December 10, 2023

Joel Goldsmith | The Mystical I | Spectator of God | The ego-free action | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto was willing to be here with us to answer the questions you ask here on the channel and, also, to bring the experience of this Natural State, this State free from this false identity of the “I.”

Master, today I am going to read an excerpt from a book by Joel Goldsmith, the book called “The Mystical I.” In an excerpt from this book, Joel says the following: “So, in silence and trust, you can be a spectator of God in the midst of action.” Master, can you tell us more about action?

MG: We are faced with something unique, which is life as it happens, life as it moves. The matter of action is something fundamental for our investigation, because life, Gilson, consists of actions. Speaking is an action, listening is an action, this “feeling” occurs in action. Everything is happening as a movement in life. This movement in life is action.

We have to investigate the nature of action. What is action? We have several ways of approaching this subject. So, we're just going to address one of them here. The question is: who is this – which is the “I” – present in action? What, in fact, is an action that is born from this present “I,” from this present person? Our actions are actions that are based on acquired experience. Everything we do or seek to do… we have a background of knowledge about that or we seek a basis of knowledge to carry out that action. Our actions, therefore, are actions that arise from prior knowledge.

So, here, we have explained to you that there is an action of another order, of a quality, of a performance, of an entirely new and unknown movement for all of us: it is the action that is born from Real Intelligence, from the Real Presence of each one of us. This Real Presence of each one of us is not the presence of the person, it is not the presence of the “I,” and this real action is not born from this background of acquired knowledge.

So, let's look at some things now: our actions require the presence of an experiencer, someone who has already lived something, already experienced something, already understands something and acts, at this moment, based on it. This is the “I,” the person, the experiencer. Let's give an example here: driving a car requires knowledge, it requires experience, it requires the presence of the experiencer, the one who knows how to drive the car. At this level, our actions are practical actions, quite objective. So, in truth, it is an action without any commitment of this illusory center, which is the “I,” the ego, unless someone is inside the car feeling very important, because they are inside a new car, because they are showing off this car for others, then the sense of ego is present, but the simple fact of driving a car... This only requires knowledge, experience, the presence of an experiencer and not necessarily the presence of the ego, because this is a practical, objective action.

But in general, Gilson, our actions – and here I want to refer now to the quality of action of the ego, which is the action of the “I,” which is this action that produces problems in our lives, confusion in our lives … this quality of action requires the presence of that personal sense, which is the ego, the person. So, this experiencer is the illusion of a present identity moving in a quality of action, which is the action of memory, which is the action of the past, which is the action of this false center, which is the ego, which is the “I.”

An example of this quality of action is – using the example of the car – being inside the car feeling bigger than everyone, better than everyone, or more powerful than everyone. So, now we have implicit in this action, which is the action of a present identity, the presence of the ego.

So, notice: in our life, there are two types of action happening: the action that is born from this illusory center, which is the “I,” the ego, which I have called egoic activity, egocentric activity, and the simple and direct action, technical, mechanical, functional. Building a house is a technical action, writing a letter is a technical action. When I ask you what your address is, you need a technical memory to tell me your home address. Our life, in the action of the ego, which is this egocentric activity, this entire background of experience and knowledge, and memory... All of this is at the service of desire, fear, suffering, anguish, pride, and all kinds of psychological confusion. So, there is a Life Free within an action, without the sense of the present “I,” and we need to discover this quality of life free from this present “I.”

We already have this technical and functional activity, we already know it, it happens in a very simple way for all of us. Here, we are referring to the discovery of a new action, the ego-free action in our relationship, for example, with others, with life, and with ourselves. Why is this, Gilson, very important? Because all the suffering, all the human misery, all the violence, all the disturbance, everything that represents human life in this context of culture and the world – where what is always present is confusion – is present because of an “I”-centered, ego-centered quality of action. So, as long as there is the sense of this “I” present, in this model of action, there will be suffering, confusion, there will be disorder, all this insanity present in this context of this so-called “human consciousness.”

So, becoming aware of this movement of the “I,” this movement of the ego, is putting an end to this quality of action, because the movement of the “I,” of the ego, is action, it is this quality of action that is born from this illusion of this sense of someone present separating oneself from the other, separating oneself from God, separating oneself from life. All of this is present in the absence of the revelation of what this action is. What happens, with regard to action, is that, at this moment, we are always being challenged by life. Life is an extraordinary challenge.

