look.

Notice: it's not someone in the practice of meditation. So, it's not someone practicing meditation. How to practice meditation? Meditation is the awareness of what is You when the sense of “I,” that “me,” that you, is no longer present.

Thus, the presence of Meditation, of Real Meditation, is the absence of the one who meditates, it is the absence of the meditator. Therefore, our point here is very specific to this issue of Meditation. It's not someone practicing meditation, it's not someone in the practice of meditation, it's the awareness that this attention to all this movement of the “I,” of the ego, is the end to this movement. So, Something is present now, atthis instant.

This Something is the awareness of non-separation, of non-duality, it is the awareness of this Being, which is not personal. So, the reality of Meditation is the presence of What is present when the meditator is not there, when the “I” is not there, when the ego is not present.

Thus, the foremost thing in life is for us to come closer to Reality, to the end of the “I,” of the ego. In other words, the most important thing in life is the flowering of your Divine Nature. It is in this sense that we use the expressions “Spiritual Awakening” and “Spiritual Enlightenment” here.

We're working on this here with you on the channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto” – then you can search for it on YouTube. We have the link here in the description of the video on our other channel. We are working with you on this, going deeper with you, becoming aware of this Reality.

So, our work here consists of this investigation, this study of what is happening to us, what we are, what we show ourselves to be, what we seem to be, and this Reality that is beyond that, which is Something indescribable, unnameable, which is the Reality of this Being, this True Being, which is present when the sense of “I,” of the ego, is no longer there.

This Natural State of Being is this blossoming of Wha is You. So this Intelligence, this Grace, this Love, this Wisdom, this Real Completeness, this True Happiness is present. The whole quest of the human being is for this Completeness, for this Happiness, for this Love, and This is present when your Being blossoms, your Real Being assumes the space that is Its in this body and in this mind.

So, we have online meetings, where we're working on this here with you, through questions and answers, within a contact with the Silence of Meditation. It's certainly something greater than a video like this. So, these meetings take place on weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description, too, so that you can participate in these meetings on weekends.

We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If what you've just heard makes sense to you, I'd like to invite you: please leave your “like” here and subscribe to the channel, OK? And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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