April 1, 2023

Awakening of Consciousness | Spiritual Enlightenment | Who am I? Sage Ramana Maharshi | Atma Vichara

Our proposal is for you to discover your Natural State of Being. We are unaware of This. We are unaware of what our Real and Natural State of Being is.

Some people call this Natural State Spiritual Enlightenment or the Awakening of Consciousness. Here, it refers to a life free from contradiction and therefore free from problems and confusion, psychologically free from suffering.

Would such a life be possible? A life entirely free from all this complexity that our lives have become? Because, psychologically and also economically, physically… When we look at the world, we see politics, religion, and the economy, and there are problems everywhere! There is widespread confusion! We have problems everywhere, we have disorder and confusion. Is a life free from confusion possible?

Let’s make this much simpler. Is it possible to be at peace internally? Just like that... a life in Happiness, in Love, Freedom, and Intelligence, without suffering and fear. This is a result of the Awakening of Consciousness, a result of Spiritual Enlightenment, and we are working on This here.

When you approach this channel, when you view one of our videos, you are naturally faced with a challenge, a new way of feeling, thinking, and acting. Then, we are working together to end this idea of the “I,” the ego.

The person’s life is sustained by this egoic identity. And what we take as something natural in life… here we are questioning, doubting, disbelieving it. Here, I refer to this generalized confusion, to this life so confused, so perplexed, so strange, that our lives have become because of this model of egoic identity present.

All of this revolves around this “I,” this “me.” So, the question we address on this channel is “who am I?”, “What am I doing here?”, “What is life?”

We don't want to find an intellectual answer to that. This we can find in books. Anthropologists explain who we are, from an anthropological viewpoint; religion explains who we are, from the viewpoint of religion; scientists explain who we are, from a biological viewpoint.

The question is, “Who am I?” A discovery you make, you realize, you perceive, by yourself, in yourself. What’s the truth about who I am, about what I'm doing here, about what life is about, and who is God?

The understanding of this – here I mean the experiential understanding of this – is Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness; it’s the Truth that the only Reality present in all this manifestation is the Divine Reality, is the Reality of God.

Thus, our subject here is showing you the possibility of this vision about who you are, this vision of yourself. Who is this one thinking? Who is this one feeling? Who is this one speaking to? Who is this one acting? Who is this one enjoying and who is this one suffering? Who am I?

The approach of the Truth of God... The Holy Scriptures, both in the West and East, all the Scriptures point to the Reality of our Real Identity, contrasting with this illusory, unreal identity we present to be in this model of life in confusion, in disorder, in suffering, in fear, with all this despair that the life of human beings has become. This is present because of this false “me,” this false center, and this illusory idea about who we are.

The Sage Ramana Maharshi, for many years, shared with those who approached the possibility of this Discovery. To everyone who approached, he would ask: “Who are you?” Ask yourself: “Who am I?” That is, “What is the truth about who I am? What is the reality of my being? What is the reality about this ‘me’?”

I want to invite you to a life free from all this confusion, and all this disorder. This is possible when there’s this approach through Self-Awareness. Self-Awareness is the possibility of looking at all this movement of the “I,” “me,” and this ego.

You can’t put an end to this confusion, this disorder, this suffering in the world, to the troubles of the world – neither in this near world, which is personal, nor in this greater world, which is society, the collectivity and the world around, the global world. You can't put an end to these problems out there if you don't solve this basic issue of the problem of this “I.”

What I’ve been affirming in these meetings is that this “me” is the problem, you are the problem. It’s not that you have problems, you are the problem! You don't have the problem of fear, anxiety, depression, anguish, lack, or neediness, you don't have an economic problem or a health problem; you are the problem!

The sense of a present “I” living these experiences is giving identity, reality, and truth to these experiences. There’s no truth in it! Therefore, you are the problem, the present sense of an “I” is the problem, and we want to solve that.

What we believe to be a problem on the outside, what we believe to be an external problem, what we believe to be a problem in the experience of our lives, as if they were separate from that experience itself, as if there was an “I” separating itself from the fear you feel, an “I” separating itself from the worrying thoughts, the negative thoughts, the repetitive thoughts, the compulsive thoughts, and so on… as if there was an “I” really separating itself from it, that could separate itself from it, an “I” thinking, an “I” with fear, an “I” anguished, an “I” with anger, an “I” lacking or in need, an “I” worried…

In reality, there’s no such separateness. That “I” is the worry, the fear, the neediness, that “I” is the anxiety, depression, anger, fear, that “I…” It’s not “I'm violent.” No! Violence is this “I.”

When we approach, through Self-Awareness – here, Self-Awareness is not Self-knowledge, in the sense of improving this “I;” it’s Self-Awareness to verify the illusion of this “I” – when, through Self-Awareness, we perceive the illusion of this “I,” everything disappears: anxiety, fear, depression, anger, lack, neediness, violence, because this is sustained in this sense of the “I.”

It’s in this sense of the “I” that there’s confusion in the world. The world isn’t separate from this “I.” It’s not that we’re causing problems for the world; we are the world’s problem! As long as we don’t resolve this issue of this “me” we believe we are, as long as we don’t abandon this illusion of being “someone” in all of this, all the confusion, suffering, and problems will continue.

Hence, “our lives” are made up of problems, this life is made up of problems, and our lives are full of problems. In fact, these problems are our lives. And, here, the invitation is to go beyond these problems and, therefore, go beyond this “my life,” this “our life,” this sense of “someone” in this particular, personal involvement, centered on itself, trying to solve problems, trying to end them outside.

There’s no problem on the outside! Every problem is here and now, in the illusion of being “someone,” in identifying with this model of existence in duality, in separateness. This duality, this separateness, constitutes the illusion of “me and the world,” “me and the problem,” “me and the crisis,” “me and suffering,” “me and the anger,” “me and the fear,” and so on.

Self-Awareness brings you closer to this observation. Ramana Maharshi called it Atma Vichara, self-observation, observing yourself, becoming aware, aware of that movement. When you do that, that space between this “me” and that other thing, which is the fear, the anger, the neediness, the problem… that space disappears; and when that space disappears, that “I” disappears; and if it disappears, the problem disappears.

But you need to verify it. Listening to it this way is very vague and very theoretical. You need to approach the end of the problem which is the problematic one, the end of fear which is the fearful one, and the end of thought which is the thinker. Without the fearful one – I repeat this – there’s no fear; without the thinker, there’s no thought, and vice versa; without the thought, where is the thinker? Without fear, where is the fearful one? Notice that… where is the problem without the problematic one? Where’s the problematic one without the problem?

Notice that this always appears together, this duality is always... two wings of a single bird. This bird is called... this bird, this fowl; this bird is called “the illusion of duality.” Yes, illusion, because the only Reality is the Reality of Consciousness, Presence, Being, God, of Truth. So, there are no problems. So, there is no fear. So, there is no confusion; then, there is no suffering, no depression, no anguish, no pain of loneliness.

All this is sustained in this duality, in this fowl, in this bird, in this illusion of duality; it is established on that “me,” that “I,” that ego. So, the approach through Self-Awareness is the discarding of the illusion of this “I,” then, your Natural State, which is Meditation, is settled. I’ve called it the True Practical Meditation.

We have a playlist here, on our channel, working on this issue of Self-Awareness and the True Practical Meditation. There are two very interesting playlists for you to take a look at, but all the subjects here on the channel clarify the end of this duality, of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, and therefore, the end of all this.

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like,” and subscribe to the channel... I want to remind you: we have online meetings, face-to-face meetings, and also retreats, where we work on this with those who approach.

If that makes sense to you, see you next meeting.

December, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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