At every moment you are challenged to action: speaking – as we put it just now –, listening, gesturing… There is no way, in life, for you to be free from being in some model of action. Even if sitting quietly is an action, a movement of thought within you is a movement of action; of feeling, it is a movement of action. So, there is no way we can be in life without action. Therefore, life is this challenge, a challenge that requires action. The point is that we have two types of actions: there is a qualified action and a disqualified one. There is a direct, real action, and a completely disqualified action, because it starts from an illusory center, while direct action is a spontaneous, free and qualified action.

So, we have here, Gilson, an action to be taken: the ego-free action, which is a qualified, direct action, or an action in the ego, a disqualified action. So, responding, at this moment, to this instant is a challenge. The answer to this challenge, if it is adequate, is direct, it is objective, it is free from the ego. An action like this does not produce suffering, does not produce conflict, does not produce misery, because it is an action that is born from the Consciousness of the Truth of your Being, which is the Truth of God. So, it is not someone's action, it is the direct action of Life in life. Otherwise, we have the action of ego. Everything that represents confusion, misery, and suffering in the world, in our relationships, is based on this type of action, this inadequate reaction, this response to this challenge in an inadequate way.

Your relationship with your wife, in this friction, in this conflict, in this divergence, in this contradiction, where there is verbal aggression, emotional aggression, aggression, and often even physical, in this relationship with the wife, with the neighbor, with the boss… This type of conflicting action, this type of violent action, this type of action based on desire, fear, and attachment are examples of inadequate actions. In other words, a response to the challenge of the present moment, an inadequate response. Responding to this challenge, within this inadequate action, is producing problems, is living in problems.

So, our life, Gilson, in the ego, is a miserable life, and it doesn't matter if you are someone very successful, if you are someone respected within society, famous, rich, powerful, someone whom everyone might even look at you and say: “You are an example of success!” It doesn't matter what people think or say about who they think you are. Internally, your internal state – although, apparently, you stand out among everyone – this internal state will always override any apparent quality or beauty of life, or wealth, or prosperity, or success that you apparently have.

So, we are here investigating the nature of the Truth about who we are, going beyond this belief about who we believe ourselves to be, and beyond this belief about who others believe us to be. So, this action is the action free of the “I,” free of the ego, it is the action of Truth, it is the real action, it is the action free from this background of psychological conditioning, of memory, from this illusory center, which is the “I,” which is the ego.

GC: In relation to this real action: within spirituality, a lot is said about… “Ah! felt compelled to act in this way, or I felt compelled to act in that other way.” Sometimes it is called “intuition”: “Ah! I’m feeling it, I’m having the intuition that I should act like this.” Can the Master clarify this for us?

MG: As long as you are present being the experiencer, being the thinker, being the feeler, being the one within the experience, as long as you are feeling as someone within the experience, as a separate element of the experience itself, it is natural that your actions are born from an impulse. This impulse is the impulse of that background, still of that center, still of that thinker, of that experiencer, of that which is within the experience, which is the “I,” the ego.

So, when you say “I felt like doing it,” “I noticed something,” “I had an intuition,” “I had a direction,” this condition of action, which is born from a direction, is born from a background of a memory. “Oh! But I had an intuition!” Yes, that intuition is also that. The question is: who is this in action? Who is this who received intuition? Who is this that was guided?

It's important, Gilson, that we investigate this. Every action... is either an action free from the sense of the author of the actions, or it will be an action that still has an author. This authored action is the separate action of the author of the action. This separation, in a very classic way, demonstrates that it is an action of wanting, of will, of this so-called “intuition.” There is always the experiencer element and his experience, the author of action and action. This is division, this is separation. This quality of action, however apparently perfect, however great the result obtained from that action, will still be an action that results in a benefit for this “me,” for this “I,” for this ego.

The truth of the ego-free action is that we are facing an action free from purpose, objective, target, from the sense of the “I.” There is a result in this action, but it is not a result for the person, for this “me,” for this center that separates itself as being the experiencer of the experience, as being the observer of what is being shown there.

Therefore, Gilson, the Truth of an action free of the “ego” is the Truth of an action where there is Harmony, Beauty, Reality, Love, and Real Divine Presence. We do not know what action in Love is: it is the action free of the ego, of the “I.” We do not know what action in Happiness is: it is the action free from purpose, free from “I,” free from ego; It is not the action of someone happy! Love is not the action of someone loving. When there is Love, the sense of “I” is not there; when there is Happiness, the sense of someone being happy is not there.

