May 10, 2024

How to get rid of anxiety? How to get rid of suffering? The observer, the observed thing. Depression

What we actually need here is to approach what is happening to us at this moment, exactly as it happens. This is what we need to have, a vision of the Truth about us at this moment. We don't need ideas, beliefs, or imagination about anything else, what we need is just to become Aware of what's going on inside us – for the realization of the Truth of the end of suffering.

The common question is: “How to get rid of suffering?” Having a comprehension of this is a really challenging thing, because it brings along with this – I mean this thing, this investigation into the real meaning of this – the Comprehension of the Truth about who we are. So, this is where we are faced with the greatest challenge of all: there is no way to have a real, true, meaningful, deep comprehension of this one thing called suffering without a clear vision of who we are.

Let's explore this a little with you here. There are two aspects that need to be clear to us here. The first is this aspect of being we express, we bring, we manifest in our lives; this way, this form, this format of being, this which is here at this moment showing itself, as being ourselves. So, the Comprehension of this person we are, now, at this moment, that is the first aspect. And the second aspect is to have a vision of What transcends this condition, which is the condition of the person.

We know nothing about the person we are. We have ideas, beliefs, psychological representations; we have intellectual statements of imagination, of pure imagination about who we are, but we do not know the Truth of this person. So, notice how delicate this issue is, because, if we are suffering, we need to find out, first, who is this one who suffers. We know nothing about this sufferer. Once you have an approach to the truth about this sufferer, which is the person you are, this is Self-Awareness.

Comprehending yourself is to comprehend this “me,” this “I,” this person. There is something very clear, of great relevance, that reveals itself, something quite visible that shows itself when we comprehend this element that is the “I,” this “me.” This “me,” this “I,” is the person. Comprehending this person means being able to go beyond it. So, here we have this second aspect: we need to have a revelation of the Truth that is beyond this person that we are, that we demonstrate ourselves to be. This is how we have access to the Truth of our own True Being, of this Divine Reality that is present – ​​ always present – ​​but we are unaware of it.

First, we must have an awareness of the end of this condition, which is the condition of this person. So, we need to comprehend the death of the known. Notice what an interesting thing we have here to investigate with you: we never approach the importance of the end of the known things. Anger, fear, the search for pleasure, dissatisfaction, the conflict of desires, worry, anxiety, all of this is something present in us, that is part of the known, and we do not allow it to go away, and we do not allow it to disappear. Then, we have no end to the known.

This known is part of this structure, which is the structure of the “I,” the ego, the person. So, if our work here consists of discovering a life free from suffering, because the question is “How to get rid of suffering?” Comprehending the end for the known is needed. Then, the death of the known, the death of this psychological condition of being someone, of living as someone, of moving in the world as someone, is something essential.

Everything we have seen around us is an increasing incentive to expand, to become more visible, more meaningful, to give even greater importance to this person we believe we are. So, in our culture, in our world, in our society, there is a very strong incentive to achieve success, public recognition, fame, power, and name. All of this is the cultivation of the person, all of this is the cultivation of this known pattern of being someone. It is in this known pattern that suffering is present.

Something very clear: within this issue of suffering is anxiety. “How to get rid of anxiety?” is another question. Anxiety is present when the psychological future is present. And what is the psychological future? It's this mistaken notion of the “I,” of the ego, of the person, that one needs to have what others say one needs to have. So, we are living within a model of propaganda, of culture, where, in this society, in this model of the world, being someone is the foremost thing for a human being. The truth of this known human being as we idealize to be, as we try to be, is someone who lives within projects, achievements, seeking to reach love, peace, freedom, happiness outside.

So, this movement of anxiety is present, which is suffering, and thus we come across this movement, which is the movement of the future, of achieving, of accomplishing, of becoming, of obtaining something. When this does not arrive, with the urgency that the mind projects into this psychological future, into this psychological ideation, then we find ourselves in another situation, which is the condition of depression. So, notice: “How do I get rid of depression?” is another question. We carry an image of ourselves, the image of the person we idealize to be, that we want to be. This image, in this life project, carries this weight of anxiety and also depression, of all forms of psychological suffering.

