June 22, 2024

What is Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual Enlightenment. How to practice meditation? Self-image.

Here, the point is that we are together seeing some things that are fundamental to our lives. Here, if your interest is real with regard to this flourishing of your Natural State of Being... This Natural State of Being, the flourishing of this Natural State of Being is what I have called Spiritual Awakening here on the channel.

People often ask, “What is Spiritual Awakening?” Here on the channel, we put this matter very clearly, but naturally putting it this way, not what some out there understand by this expression – the expression “Spiritual Awakening.”

Here we put this very directly, we put it in the sense of the end of this illusory identity, which is the “I,” the ego. When your Natural State of Being flourishes, we do have the presence of the Divine Reality, which is the reality of your Being. If This is present, there is no more disorder, no more confusion, no more suffering.

When people have the question, “How to practice meditation?”, for that question, here we also have another way to approach this subject. For most people, meditation is a practice where you take a moment, close your eyes, sit cross-legged and practice some technique, some model of meditative practice. In other words, you are there doing that technique, that practice.

Here is our answer to the beauty of Meditation... See, there is nothing more singular, more unique, more extraordinary in life than the awareness of Being. This awareness of Being is Happiness. Being is Happiness, and this awareness of Being is Meditation. So, Meditation is not a technique or practice, but an awareness of full Consciousness of your Real Nature, which is the Divine Nature in you, here and now. This requires you to have a real approach to yourself.

It is necessary to discover the beauty of being free from any idea you have about who you are. This idea you have about who you are is supporting an illusion, the illusion of self-image. See, this is a subject – self-image – that is discussed a lot in psychology, but no one really knows what this represents in terms of contradiction, conflict and suffering present in our lives. Because it is this self-image that is sustaining the sense of someone present within this experience, the experience of life. And if that is present, there is no Divine Realization, there is no God Realization, there is no Spiritual Awakening.

So, contact with the reality of What You are is the end of this self-image. The person in you who is hurt, sad, upset, annoyed, who carries guilt, fear, remorse, regret, desires, jealousy, envy, the person in you who carries this chatter of thoughts, is part of that self-image. The one who is distressed, depressed, carries the weight of anxiety, all forms of fears, these different fears, all of this is part of this self-image.

Therefore, the flourishing of your Real Nature is possible when there is a realization and an emptying, naturally, of this psychological content that has given formation and sustains this self-image. The end to this self-image, the emptying of this content is the flourishing of your Being: this is Meditation, real Meditation.

This is what we are bringing here for you within this channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto.” It is another channel where we are also working on this with you. You can find our link here in the video description to check out our other channel.

Our contact with the reality of who we are, here and now, is the end of self-image, of someone who is present, in control, looking at life from a place where there are different beliefs about how life should be or could be. And it's natural that this maintains all this foundation for all this kind of disorder in this self-image.

Our relationship with life based on self-image is the relationship of a center, which is the “I,” the ego. Getting closer to the truth of your Being is the end to all of this. So, the real way we get closer to life as it is, is fundamental. Looking at this content, all this movement, which is the movement of this center, which is this “me,” which is this self-image, is to see very clearly that all of this is part of a conditioning in the history of humanity.

So, we are just continuing this whole old movement in human history when we have our lives centered on this “I,” this ego. Here it becomes essential for us to approach this moment as it is without the idea of ​​how it should be, as we generally do.

Note that your contact with people is a contact based on the image you have. You have an image of the people around you. The idea you have about who he is, about who she is, notice, it's an image, it's a concept, it's a preconception. This is part of this self-image; this makes your contact with him or her not real.

Our relationship is a relationship between images. Notice this: you have an image of who you are, who you believe you are, who you want to be. Either you like this image or you don't like it. So, if it's an image you have about yourself, about who you want to be, you have a projection, an idealism. But who is this in this projection if not this self-image itself?

And if you have an image about yourself of someone you don't like, your look at yourself is a look of depreciation, of self-punishment, of censorship, of criticism, of guilt, of fear, all of this is an image, an image built by thought. So, in addition to the image you have about yourself, you also have an image about the other person, within a relationship. This is how relationships are happening; they are relationships between images.

So, there is no real contact between you and her, there is no real contact between you and yourself. There is this very separation, there is this very duality: you and yourself, you and the other. So, this has been our model of life and existence that is egocentric, isolationist, separatist, and, therefore, generating problems of all kinds, suffering of all kinds, confusion of all kinds.

Our condition of existence is in this model, where this center, which is the “I,” sees everything around it based on its conclusions, certainties, doubts, evaluations, comparisons, judgments. So, all the disorder that we are seeing in the world, in fact, is a disorder present in each one of us. There is no separation between this confusion in the world and this confusion within each of us. This is the absence of Truth, it is the absence of Awakening, it is the absence of the flourishing of our Divine Nature, because we are living within a personal, private, egocentric model of being.

So, in these meetings here, we are working through this together, investigating the truth about ourselves. To become aware of each and every internal movement taking place, here and now. A thought that arises, a feeling that arises, an emotion that arises, without putting an identity present separating itself to like or dislike, to try to adjust that thought, that feeling, that emotion or sensation to something that it wants, that it desires, or to a condition that it does not want, that it does not desire. In doing so, the sense of separation from egoic identity is confirmed and maintained.

When we become aware of this, we have an end to this condition. So, the true way of an approach to Meditation is a look free from this center, this observer, this person who always makes these choices. So, if we want to discover how to practice Meditation, we have to be aware that Meditation is what is present when this center, which is the meditator, is not.

So, here it is about getting closer to the end of that, which is the “I,” the meditator. So, the flourishing of your Being is present when there is this awareness of Self-knowledge, which is Meditation. Note that this is not separate from this moment, it is here in this moment. Moment by moment, as you become aware of your reactions, of this whole model of an identity emerging to judge, evaluate, accept, reject, do something with what is here, with the experience. The nullification of this egocentric movement is real Meditation.

This is what we are working on with you here on this channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto.” You can find the link here in the video description to check out our other channel. We are deepening this with you, making very clear to you the possibility of, in this life, this awareness of this Divine Truth, which is You in your Being, free from this self-image, therefore free from the “I,” from the ego, for a life in Love, in Happiness, in Freedom, in Peace, where there is this presence of pure Consciousness. This is your Natural State of Being, which is actually Meditation. Therefore, it is not a practice, it is this awareness of Being, here and now, free from the sense of “I.”

So, for this purpose, we also have online meetings, in addition to these videos, they take place on weekends. So, we have Saturday and Sunday, where we are together investigating this, exploring this with you, through questions and answers, through this contact with Silence, with a new approach to this question of Meditation.

So, if this is something that makes sense to you, I want to leave this invitation here for you. Here in the video description, you have our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings on the weekends. In addition to these meetings that take place on weekends, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats.

So, if this really makes sense to you, go ahead and leave it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” Leave a “like,” subscribe to the channel, and also take a look at our other channel. OK? See you. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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