June 14, 2024

What is Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual Enlightenment. How to practice Meditation? Advaita Vedanta.

The question here is: What is Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment? There is another question: How to practice Meditation? Here with you, we will approach this subject. Starting with the matter of Meditation; let's understand one thing: we don't know what Meditation represents, the beauty of Meditation. What, in fact, is meditating? Notice, Meditation is the presence of the Reality of Being, here at this moment. That which is present here when there is no longer a sense of identity at this instant, at this moment, separating itself from life, from existence, from manifestation, naturally seeing itself as a person, living a particular experience of the world. When we have the end to this condition, we have the Truth of Meditation.

When we talk about Meditation, we are actually talking about the end of duality. So, there is no Meditation while there is meditation and meditator, this is the first point that needs to be understood. When people want to find out how to practice meditation, they want to find out what to do, how to do, how to make it possible for them… as if there was the possibility of someone present meditating. When there is Meditation, there is no one meditating, because there is no separation, there is no duality. This duality, notice, is something that thought has been creating and sustaining. Our lives, in this idea of ​​being someone, which consists of the private life of someone who is living their own life, their private life, is an illusion.

So, when we talk to you here about the issue of Spiritual Awakening, we are talking about the end of an identity present, exactly separating itself from life, where there is this life there and it here. It was born, is living and will die, and life will go on – that's the idea. Illusion consists of what thought is formulating, creating, sustaining, naturally producing within this division. Thought has created this center which is the “I,” the “me,” the ego, and thought is producing the idea of ​​a life separate from this center, this “I,” this “me,” this ego, in which it is living. Thus, we are before an illusion.

Meditation cannot be a practice, practice is for someone, practice requires the presence of a technique, a method, a system, someone doing it, someone executing it, someone performing it, naturally to obtain something, to achieve something, or to get rid of something. This is why people look for techniques, practices and methods, and use the expression “meditation” exactly in this sense. Here we use this expression with a different meaning. Here it is not about how to practice meditation – because there is no “me,” this “I,” this ego, this entity present in the practice – here it is about the awareness of Being Pure Consciousness. If this is present, Meditation is present, but there is no “me,” this “I,” this ego in practice, accomplishing something, doing something. And this is for a very simple reason: your Natural State of Being is this Real Consciousness, where the “I,” the ego is not, this is Meditation.

So, this issue of Awakening, this issue of Enlightenment, is the Awareness of your Natural State of Being, which is Meditation. This Natural State of Being is present when the Truth of non-separation is present. Here we are working on this with you, showing you that the Truth of non-separation, of non-duality is what is known as Advaita; this is straight from Advaita Vedanta. Advaita is non-duality, non-separation, the Presence of the Reality of your Being. If this is present, Meditation is present as this Natural State of Being.

I have said that we have, here, two ways of approaching this expression, which I have called “Real Meditation,” which is the Truth of Meditation. The first is to learn to observe the entire movement of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, perception, without placing an entity present to do something with this pure observation. I'm going to put this here in a very simple way for you: when you are faced with an experience, the idea behind, in this contact with the experience, is that you are someone and the experience is something separate from you. So much so that, after the experience has occurred, when the memory of the experience arises, you speak of that experience as if you had lived that experience. Notice, it seems that this is very reasonable, our psychological conditioning of human life has been like this for millennia, it is the idea of ​​someone present living experiences. Thus, there is the experiencer and the experience, and then when the memory of that experience that is gone comes back, which is no longer there, the experiencer is still talking about that experience as if he had lived the experience. Note that, let's investigate this here.

When you are faced with an experience, the truth of this is that there is no such thing as that experiencer and the experience. What is present is the experience, if there is a record, memory of the experience, only after the experience, minutes later, hours later or days later, this memory appears and the experiencer speaks of this experience as something separate from him, which is not true. Everything we are having here from any past experience is a memory, it is a remembrance of the experience and the illusion of an experiencer who lived that, but at the exact moment of what happened, of the event, there was no separation.

