April 5, 2023

Satsang. Kundalini Awakening and the action free of the ego. The real purpose. Life without purpose

Your arrival here in these meetings… our purpose is to discover life without purpose. Life with purpose is the one they say we need to have. Such life is a life based on calculation, in the search for results. We never suspect a life free of purpose, of calculation, free of goals.

The point is that there are no goals; there is no purpose in life. Seeing that in yourself and having this approach to life is having a new, intelligent quality of life.

The real purpose is a life without purpose. Our speech, our action, our listening, our relationships, always with something external to ourselves, including the very movement of identification with thoughts arising, all of these are models of actions in our lives.

Life is a movement in relation to what is outside or inside; this movement is the action. There’s no life without a relation and there’s no relation without action. The point is that our actions are conflicting from the base, from the beginning, and the basis. They come from thought, ambition, desire, or fear. It’s the fear of escaping something that moves us to act in a relationship with something. It is the desire to achieve something that moves us to act in a relationship with something.

Our relationship with the other, with life, with what goes on inside us, is like this: it’s a relation – which represents an action – always born from this model, which is the model of the reactive thought.

Notice that thought is just the reaction of the memory in us, all the time, all the time, all the time, all the time... And that memory in us is desire, fear, frustration, escape, or an attempt to obtain something. There’s always implied the inner movement of a purpose.

When you arrive at these meetings called Satsang, I talk to you about a Free, internal State of Pure Consciousness and therefore free from ideas, beliefs, and thoughts; free, therefore, of purpose, egoic, egocentric purposes, purposes of the “person.”

“Person,” the sense of “person,” is unhappiness. The very sense of being a “person” carries the weight of unhappiness. Notice that it’s this sense of “person” that always brings, in itself, the lack of something, the need for something: either it needs to get something, obtain, accomplish, or to get rid of something to feel good about itself. Then, the sense of “person” is always the sense of unhappiness.

We never ask ourselves if an action free of the “person,” of this sense of “person” is possible. We never ask ourselves if an action free of thought and these motivations given by thought is possible. We never ask ourselves if an action of Pure Intelligence, Pure Freedom is possible. Such action is an action without ego and therefore an action without fear, without desire, without calculation, free from memory and thought.

We use the expression “love”. Love for a country, for family, for oneself, thy neighbor, for God… Nobody knows what Love is! Love is the absence of the sense of “someone” in the action; Love is the presence of the Unknown.

When things happen, nobody signs authorship. The Presence of the Reality of Life, when this quality of action is present… This quality of action is the fruit of Love. So, it’s not the love for God, for thy neighbor, for a country, for family, for oneself... It’s Love!

The presence of Love is the presence of Intelligence, of this Real Consciousness, the presence of Truth. And when there’s Love, there is no suffering; when there is Love, no unhappiness; when there is love, there is no motivated, calculated, planned, idealized, programmed action to obtain something or get rid of something. It’s a quality of action free of the ego, free from egocentrism, from the movement of an illusory identity, this false center.

You seem to carry a false center, which is this sense of “I.” You mistake yourself for this because you don't observe yourself. If self-observation is paying attention to yourself, which is the attention you need to pay to yourself here and now, so that your life can be Real, so that your action is not the action of “someone,” but rather, the action of Intelligence itself, of Consciousness itself, which is Love. This is possible when there’s silence.

We need a silent, still, free brain… free from fear and desire. You might ask: how is a brain of this quality possible? A brain of this quality is a brain that has undergone a profound transformation, a brain that no longer reacts to external and internal stimuli in the old way and no longer responds within these impulses of reactive thought.

This reactive thought movement is psychological programming. I’ve called this psychological memory; it’s the memory of ego-identity. Your model of thinking, feeling, and acting, based on this psychological memory, is something within this consciousness I call mental consciousness; it’s mere egoic consciousness of identity in movement.

When this new brain is present, it is the quiet, silent brain, which has undergone this transformation, this change. People use the expression “Kundalini Awakening” without the slightest idea of what it represents. They say it because they’ve read in books, they’ve heard someone speaking; they say it because they felt certain things in the body, but they actually desire and, because of the desire, they imagine certain experiences, and then they talk about.

We’re very funny creatures. We repeat what others say without the slightest idea of what they – these others – said, and then we repeat it as if it were true for us. We’re very curious little creatures, very comical.

The expression “Kundalini Awakening” has nothing to do with everything you’ve already read, heard, or listened to. The expression “Kundalini Awakening,” which is our subject here, with you, is what makes this quality of action possible: the action free of the ego, which is an action in Love. So, when a person says “I went through the process of Kundalini Awakening,” or, “when my Kundalini awakened…”

Listen to what we're saying. When there’s Kundalini Awakening, which is just the Awakening of this Intelligence, this Consciousness, the brain quiets down, there’s a change, a transformation in one’s own brain cells. This has been known in Ancient India for millennia! When this happens in a human being, the sense of “I,” the sense of ego, dissolves and vanishes. There’s no “someone” left to tell about an experience he or she had, nor “someone” to explain what happened.

What we need is this transformation, this change. This Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening of Intelligence, of Consciousness. This is a very delicate subject and of profound importance to all of us. The Awakening of your Divine State, your Natural State, is simply that: the Awakening of God!

Since you were little, you’ve been listening to priests, pastors, clergymen, politicians... Everyone says that God is within us, everyone says... everyone uses expressions like “knowing the Truth is the door to Freedom.” Christ said: “You'll know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free!” And then everyone says “to know the truth is to know the truth…” and everyone has his own truth! Religious people say “this Truth is the presence of God in us,” but nobody really knows what This is! In fact, talking about the Truth, nobody knows!

What is this Reality of God in us? It’s Kundalini, is Consciousness, Presence. When This takes place, your body, your brain, and your life change, then Real Freedom is present. It’s not economic, financial, family, or political freedom, that’s not freedom... It’s Freedom from the sense of “someone” present here and now, the action in God, in Love, in Freedom, the action free of the “I,” of the ego.

This quiet, silent brain sustains the flourishing of this State. It sustains the flourishing of Kundalini Awakening. Without a silent, still brain, there’s no way for this profound change to happen in the brain cells themselves. Thus, we need Meditation.

Meditation is being able to be here and now without mistaking yourself for what arises: every thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, or perception, whatever is appearing here and now. Looking at it... looking at it without any idealism about the thing needs to be found or something needs to be found. No, nothing needs to be found! All you need is to verify what is happening here and now in you, then this profound transformation, this profound change, is possible; then What is Real, this Presence, this Truth, flourishes. This is the new action, this is the action of Consciousness, of Freedom, of God, this is the action of your Natural State, your Divine State.

Thus, our invitation here is to get closer to This, live This in this life and never talk about love again, nor preach, write, sing about love… When Love is present, everything is present, because Love is God, Life, and Truth. And, now, we don't talk, sing, or teach about This anymore. This is Life, your Living, this is Life as It is showing itself, and it is in Love that Happiness and Peace reside. This is the end of your world. This is the end of your story, of your ego. This is the end of your illusion of wanting to be “someone,” of needing to be “someone” or needing to get rid of someone, of this “someone” you believe to be.

This is our subject, here.

January, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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