This is of another order; it is something outside the knowledge of the egoic mind. Approaching the Truth of your Being, which is Meditation, reveals an action of this quality, a Happiness of this quality, a Love of this quality, which is Real Love, Real Happiness, the real action. We have to explore a lot this matter of how to be free of this sense of “I” in action, so that this action expresses itself, manifests itself free, as being the very action of this Real Divine Presence, which is the action of Truth, Happiness, and Love. That's it.

GC: Master, we have a question here, which is also within the issue of action, from @nilzascarpelli2907. She asks the following: “Psychological time? What is that?”

MG: Psychological time is the person’s past, present, and future. We have clock time; we have calendar time – this is the natural time we need for life in a practical way. We have to know what time our child leaves school, otherwise we'll be late, or else we'll be too early and stay there waiting for him. So, we have to have a time to start this meeting, a time to end it. We need tomorrow, because we have a doctor's appointment. We need yesterday, because we need to report, make a report on what happened yesterday. This is chronological time.

Now, we have a psychological time: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. “I am this, yesterday I was that, and tomorrow I will be someone else.” This is an idea, because psychologically there is no change, because this psychological time is not real, but we are living in this psychological time. What I want to say is: envy is here today, it was here yesterday, it will be here tomorrow! Fear is here today; it was here yesterday and will be here tomorrow. Fear is something that is within this psychological time. This psychological time is the reality of this fear. Thought is something present, which is part of fear, which is part of this psychological time, this idea “I was, I am and I will be.”

The truth about psychological time is that we are facing an illusion! The illusion of psychological time is the illusion of this “I” that came from the past, is living in this moment and tomorrow will have another different moment. This sense of “I” is the same “I,” in the same psychological time, in the same model of thought. This is psychological time: an illusion.

To be free from this illusion of psychological time is to be free from this thought, which is to be free from this sense of “I,” which is to be free from this sense of past, present, and future. So, we are faced with reality without the past, present, and future; without the “I” and without psychological time. So, this is psychological time: the illusion that you exist as an entity here and now. Getting rid of the illusion of this sense of someone present here and now is getting rid of this “I,” this past, present, future, and this psychological time. This is psychological time: the life of the “I,” the life of the ego, the life of that personal sense, of that entity that is in the illusion of this movement of action, creating confusion, creating disorder, creating suffering.

GC: I think this is the main trick that we, on this “path,” fall into, right? It’s “being here and becoming tomorrow, realizing God, reaching God, uniting with God,” and then it’s this trick of becoming something tomorrow.

MG: Your statement is interesting, because this is the basis of the notion of life in the ego. Our program runs like this. Our entire training, from birth until now, has been like this. We are in this idea of ​​“becoming,” of “coming to be,” of “attaining” a person different from the one we are at the moment. The idea is about a different person. It is true that this person can become different, but one becomes different while still being a person, and one becomes [this person] in this time, which is the time idealized by thought itself. It will still be within this psychological past, present, and future. It can't be nothing but a person becoming a better person.

So, it is very common for people to be in search of self-improvement, self-development, and, in fact, they improve. They abandon addictions, they abandon harmful practices, they abandon a lot of things in their lives, and they truly become better people, but that's not what we're talking about here.

We are dealing here, with you, on the Awakening of the Truth of That which really is You; and you, in fact, in reality, are only a person in this psychological time, in this sense of an “I,” of an ego, but this is not the Reality of this Being, which is God here and now, which is the Truth about You, which you, in this “I,” in this ego, do not know.

This is what has been called by the Sages, by the Realized Beings, “ignorance,” “illusion,” in this ignorance. So, the condition of life in the ego, Gilson, is the condition of illusion in this ignorance, because we are trapped in this mistaken notion of an “I” seeking to be, to stop being what we don’t like and to become the being we want to be, and, at most, human beings achieve this. So, all we can achieve, in this model of existence of the “I,” are changes, changes within time, changes for this person, for this illusion of being someone. OK?

GC: Master, gratitude, gratitude! We've run out of time, so let's finish. For those of you watching the video, we invite you: leave a “like.” If you are not subscribed to the channel yet, subscribe, and you can also ask your question here in the comments that we bring for future videocasts. And, above all, here is the invitation: for you who are tired of being someone, of wanting to improve and, really, want to get closer to this work with the Master, here is the invitation to participate in online meetings, online intensive weekends and also face-to-face, in addition to retreats, which are Satangs. The first comment, pinned, is the WhatsApp group link with information about the meetings. Thank you, Master! See you soon!

MG: Okay, guys! See you soon.

December, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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