June 21, 2024

Advaita. The renewed mind. Atma Vichara: Ramana Maharshi. Meditation: higher self. Self-Awareness.

Here, when we come together, in these meetings, it is to investigate the Truth about who we are. This requires an approach to ourselves, where there is a mind free from this old condition of repetition, of continuity, of this ancient and old movement we know. Thus, without a doubt, we need a renewed mind. Now, the renewed mind, as we put it here, within this channel, is a new mind, a free mind.

It's strange to say this, but our way of approaching words is very dogmatic. We are very sectarian when it comes to language; we cling to the word, we cling to language and remain stuck to it. And why am I saying this? Because, the word “mind,” we need to understand too, what we need is a new state of Being. This is, indeed, a new mind. But this new mind also represents the end of the mind, this mind of the “I,” of this egoic mind.

Here, in these meetings, we are showing you that a life free from the mind is possible. I refer to this mind of the “I,” this mind of the ego, this egoic mind. Here, we are approaching a new model that does not fit into any pattern within the known for life. So, this new model is not a model, it is something beyond all modeling. An approach to life from your Being is the recognition that there is no separation between you and God, between you and life.

The sage of Arunachala, Ramana Maharshi, showed us a way to approach this vision of life, where there is a single reality present, which is the Reality of God: it is Atma Vichara. “Atma Vichara” means self-enquiry, the investigation of the “I,” the investigation of the nature of the “I.” To become aware of the movement of consciousness, of this egoic consciousness, is to become aware of the structure and nature of this old mind, this egoic mind.

Here together, we are investigating this. This approach to the Atma Vichara of Ramana Maharshi is the approach to the Freedom of the Awareness of Being, without separateness, without duality. It is what is known as Advaita, non-duality, this is straight from the Vedas. The sense of separation between you and life, between you and the other, between you and a thought, between you and a feeling... the idea that there is this “I” separate from what happens here, at this moment... this duality, this model of separateness, this pattern of separateness, this is broken, this is undone, this vanishes when you become aware of the nature of your Being.

There are expressions that people use, which we also need to investigate here. When they want to get involved with so-called “spiritual” practices, they get involved with techniques, for example, of meditation because in their opinion a mystical or so-called “spiritual” experience can enrich them. Note that, in general, our life is a life of repetition, boredom, routine, where we carry countless forms of contradictions, conflicts, problems and suffering.

People, in search of an answer to this condition, in search of an end to this condition, engage in meditation techniques or practices. So, this so-called “seek” or search for meditation of the higher “self” – we must have a careful approach here, for example, with expressions like these, this idea of ​​the higher self – notice, it is just a thought, and that involvement with meditation on the higher “self” is an involvement with a practice, with a system, with a method to have this approach to the higher “self.”

Notice, we need to become aware of Divine Reality, but this thing of naming, classifying and getting involved with techniques need to be investigated. The pure revelation of Self-Awareness, which is this awareness of how we function psychologically, internally, the vision of this awareness already reveals what we need to get closer to, we need to get closer to that, that who we are. What we really need to be aware of, what we need to be fully aware of is how we function.

Here our emphasis with you is on showing you what the truth of approaching meditation is, how to approach the Truth of the Revelation of your Being, through the awareness of Meditation, but there is no technique, there is no method, there is no practice. An approach to Self-Awareness reveals this awareness to you. Note what we are going to say: any technique, any practice, any model of representation in this search, in this affirmation of the search for Reality, is something that still keeps you within a mechanical model of behavior, where there is this “I” that sees oneself as separate from one’s objective and sets out to technically, mechanically, sustain a pattern of practice. This is something mechanical!

Contact with Self-Awareness is the revelation of That which is here at this moment. And what is here at this moment is something very alive, it has a dynamism and vivacity present at this moment, which does not fit into any mechanical pattern of behavior. It is something to be seen at this moment, apprehended, understood at this moment. When you separate yourself for a meditative practice, you look for a method, you look for a way, a formula, then you sit down, cross your legs, start repeating a mantra, put on some soft music – or through some other technique – but you are separating yourself from the moment, separating yourself from this vivacity of this moment, this dynamism that life represents here.

This involvement with a technique is an involvement with something mechanical. Yes, this can bring benefits, as we have said countless times here: relaxation, a certain psychological stillness, a stillness of the mind... but as soon as the meditation ends, everything comes back. We are within a mechanical practice, the result, naturally, is a mechanical result; what arises from mechanicalness is a mechanical result. So, you can calm down, calm your mind, bring some control, for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 50, but soon you have to take your child to school, you have to go back to work, you have to deal with your wife, your husband, you have to get back to your routine.

