December 29, 2023

What are we looking for? Psychological freedom. The Awakening of Consciousness. Great restlessness.

Alright! The matter here is: what are we looking for? The question is: what do we look for in life? What we are actually looking for in life is Happiness. Every human being is looking for this, however, when you look at the world, it is chaos, disorder, and confusion. There’s a lot of fear, violence, and suffering in the world. So, for us, the idea of this encounter with happiness is the encounter with the freedom from this kind of thing that happens in the world. For us, the idea of freedom and happiness is something that needs to be investigated.

Our quest is for happiness. Happiness is not possible without Freedom, so, at first, human beings are looking for freedom to find happiness due to that freedom. So, we talk about economic freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom to do what we want, feel satisfied, and fulfilled. We always talk about this issue of freedom we need to have and, for us, this freedom is external, it’s always an external freedom to internally realize this happiness. Let’s take it in steps.

Looking at the world, we see this chaos, this confusion, disorder, all suffering, the fear that prevails in the world, and we believe that we are not happy, that there’s no happiness since we don’t have the freedom to perform externally a life that gives us that, because the world doesn't allow us to have this happiness.

So, what are people doing? They are looking for happiness in external fulfillment. They believe that if they have more relationships, more money, more free time, and more external order in their lives, they will be happy and there’ll be happiness. And then we look at the world and see that the world doesn’t live like this. Thus, notice: we idealize too much, we have ideas, concepts, and beliefs about what happiness is and where we have to find that happiness; and the idea we have is that happiness will happen to each one of us when everything in our life is going on within that freedom we idealize.

When we look at the world and see all this confusion, suffering, all this conflict in which human beings live in their relationships, when we look at this world and look at our own lives, we can’t realize that our life – and here when I refer to this “our life” it’s this idea we have of life, which consists of our closest relationships, which are with our relatives, husband, wife, children, family – it’s a confusion, the very same confusion present in the world, the very same chaos present in the world. The clutter here is the clutter there. The world, billions of people, is just an extension of this small society we know that we call family. The world, human society, and human beings are us.

We need to find out what Real Freedom is. And to have access to this Real Freedom we must discover something very basic here: when there’s this Real Freedom, we really have access to Happiness in our lives. When we have access to this Real Freedom, we really have access to Happiness. We have to inquire about what Freedom is.

In general, the idea of freedom is always external and we always live in these ideas, idealizing a freedom that when we look at the world, we don't see it, when we look at our closest relationship – which are with our family members, with those we live with every day – we realize that this is not real. It’s not real because there’s no understanding of the Truth about who we are.

The point is that we are always projecting external freedom, which doesn’t occur, doesn’t happen, we are always waiting for happiness to happen in our lives from the outside. So, we need to find out what Freedom is. Freedom is not something you find externally, something you realize externally, it’s something you find within your Being, since that’s the Nature of the Truth about who you Are. This “'non-contact'” with the Reality about who you Are has you watching a world that is a reflection of our internal confusion, in this disorder, conflict, this chaos.

Here, we have to find out what Freedom is. This Freedom is present when the Truth of Your Being, which is the Nature of God in You, reveals itself. All the chaos, confusion, violence, and suffering in the world, are present as a reflection of our confusion. In this internal confusion we live in, there’s no Freedom, and if there’s no Freedom, there’s no Happiness. The work in this life, in this existence, is to discover the Truth of your Being, the Truth of your Divine Nature. Notice that our life – human life – is very short. We spend our days, which are so short, involved in problems, in this chaos, in this confusion, laden with fear, with desires, in great restlessness, without this Freedom – and here it’s about internal Freedom and not external. You can have freedom of speech, economic freedom, freedom to come and go, but without that inner Freedom – which is the absence of that ego, that “I,” the end of this confusion, of all this disorder within –, there’ll be no Freedom, no Happiness.

Our meetings here are opportunities to investigate the illusory nature of the egoic mind, this pattern of feeling and thinking based on this psychological confusion. It’s this internal, psychological confusion that makes us live in this world the way the world is living, where there’s fear, violence, disorder, confusion, all part of this internal confusion, this internal disorder, this internal chaos.

So, what are we actually looking for? We are looking for Happiness, and that Happiness is only present when there’s Freedom – not external freedom, but rather internal Freedom. As long as there’s no internal Freedom, there’ll be no external freedom. As long as there’s no Peace in each one of us, there’ll be no peace in the world. Peace in society and the world, as well as peace at home or with the closest relationships we call family, is only possible when you are at Peace. When there’s Peace in you, there’s this presence of psychological Freedom. It’s this psychological Freedom that we need. This psychological Freedom in us is the Freedom of the world, this Peace in us is the Peace of the closest relationships, the Peace of society, the Peace of the world. The happiness present here, at this moment, in you, is the happiness of the closest relationships, so it’s up to each one of us to understand the Truth about ourselves. The understanding of This, the deep and Real understanding of This, is the end of this quest.

So, what are we looking for in this life? What are we looking for? We are actually looking for ourselves. The acknowledgment, the contact, or the encounter with ourselves is the encounter with the Reality of Freedom, Happiness, and Peace, and that’s the end of the confusion, the disorder, the chaos, and the suffering in the world. There will never be Real Love in your life without the presence of this understanding of the Truth about who you ARE, no matter how good your intentions are, how willing you are to cooperate, to be an accomplice, to contribute, help, participate, serve, care, and love. Understand this expression to love: to love is possible when Love is present, not when the desire, the interest, the will, the goodwill is present, because all this is part of the ego, part of the “I,” and this “I,” basically, is confusion. No matter how well-intentioned this “you” – this “me,” this “I” – is, without that Freedom, which is this understanding of your Essential Nature, the Nature of God, there’ll be no presence of Love; and without the presence of Love, to love is impossible. To love is the presence of Divine Grace, of the Love that is God, which is the Nature of Being.

So, what are we looking for? What do we seek? What are we looking for in this life? The Truth of who we are! And the Truth of who we are is Beauty, Grace, Compassion, and Truth. All this is within Love, but our choices, intentions, desires, and motives, always personal, are based on this illusion – which is the illusion of the “I,” this way of remaining in life in this ignorance about who we are – keeps us in this state of restlessness, of incompleteness, and that’s why we live in this search. Then, there’s always a search and it’s the search for happiness, but always externally, in external achievements, conquests, objectives, and targets. Here, Freedom is abiding in the Truth which is your Being, then we have the presence of Divine Reality, and when This is present, Happiness is present. It’s important to say here that it’s not about the happiness of the person, the whole intention in us to find happiness is always a personal, particular intention, always the idea of the particular happiness being found. There’s no such thing as private happiness. In Happiness, like Love, there’s no “someone” present, no direction, it’s not something that goes towards “a,” “b” or “c.” Love present has no direction, no particularity, it’s not conditional; Peace present is not conditional, it has no direction, no particularity.

We have all this language, but it’s just language that we don't understand what we're saying when we use the expression “unconditional love.” What we call “love” can’t be unconditional, it’s always conditional. When there’s Love, it’s something that truly transcends that idea. Love is Love, and Love is present in this Truth of loving, and this is possible when God is present, when Being assumes His place in that body-mind. When this occurs – some people have called this Realization of God “the Awakening of Consciousness” – it’s the Reality of your Being, which is Happiness and Freedom present.

Our meeting, our work together here is about this approach, the approach of the Truth of What we are, here and now. This is the subject we are working on with you here on the channel. If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. I want to remind you: we have online, face-to-face meetings, and also retreats, where we are working with those who approach. Ok?

If this is something that makes sense, see you next meeting. Thanks for the meeting!

May, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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