December 1, 2023

Spiritual Awakening. Action free of the ego. Life free from the ego. The individual consciousness

The point here is: what is the nature of our actions? What is a free action? The one that corresponds to and responds to this moment in a way so complete, integral, and real that it no longer produces suffering, neither for you nor for others. Here on the channel, we are talking about the Beauty of Compassion, the Truth that is the expression of this Being we are when the sense of “I,” the ego, is no longer present.

So, we are here pointing out, signaling, making known to you, the possibility of an action free of the ego, showing you that there is, indeed, the possibility of an action free of this sense of “I,” the person, the individual consciousness, as you believe you are, as you believe you have, in this illusion of being someone present.

Notice that our actions are contradictory; they produce suffering and arise from a background within us of unconsciousness, of an egoic pattern. So, there is no Love, no Peace in our relationships, no Freedom in our actions, because they are born from this “I,” this ego.

Here on the channel, we tell you there is, indeed, this possibility of Spiritual Awakening and the Flourishing of this Natural Intelligence. I prefer to call it Real Intelligence. When this Real Intelligence, the Truth of your Being, blossoms, an action of another quality emerges; so, let's investigate with you in the next few minutes why our actions produce suffering in the world. Notice that we are overwhelmed with problems. In the world, as human beings, in this sense, we are not different from the world around us. In fact, this world around us is ourselves, and when we look at the world, we see all the problems in the world present within us. So, human beings carry problems of different types. The various areas of our lives are full of problems. We have political, economic, health, religious, and relationship problems... we have problems in dealing with ourselves and naturally with others... So, our actions do not carry this scent of Natural or Real Intelligence. Thus, this Real Intelligence is not present in our relationships. Then, problems are present: political and economic, problems of relationships with others, ourselves, relating to life…

We yearn for Peace, Freedom, and Love, but we use these words without understanding their true meaning. If our relationship with each other is, in a certain way, peaceful because we are adjusting in terms of opinions, ideas, and beliefs – we are not in frontal, noticeable, visible disagreement; we call this relationship “peace.” So, for us, it is actually an agreement. We are in peace of agreement; thus, in a mutual arrangement, we are at “peace,” we have this so-called “love”: “I love you if you love me. I like you if you like me. I accept you if you accept me.” Regarding the issue of Freedom, our relationship with each other, of friendship, is an agreement. If there is an adjustment in this relationship, we are at “peace,” at “love,” at “freedom” with each other. So, it is all about agreement.

As our actions are born from this center – the “I,” the ego, there is no Presence of Real Intelligence, of the Truth of Love, Freedom, and Peace. So, there is no Freedom, Love, and Peace, no absence of problems. We, here, are signaling the Beauty, the Importance of a life where there is an action born out of this Freedom. An action free of the “I”: notice how important this is because our life consists of actions performed, taken, and actions happening, and as these actions are present in our relationships, there is no way for us to escape these relationships and, therefore, there is no way to distance ourselves from action. Therefore, if there is not this Freedom, this Truth, this Beauty of acting free from the ego, our relationships will naturally always produce this or that form of contradiction, this or that problem. So, there will always be conflict, dilemmas, and trouble.

So, let's find out where these actions come from and what is the dimension from which these actions originate. Why do they produce suffering and conflict? Why in them do we lack Real Peace, Freedom, and Love? Notice that our actions are born from our internal predispositions and our thoughts. First of all, let's understand it – I want to go over this here – our actions in the world are inevitable. Life is a movement of action: speaking here is an action; being with you is impossible without action; dealing with life situations is the presence of action; thought is action; feeling is action; emotion is action; listening to you talking, talking to you, working on it, all requires actions. Action is present in our lives, in all areas, in all spheres of our lives. The question is: where do these actions come from? What is the dimension from which they are emerging?

Notice that every action in you is born from an internal disposition of thought, feeling, emotion, perception, sensation... So, this action is born from an experience. Thus, this experience is, by nature, the result of something you have already experienced and recorded. Therefore, this record, which is this experience expressing itself here and now, at this moment, is born from this background. This background is the “I,” the person, the experiencer. So, what is the dimension from which our actions originate? They are born from this background, which is the “I,” the experiencer, the person. Is there another quality of action possible for our relationships with others, ourselves, and the world? Is there a quality of action that can be born, that can emerge, from another dimension, other than this one of experience, from the one who went through a specific situation and recorded that?

Thought in us is the presence of memory. Action in us is the presence of this experiencer, which is memory, expressing itself in speaking, listening, and “relating.” Is there a quality of action of another order? As long as our actions are, at this moment, just the representation – notice this – just the repetition of a pattern of a programming that comes from this experiencer and therefore from the past; as long as our actions at this moment are just an adjustment, a representation, a correspondence to this moment based on this past, this action will be an action that comes from the past and therefore an action that does not represent the Freedom of this present moment, of the challenge to this instant. So, this quality of action is a prisoner of time, a prisoner of the past. This past is the experiencer. This experiencer is this sense of “I” present here, at this moment. In this contact with you, I have your face, your name... So, from a practical and objective viewpoint, I need this recognition, this memory, but only in this simple contact within this model of knowledge, of memory objective and functional. But our actions are all based on this: liking you, disliking you, being in agreement with you or disagreeing with you, accepting you or rejecting you… my opinions are different from your opinions. At this level, our actions are conflicting. On an objective and practical level, knowing your name, recognizing your face, and having contact with you practically and objectively are very simple.

So, at this level, this action is objective – but we also have another quality of action, which is the one born out of this psychological background, which is the “I,” the ego, which has as its principle “ like” or “dislike,” “accept” or “reject” your ideas, or impose mine. Therefore, a quality of action is present that separates, divides, and has as its principle the identity of the “I,” the ego. In that sense, I am separate from you. My beliefs, ideas, concepts, and judgment are much more valuable and relevant; my consideration is something very significant to me. In this sense, I don’t care about anything other than this “I” that I believe I am. So, at this level of action, we have conflict, the absence of the Truth of Love, the Truth of Peace, and the Truth of Freedom. Then, will it be possible to have a life free from the ego, from the “I” and, therefore, an action free from this particular center, “I,” this person I believe I am, so that, in this relationship with the other, with life, with myself, with the world, there is no more conflict? This quality of action is the action that is born from this Real Intelligence, this Natural Intelligence. So, when this Natural, Real Intelligence is present, we have an action free of the ego, of the “I.” This action does not come from this dimension, which is of the known, of the experiencer, of this center, which is the ego.

So, this is what we are dealing with here, with you, within the channel, showing you that it is possible, indeed, a life where there is this Real Intelligence free from problems. That is our work here, with you, in the channel. For this purpose, we have online meetings, which take place on weekends. The WhatsApp link for these meetings is here in the video description. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. Thus, we are investigating the Reality of this Being we are, this Divine Truth we bring. Then, if this makes sense to you, please leave a “like” and subscribe to the channel, ok? And see you! Thanks for the meeting, and until next time.

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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