April 11, 2023

Joel Goldsmith: Conscious Union with God | Advaita: Non-Duality | The psychological conditioning

After all, what is Consciousness? There’s much confusion for people regarding this issue of Consciousness. After all, what is Consciousness? We mistake this Consciousness for “being conscious.” First, I want to talk to you about being conscious – what we also call consciousness, which is not real consciousness.

In these speeches, I talk to you about it in two ways when I use the expression “consciousness.” First, there’s this mental, egoic consciousness, this consciousness where suffering is present, which is the one we usually treat or refer to all the time when, for example, we say: “I am aware of this,” “ No, I’m aware of that,” “I was there and I was fully aware of all that.” When we use these expressions, we refer to that mental, egoic consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I.” It’s in that mental consciousness that the confusion, disorder, and suffering lie. Within that consciousness lie sleep, dream, the condition of separateness and duality, where there’s this “I” and the world, “I” and God, “I” and life. This is what we call “consciousness.” This consciousness is a model of psychological conditioning – I also call this egoic mind or egoic consciousness – and we mistake this model of consciousness for the Reality of What we truly are. Here I refer to the Nature of Being, which is Happiness, Real or Pure Consciousness.

This human consciousness, entirely based on memory, entirely on thought – thought, memory – is something linked to time. This can’t be the Reality of your Being, this Real Consciousness, since this Real Consciousness, which is your Being, is the Reality of God.

Here we offer you the opportunity to have this clear vision of yourself that this sense of an “I” present in this experience of the world – in relationship with objects, people, places and all experiences – is nothing but an illusion, the illusion of “someone” present being the experiencer of all these experiences. This is not real and it’s very simple for us to approach it. We have dreams as an example: at night you have a dream and you have the world there; there are people and places there, and you’re living all those experiences there. When you wake up from the dream of the night, you realize that, in fact, you were the center of that whole world and that world was only in in thoughts, in the imagination of an “I” present in that dream; and when you wake up, you realize that not even that “me” was real. It was the imagination you had of yourself in that experience as being you. Then, you easily discard the dream state, because you realize that in the dream that experience of the world, in which you were aware of it, was a mental consciousness produced, imagined by thought and therefore not real.

The same happens here and now, but now you believe that you are really living the reality of your life, of your existence, and that this world is not a dream. All the vicissitudes, adversities, problems, situations, and dilemmas you have here are real: this is still the dream’s particular vision. What I'm saying is that we have a dream like that here; we simply go from one dream to another. This is the reality of the mind, of this mental consciousness, this egoic consciousness, this sense of a present “I,” which is inside its particular world in that dream, which is the egoic mind.

Thus, this psychological condition of life, of human existence, is a dream condition. The invitation to the Awakening of Consciousness is, literally, the Awakening from that dream, that sleep where this dream takes place. When sleep ends, when the dream ends, the Reality of your Being, which is Happiness and God, shows itself. This is Real Consciousness, Something present beyond this dream of the world, this dream we have at night during sleep, and beyond this deep sleep that we have at night while the body sleeps.

So, the Awakening of your Divine Nature is the recognition of the Reality of your Being, the Reality of God. Then, what’s this Spiritual Enlightenment? What’s this Spiritual Awakening? Here I mean Real Spiritual Awakening, not what many people call “Spiritual Awakening” or “Spiritual Enlightenment” out there. Here I mean ending the illusion of the sense of separateness between you and this one Reality. There’s only this one Reality. This one Reality is You in Your Being. That “you” that feels separate from this is within that egoic consciousness, that mental consciousness. It’s the illusion of identity present in this experience that is life.

The Realization of your Being, of this Divine Nature, of your Identity – which is Pure Consciousness, Bliss – is the reality of the Awakening of Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, or Spiritual Enlightenment. The Reality of your Being in this Real Awakening of Consciousness is the Awakening of Christ, the Consciousness of Christ – Joel Goldsmith calls it “Christ Consciousness.” Your Real Nature, your True Nature is the Reality of this “I and the Father are One.” Thus, there’s no “I” and no “Father.” It’s this Reality, this Absolute, Nameless Reality – Joel Goldsmith calls it “The Infinite Invisible.”

The Reality of God is something beyond words, concepts, and thoughts. You realize What You are, which is the Reality of Christ, the Truth of the Kingdom of God that is in you, of this “Infinite Invisible.” This is the “Conscious Union with God.” I’ve been reiterating this: “Conscious Union with God” is, in fact, the Presence of God alone, without the sense of an “I” present. So, it’s not about two coming together, it’s about this Reality showing itself as the one Supreme Reality. There’s an Indian expression for this, which I really like within these talks, the expression is “Advaita.” Advaita is Non-Separateness, Non-Duality, it means “the one without a second”; the one – but it’s a different one, it’s a one that has neither a second nor a third, the one that is Unique – it’s the Reality of Real Consciousness, Pure Consciousness.

So, this egoic consciousness, this mental consciousness, is the one that presents itself in a dream, while you sleep at night on your bed, and it presents itself here in the vigil state, where you see a world very similar to that one, except that here maybe a little more organized. It seems that the mind, here, has a limitation and it can’t have that freedom of imaginary construction, all of it based on memories, remembrances, and thoughts, as it does in the dream while you are sleeping. But basically, we refer to the same illusion of this egoic consciousness, this illusory consciousness, this separatist consciousness.

Then, the Realization of your Being, which is Pure Consciousness, is the Realization of God, of that “Conscious Union with God” by Joel Goldsmith. The Truth of your Being is Plenitude, Love, Peace, Bliss, the end to all forms of psychological suffering, to all disorder, to that sense of “I.” Since this “I” is no longer present, since the only Reality present is the Reality of this Real Consciousness – which is the Christ, the Divine Truth, the “Infinite Invisible” – What is here and now shows itself, reveals itself as the unique Reality.

So, this is our invitation within these meetings, approaching the Truth about who You are, discarding all that mental consciousness, that egoic consciousness, that model of psychological conditioning – which is all based on that psychological memory, placing the illusion of that “I” present in time and space, with goals, purpose, objectives, plans; and all that is nothing but a projection of that egoic mind, that psychological memory itself. All this vanishes and disappears.

Man will never be happy without recognizing the Truth that this idea of being “somebody” is not real. Then, the Reality of your Being is the end of that illusion, that consciousness, that “I.” So, the reality of consciousness and suffering is that this “consciousness,” as we call it – which is this mental consciousness – is what sustains this suffering, since this mental consciousness is nothing more than the psychological conditioning sustaining the illusion of this hypnotic state of separateness and duality.

If this is something that makes sense to you – if what you’ve just heard makes sense – leave your like and subscribe to the channel. I want to remind you: we have online meetings – where we work on this with those who come closer – face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we work on this together, looking at this and assuming this Reality, which is the Reality of God, the Reality of the Truth of your Being.

February, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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