Notice how wonderful it is that we have this understanding, notice how fascinating it is to have this approach, the real approach that in whatever is happening here and now, there is no one. It is just what happens, there is no separateness, there is no separation between what is being seen here and someone seeing it. This separation is a fantasy, it is an imagination, it is a conditioning that we have that there is the observer and the observed thing, there is the experience and the experiencer. This sense of someone present in the experience is an illusion, that someone is just a thought that appears later to talk about the experience as if they were there. Notice the beauty of this: life is as it is, it happens as it happens, the sense of an identity that separates itself is an illusion created by thought, sustained by memory.

So, this whole egocentric movement of being is thought projecting itself, placing a present identity within the experience, separating itself from the experience, and if this is present, problem is present, suffering is present, confusion is present. When a thought is present here – let's put it like this, in a very simple way for you to understand – when a thought is here, it's just a thought, a remembrance, a memory, but our conditioning tells us that we are thinking this, which is not true. The greatest simple, clear proof that this is not true is that when a thought is present, it was not you who brought the thought, it appeared. Every thought in us appears, stays for a while and disappears; soon another one appears, stays for a while and disappears.

The illusion is that you are producing the thought, as if there were you as the thinker, which is not true. Thought is just a response that comes from the past to a reaction at this moment. The brain's reaction to this moment, through an external or internal stimulus, is something that occurs, and when it occurs, a thought appears – it is a memory, a remembrance, there is no one in that remembrance. It is very important that we have a comprehension of all this because in this way we can eliminate the illusion of separation and, therefore, of duality between the thinker and thought, between the experiencer and the experience. And when there is an end to that, we have the end of duality, the end of separateness.

We have many videos here on the channel dealing with this with you, and also on our other channel called Marcos Gualberto. You can find our link here in the video description, also from our other channel. So, to have an approach to the Truth of Spiritual Awakening is to have an approach to the end of duality, the end of this separateness. This is the end of the “I,” the end of the ego, the end of the experiencer, the end of the thinker. Then, all suffering ends, all these problems created and sustained by thought because of this duality, which is the “I” and the “non-I,” the feeling and the one who feels, thought and the one who thinks, life and the one who is living that life. There comes the end to this condition, the end to this illusion.

This work here consists of investigating all of this together, of approaching all of this together. It is when there is the end to the “I,” the end to the ego, the end to this sense of illusory separation between you and life, between you and existence, between you and the other, in this separation is established every form of confusion, problems and suffering. Looking at what we are, clearly perceiving this sense of identity creating this separation, this direct look without mistaking yourself for this condition is Real Meditation, this is the first aspect of Meditation. The awareness that the observer is the thing observed, thought is the thinker itself and experience is the experiencer itself, the comprehension of this is the end of this separateness. When there is an end to that separateness, that experience vanishes, that thought vanishes, that condition of duality goes away. When this is no longer present, here we have the second aspect of the Truth of Meditation, because we are before this Real Nature of Being.

Thus, Meditation reveals your nature, beyond this duality. We have this aspect of this approach through this attention, this looking without the observer, to this perceiving without the perceiver, this direct feeling of this moment without someone feeling it; and we have the Truth of this Revelation of Meditation when there is no more this sense of separateness. So, your Natural State of Being is Consciousness, Happiness and Love. This Real State of Being of yours is Being-Consciousness-Bliss, then the Truth of this Being that you are, is Meditation. It is not about someone meditating, it is about the flowering of your Natural State of Being, which is Pure Consciousness, when this is present, there is no longer separation, there is no longer duality and there is no longer this sense of “I” present in experience producing conflict, producing contradictions, producing suffering.

So, this is our commitment here together, our work together. We also have meetings that take place on weekends, which are online meetings. Here you will find, in the video description, our WhatsApp link to participate in these online meetings that take place on weekends. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave the comment here: “Yes, it makes sense.” Please leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel, OK? Also take a look at our other channel and see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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