December 27, 2023

Self-awareness and action free from ego | Real Meditation | Real action and egocentric activity

Here on the channel, we have a playlist about the Truth of Self-Awareness and action free from the ego. Why action free from the ego? We do not understand the nature of or the truth about action. We do not know the structure of true action. And why do I put true action here? Because it is the action we need in life.

Our actions up until now, due to the ignorance in which we find ourselves psychologically, internally have been conflicting, problematic, confused, and disoriented, always leading us to complications, dilemmas, adversities, and problems because they are actions centered on the “I,” on the ego. Notice that our actions are not real; they are merely egocentric activities.

There is a difference between action... Here, action is the movement that meets this instant, this present moment, with precision, with skill, with Truth, with Intelligence. That is action. There is a difference between this action and the mere activity of the “I.” The egocentric activity of the person is the activity of confusion.

People want to get it right; they say: “How do I do the right thing?” or “How to act under pressure?” “How do I get it right?” “How do I not get it wrong again?” So, these are questions people ask with the intention of discovering an action that, for them, is the best possible. However, we never investigate this issue of action and where that action comes from.

As long as our actions are based on thought, they are incomplete. That's the point. Here, at this moment, life as it presents itself challenges us all the time, at every moment, at every instant. What we have placed here for you is very simple. Observe. Right now, you are being asked to take action. Yes, listening here requires a listening, a very real precision to meet this moment in this action, in this act of listening, or simply everything that will be put here will only be at the intellectual, verbal level, at most, since you may not even be able to follow intellectually because of the psychological distractions we generally have.

When you listen to a talk like this, an action is requested, and that action is to listen without comparison, without evaluation, without judgment because when you do that, what is being said begins to pass through a filter of acceptance and rejection, and that is not listening. Here, the invitation is to discover the art of listening.

Attending to this moment requires this action free of this psychological background of concepts, prejudices, opinions, and judgments. Only listening. What we say here may be real or not; when there is this art of listening, the Truth of what we place here becomes clear. The Truth can be the direct comprehension of the Reality of this or the non-reality in what we are saying, but it requires, for example, this action free from the ego mind.

Notice that, it is always the egoic mind that drives us to an action centered on that psychological background of conditioning, history, and cultural patterns. So, in this case, we listen based on our prejudices, concepts, ideas, desires, and fears, and that is not the art of this action of listening. We are just giving an example here.

In life, we are challenged to take action at every moment. We need to discover what a mind free of ego is; and therefore, a mind free of all forms of psychological conditioning. This free mind we could call “no mind.” The expression “free mind”... In general, we understand the mind as a movement of thought: restless, chattering, prejudiced thoughts, full of concepts and images. So, for us, “mind” is synonymous with thought-movement. This thought-movement, as it comes from the past, is conditioning. Then, we live inside a conditioned mind. We do not know this Truth of the “free mind,” this Natural State free of the egoic mind, and therefore free of the mind. Thus, our actions are centered on thought.

Thought is memory, remembrances, recollections, and experiences. From these experiences, memories, and recollections, from this mind, thus conditioned to act from intention, motivation, desire, and fear, our actions are self-centered, self-interested activities – centered on the egoism of this person as we see ourselves. We see ourselves as separate from each other. We carry countless desires, fears, internal contradictions, and conflicts of an emotional, sentimental nature, and all of these we also express in our actions – in these physical actions.

So, psychologically, we live in conflict and suffering, loaded with problems, anguish, frustration, and disappointment. The psychological movement, which is the movement of the “I” in us – of this conditioned mind, is always with the intention of achieving, gaining, accomplishing something – always in the future – or getting rid of, keeping something away from us. To gain something or get rid of something. So, fear is something present. When our actions are born from this psychological conditioning, from this model of mind programmed in action, in self-centered action, in the action of self-interest, of egoism, this is the action of duality; this is because there is “me and the world,” “me and the other,” “me and life,” “me and the acting,” “me and action,” “me and thought,” “me and my emotions and feelings.” You see, this is duality.