This is present because we are not aware of this element that is the “I,” the ego, the “me.” We are not aware of this one who sees oneself separate from what one aims to achieve, what one wants to obtain, wants to reach. We do not understand this element present in us, which sees itself separate from the future, the ideal, the purpose, the objective, this “I.” This “I” is the one who observes, seeing itself as a separate element of what it is observing. It sees fame as something separate from it, success as something separate from it. But it also sees anxiety, depression, frustration, and success as something separate from it.

So, there is this illusion of separation between the observer and the observed thing. This observer is the one who believes to be in the present, and the observed thing is what it needs or wants to obtain in the future. The observed thing is in the future, while it is in the present, then there is this illusion between the observer and the observed thing. Notice how the ego, the “I,” the person moves within this pattern, which is the pattern of the known, in this psychological condition of being someone, where, as a person, we do not allow this to disappear. We don't allow that because there is this element that separates itself.

Then, there is the observer and the observed thing. If we want to get rid of suffering, the idea is someone to get rid of suffering, someone separate, placing suffering as something it has to get rid of in the future. We see ourselves as separate creatures, here in the present, hoping to get something, accomplish something, or get rid of something in the future. This something is the observed thing, it is what we want to obtain or what we want to get rid of, so there is this separation.

This movement of separation is the movement of duality. In this duality there is this “I” and the “non-I.” Notice how delicate this issue is: if we want to discover a life free from suffering, we need to discover a life free from this “I,” because it is this “I” that projects itself. So, notice how delicate this is: if we are working here on the end to this condition of suffering, if we want to have a real answer for a life in Love, in Peace, in Freedom, in Happiness, this is something that becomes possible when this “I,” as being the observer, is no longer present. This observer that sees the thing separate from itself in the future.

We need to discover in ourselves the Truth of the end to this condition of separation, of duality, between the observer and the observed thing, between this “me” in the present and something else in the future – something we need to get rid of or something we need to achieve. Our work here consists of discovering the Reality of What is beyond the person. That is why this second aspect reveals itself, this second aspect we need to comprehend is the Truth of this Real Being, the Reality of this Divine Being, which is the True Nature in each of us.

The awareness of this occurs when we have the end to this old condition of the person, when there comes the death to the known, to this psychological condition of egoic identity, of someone within the experience. All our suffering is in the person we believe to be, we sustain to be, who we maintain to be. Looking at this, having a vision of this entire process of egoic identity, becoming aware of this observer separating itself from the thing it observes, this is Self-Awareness. Becoming aware of this movement of the person in this time, which is this “coming to be,” achieving, or getting rid of, is going beyond this condition of the person, of separate identity.

Then, this Reality of Being which is Real Consciousness, which is the Truth of God, reveals itself. This is how we have an answer to this question: How to get rid of suffering? Becoming aware of the illusion of the one that sees itself as the sufferer, as the experiencer, as the observer of suffering. “How to get rid of anxiety?” It is this element that feels itself in this search for something in the future, because of the weight of the present fear, which it wants to get rid of in the future. The end to this psychological condition of this “I,” which is fear, which separates itself as being the one who needs to get rid of this fear.

When there is not that distance between that fear, present now, and the one who is in the fear, when it becomes clear that you, as a person, are the psychological condition, in that psychological condition – you, as a person, are the fear itself, are the very anxiety, the worry itself, the future itself, and the past itself – when it becomes clear that there is no separation, the mind becomes quiet, silent, and this condition of illusory duality disappears. Notice, it is a very delicate subject: this is the end of psychological time, it is the end for this condition of the known, it is the end for this condition of this center, which is the “I,” the ego, which lives in this model of the known.

Death to the known is the death to this psychological condition of being someone, here in this experience, creating this illusory separation between this fear and the fearful, between anxiety and this anxious, between depression and this depressed one. So, we have the end for this psychological condition of this person. Note that all of this is within this illusion, the illusion of an identity that is present here, at this moment, separating itself ideologically in thought, in imagination, creating a future – I repeat – a future to achieve something or a future to get rid of something. The end to all this is the emergence of something unknown, something nameless, something indescribable, which is this Revelation of the Truth of this Being.

Investigating this is essential. For this purpose, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. Here in the video description, you have our WhatsApp link to deepen this through questions and answers, through this contact with the awareness of the Art of Meditation. So, you can join us on our WhatsApp link here and participate in these meetings that take place on weekends, online. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If what you've just heard is something that makes sense to you, go ahead, leave a “like” here and subscribe to the channel, OK? Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

April, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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