December 2, 2023

Self-awareness: the action free from ego. Spiritual Awakening. God Realization. The conditioned Mind

It is very important for us to approach life within the understanding of what it represents. Note that life happens as an event or action at every moment. We encounter life at every moment, and life is action. So, everything we see, everything we perceive, everything we feel, our entire life experience represents actions happening, events emerging.

Life is action. Right now, speaking here is an action. Life consists of a movement of actions. There is no way to escape being in this action, which is the action of life. I have given this example here: when you wake up in the morning, get out of bed, this is an action; but while you were lying in bed, the body was moving too, that is action. While it slept, it had a moment of deep sleep, but it had moments of dreaming; In this dream, action was happening. So, life is action.

We want to discover in life what action in Happiness is, action in Freedom, action in the completeness of Being, and that is what we are working on here, signaling to you, making it clear to you: the possibility of an action of this nature, of this quality, which carries this vitality, the vitality of Love, Compassion, Happiness, and Peace.

We need to discover Life, Life in Peace. This requires real action, true action of Life itself happening. This requires a quality of action that we are unaware of, because our actions in this center, which is the “I,” the ego, are conflicting actions. So, our actions are discordant, they are disharmonious, they are contradictory, they are violent, they are actions that produce suffering for us and for others. And we want, in the midst of all this, to discover what a loving, happy, peaceful, true life is.

The whole issue here, the problem that arises is that we are not aware of how we work. Because we are not aware of this, we do not realize that life has a movement. And we are, in this ego, in this person we believe ourselves to be, as this personal entity we see ourselves, in conflict with the movement of life itself.

Will there be a possibility of another type of action? An action that is born from a dimension entirely unknown to the conditioned mind, programmed, in ambition, in envy, in fear, in violence, in contradiction, in conflict? Is there another order of action that is free from this mind, which is the mind known by all of us, which is the mind of the person, that can be free from the egoic mind, this psychological conditioning, this contradictory movement?

Notice how contradictory we are in our movement, in our action. Thinking is an action. Observe your thoughts and you will notice: they are restless, they are chatty, they are arguing inside your head. One thought says “yes,” another says “no,” and there is another that says “it could be” or “maybe.”

So, notice the psychological contradiction within us, the weight that the past, memory, and remembrance represent, the weight of self-accusation, regret, and guilt. All of these are internal states within each of us, and this is a movement of psychological action, an action that occurs in that time, which is the time itself created by thought, which here I have called psychological time.

In this movement, the “I,” the ego is moving between past, present, and future. So, we are under this illusion of a life based on a thought-time model that only exists in this ideological construct. What is the truth of this “I,” this ego? What is the truth about you? Realize what thought is producing: this internal contradiction. So, we have an external action in contradiction, because we do things that we later disapprove of and feel guilty for having done. So, there is the impulse to do it, there is the doing and then the guilt of having done it, or there is the impulse to do it and the fear of making a mistake. And the question is: how to act? How to act calmly? How to act under pressure? How to act correctly? How to do the right thing?

So, there is a contradiction in action, there is a psychological contradiction, the contradiction of thought – which is also psychological action –, the contradiction in feeling. I say “I love you” because I feel like I love you, because you make me happy, because you fulfill me, because you satisfy me at that given moment. But, in the next moment, I'm not feeling “I love you,” I'm feeling angry at you, I want to move away from you because you don't fulfill my expectations, my interests, my desires, you're denying me this or that physical, emotional, sentimental, sexual pleasure or of some other order. So, there is a contradiction in action, in this action of feeling, in this action of thought, in this physical action.

We don't know what it is to act, because our action is the action of the “I,” the ego. Life is action, but in Life there is not this element that is the “I,” the ego, so there is no conflict, there is no contradiction, there is no suffering. Life as It expresses itself in the way It moves. Your particular view of what happens in existence is the particular view of the “I,” the ego. You are always seeing things right and wrong because of internal states of self-interest. In this ego, where there is this “liking” and “disliking,” self-interest is present, as well as interpretation, judgment, judgment, and evaluations, all of this is present.