So, we live within a principle of separateness, of duality, where there is this “me and the other thing.” The action centered on this intention, this motivation, is the action of separation, of self-interest, of the problem. I have called this action an egocentric activity. We live within a model where there is no real action, but rather egocentric activity.

Is there action free from the “I,” the ego? At certain moments in life, this happens. We are surprised by an action that happens to us at a given moment, and we perceive that it was simply a selfless action – an action born from a completely different quality of Being than what we have generally seen in ourselves. It was a loving, compassionate, selfless action; it was just an expression born from within us from a dimension we do not even know where it came from. Sometimes, we find ourselves after the action remembering it saying: “What a strange thing! It just happened.”

So yes, there are moments in our lives when an action free from the ego takes place. For example, smiling at someone. In a very simple and natural way a smile springs to your face. There's no intention, motivation, or interest behind that smile; it's just an action, a simple, direct smile. A compassionate, loving look. When you come across a child, when you come across nature, when you come across a person's face, you've never seen them, you don't know their name, and suddenly you find yourself smiling. There was no premeditation, no intention; it just happened. That is an example of an action, an action free of this personal “I” center, this egocentric movement.

The issue of actions in us is problematic because they are born from this doer. This doer comes into existence based on a movement of thought. This movement is a movement of self-interest. Therefore, this thinker, this doer, moves into action based on the past. Attending this instant, this present moment without the model of thought is without the model of the past, so Real action takes place. Real action is born from this unknown dimension when the “I,” the ego, is not there.

So, the invitation here on the channel is to discover the Truth about who we are when that “I” we seem to be, we show ourselves to be, we want to be, is no longer present. What we are telling you here is that there is Something present here and now that can attend to this instant without the background of psychological conditioning that is the experiencer, the thinker, the “I;” this premeditated, calculated movement of thought that comes from the past and shows itself, at this moment, moving, creating situations. This action is that of stress, fear, desire, and the search for a result to achieve something.

This movement of egocentric activity disappears when the Reality of this Being, of this Divine Truth present here and now, shows itself. We need to discover the action free from the ego. Self-awareness, the comprehension of the movement of the “I” itself, just looking at this movement, becoming aware of it at this instant, brings this movement, this action to an end because the “I” disappears. Becoming aware of the movement of the “I” is the end of that movement – and therefore the end of this “I.”

We have to investigate the nature of thought and how to live free of it. Thinking is necessary at some level. At the level of memory, recollection, and recognition – of something practical and objective. We need thought for a technical movement, a functional action, or to work in a given profession. But in contact with the other, with ourselves, with life, the presence of thought as the basis for action is conflict; it is a problem, suffering, the action centered on the “I.”

Looking at you and recognizing your face and your name is very simple; however, carrying around a psychological image of who you are, having the illusion that I know you based on that concept, that image, that idea I have about you, like or dislike, that is the mistake. Our actions in our relationships with family, wife, children, boss, coworker – our actions in the world have been of this kind, centered on this psychological background, this psychological conditioning. Is that alright?

That is our subject here with you on the channel. Discovering the Truth of the comprehension of this inner movement, which is the movement of the “I” – that is Self-Awareness. Then, naturally, the Truth of Real Meditation arises. The comprehension of this movement is the end for the “I” and the emergence of true action, which is the action of Consciousness, of Intelligence, of the Truth of this Being, of this Unknown Reality.

That is our subject here with you on this channel. We are signaling the Spiritual Awakening, the Realization of God, the Spiritual Enlightenment to you. There are many names for this Natural State of Being, where the action is free from the ego. So, that is the subject we work on here with you on the channel. We have online meetings on weekends. You can see our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings in the video description here. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If this makes sense to you, please leave your like here, subscribe to the channel, and write a comment: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? See you. Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time!

December, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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