We need to discover what this contact with this dynamism of the present moment is, here, in living, in life, in life as it happens, bringing to this moment the awareness of Self-Knowledge. The awareness of Self-Knowledge, therefore, is the basis for Revelation of the Truth of Meditation, here and now, in living. We need this perfume, this aroma of Silence, Serenity, Stillness, Freedom in living, in this dynamism of life, taking care of the most trivial matters such as working in the kitchen, making food or driving your car, or working on the computer. The perfume, the aroma, the Grace of Meditation at this moment is present when you learn the art of understanding yourself, of understanding this entire process that occurs within you, of thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions... in contact with him, her, in contact with working in the kitchen or in the office, in the consulting room. Then, we have an approach to the Truth of Meditation.

We have here, on this channel, a playlist clearly presenting you what Meditation is. In fact, we are working with you on this truth of Self-Awareness, and it is never separate from Meditation. So, any technique, practice, or moment set aside for this so-called “meditation” without the basis of Self-Awareness, of this entire process of perception, of vision, of listening – in this listening oneself, seeing oneself, perceiving oneself, feeling this “oneself” in the relationship with the moment, with the experience of living, day by day – anything done outside of this is not real.

Here, we are dealing with you on the end of the “I,” the ego. We need to go deeper into this, so here's an invitation: take a look at this playlist, the Truth of Self-Awareness and this contact with Real Meditation in practice, in your living. So, when we talk to you here, work with you, address this subject with you, we are inviting you to feel, to think, to act free from the “I,” free from the ego, in life, here and now, at this moment. So, Meditation is what reveals itself at this moment when the sense of the “I,” of the ego, is not present. It doesn't matter what you are doing, you are talking, you are dealing with someone, watching TV, doing anything! Why the presence of this “I,” this ego, this “me,” this element that separates itself as being the one who is present, as being the judge to judge the experience, as being a censor to interpret, to evaluate, to like, to dislike?

Notice that the presence of the “I,” when it arrives and is present – ​​and this is the pattern of psychological conditioning in which human beings have been living for millennia – this sense of the “I” being present is constantly intervening, interfering, evaluating, comparing, moving within a movement already centered on this pattern of seeking pleasure, satisfaction, acknowledgment, acceptance... There is every model of action or activity centered on this egocentrism, “me.” So, we live within a classic egocentrism without any awareness of all the confusion that this represents. This explains all the suffering, all the disorder, the inability to deal with situations, to deal with people, to deal with ourselves.

Is it possible to have a life free from suffering, free from problems, free from all this confusion that the “I,” the ego, represents? So, this is the presence of non-duality, this is the presence of Advaita, of non-separation. The word “Advaita” is “the one without the second.” The Reality of your Being is the Reality of God. This flourishes when there is this approach to the Truth about who we are. The observation of the movement of the “I,” the awareness addressed, taught here by Ramana Maharshi, becoming aware of this movement is the Real approach to Meditation. Here, it is about just observing, observing without separating oneself. The Truth of Meditation reveals itself when there is a look without the one who looks, when there is a listening without the one who listens, when there is a feeling without the one who feels. This is the end of this censor, this judge, this model of being someone at this moment, at this present moment. This is the end of this condition of continuity of the “I,” of the ego.

So, this is our subject that we are addressing here with you, investigating here with you. We have several videos, also on our other channel, you can take a look later. We are working with you to end the illusion of the sense of the “I”, of the ego, to a life where this presence of Divine Reality has taken its place. This is the Realization of God; this is Spiritual Realization. It is in this sense that we use the expression “Awakening of Consciousness,” it is in this sense that we use the expression “the Truth of your Being,” that which is present when the sense of “I” is no longer present.

Therefore, here is an invitation to become aware of this Reality. We have videos here on the channel, we also have videos on our other channel, and more than that, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday we are investigating this together. It is a unique opportunity to enter into this encounter with the Silence of Meditation, this recognition of this Reality present in each of us, outside this sense of “I.” Here in the video description, you find our WhatsApp link to participate in these online meetings on weekends. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If what you have just heard is something that makes sense to you, here's this invitation, go ahead, leave your “like” here and subscribe to the channel, Ok? And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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