So, is a life free of this ego and, therefore, a life in this action, which is the action of life itself, possible? When does this ego appear? Let's investigate this. This ego arises when intention, will, and desire arise. Then, an idea comes – the will, the desire, the intention –, and to put this idea into action we have the presence of this sense of “I,” which is the ego, the agent. So, notice how simple this is. The presence of the author of the action, the agent, the “I,” the ego in the action, be it physical, mental, sentimental, emotional, this requires the presence of desire or will, intention, plan, which is the very thought behind that idea, and then comes the action. So, this is how we've been moving, how we've been moving in action, in life.

So, there is Life as It is, placing challenges before each of us, because at all times we are being asked for this action, which is the action of Life itself, and we are responding to this action based on this desire, plan, which is idea, and action. We are always responding to the challenge of Life from the “I,” from this agent, from this ego. Is there an action – this is the question we are insisting on here –, will it be possible to have an action free from the ego and therefore free from the agent, and that is free from this will, this desire, this plan, which is thought, idea? Is there an action free of the “I”?

When we approach the Truth of Self-awareness, in Self-awareness, there is the action free from the ego The only real action in life is not the particular action of the life of the “I,” which is the action of this agent, which is the action of this ego, but the action of Intelligence. This action is born from the Reality beyond the mind, beyond this “I,” this person, this center, this illusory center with its so habitual, egocentric, so common movement of egoic activity, so accustomed to produce conflict, to produce suffering, within of this movement of contradiction. Are we together?

Here, our emphasis is on the Awakening of Real Consciousness, on True Spiritual Awakening. When there is this Spiritual Awakening, we have the presence of an action that is Intelligence. There is no interval between this action and this Being, which is You in your Being. There is no presence of the “I,” the ego, the agent. So, we are touching here on an action free of time, this time created by thought, this psychological time created by idea. So, there is no longer this element that comes from the past.

Notice how interesting this is: our actions are born from a plan; this plan is the idea, and this idea is present because the past is present, so there's this will, this desire, there is the presence of this psychological time, which is the idea. This is the intention that comes from the past due to this ego-experiencer, this ego that has projects and sets itself to act. So, our action in the ego, this action in the ego is always the action that comes from the past.

Here we are working with you on the action free from the ego and therefore free from the past, free from this sense of “I,” so there is a new – listen – way of acting, there is a new form of action. It is no longer the action of the ego, it is the action of this Intelligence, this Presence, this Divine Reality that is the Reality of God.

So, when we talk here about Spiritual Awakening, God Realization, Spiritual Enlightenment, we are talking about the expression of this Being that we are, in this action that is Intelligence, the action of Compassion, the action of Love, the action of Harmony, the action of Freedom. When this action is present, whatever is arising, appearing, happening, all of it is within this Divine Truth of God's action, all of that is within this Divine Reality.

So, our work here is to approach this study of ourselves and therefore assume this Truth of Real action free from this sense of ego, therefore, free from the past. Then, Something in a very natural way appears, in a very spontaneous way: the action of Life itself, the action without the sense of “someone” present.

We here are putting to you something that is outside of the known, outside of the movement of thought and, therefore, something outside of ideas, of beliefs, of all imagination possible for thought. Something possible for this Life, which is the Life of God, which is the Life of your Being.

Our meeting here aims to realize, in this life, the Truth that we are, to live this Happiness, which is the nature of God, which is the nature of each one of us. The only Reality present is the Divine Reality. As long as this is not assumed, all kinds of disorder, confusion, and suffering will continue to be present in this particular life of the ego, in this particular personal life. For this purpose, we have online meetings here on weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to join and participate in these meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we are deepening this so that, in this life, we can realize the Truth of God. Here's the invitation. If this is something that makes sense to you, please leave a “like,” subscribe to the channel, and we will see each other, ok? See you soon!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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