May 26, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | Living by the word | Spirituality | Self-Awareness | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you very much, Master, for being here once again.

Master, today I'm going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called “Living by the Word.” In this book, Master, Joel makes the following comment: “Our relationship with God is now. Now we are children of God.” Master, can you tell us what your vision is about this relationship with God, about relationships as a whole?

MG: Alright, let's go then. Here, the truth about this issue of relationships is something that needs to be seen from, perhaps, a new perspective. Our position, in general, in contact with the other – and here the other can be a human being or can be God… For us, the idea is the idea of ​​a relationship between two things: “me and the neighbor” or “ me and God.” So, here we need to have a different look at this moment of investigation of this topic here, this subject, because the impression we have is that when we talk about the relation with God or relationship with God, as well as the relationship with others, with the close ones, it is a relationship that starts from this “me,” this “I,” to this other thing. We have two things that come into contact within a relation, within a relationship.

Here, when we touch on the issue of Divine Reality, the Reality of God, a new look at it, is necessary, because this idea of ​​“me and God” is completely illusory – although it is a conditioning in us, like a very deep-rooted belief – this idea of “God and I,” “the other and I.” The truth of a relationship, whether with God or with others, lies in the realization of the absence of a separation exactly between “I” and other, “I” and God. The truth of a relationship is a Communion. Here, it is the Awareness of Communion, and not a relationship between two things. This idea is completely truncated in us, it's just a thought!

As part of all the conditioning that we carry, we have this conditioning that produces all kinds of conflict in our lives, which is this conditioning of division, of separation. So, there is “I and the world,” “I and others,” “I and life,” “I and my thoughts,” “I and God.” So, we have a belief, Gilson, that is something very common to all of us, within our culture, completely secular, completely mundane, completely outside of Reality, which is the conditioning of the idea of ​​a present identity separating itself, in separation, and, therefore, being able to have relationships or relations. This idea is the idea that thought constructs about “someone” present.

What will be the truth of a life free from this sense of separation? The truth about this is a moment where there is Communion. So, a true relation or true relationship is a state free of separation and, therefore, is of communion. Thus, contact with God is the recognition that the only Reality present is the Reality of God. Obviously, this becomes clear when the sense of ego, of “I,” which is what creates this illusion of separation, is no longer present.

An important thing here, Gilson, to understand, is that it is always thought that supports this model of consciousness in separation. Note that it is thought that tells us about something external, something outside. Thought builds images. The image that “I” have of “you” is a construct of thought. So, there is “I” here and “you” there. Thought always constructs and projects outside of itself an image, an identity, a “someone” outside of this “I,” which is itself. This is a game of thought!

So, thought actually creates an illusory identity outside, to have communion with it or to quarrel with it. Either it enters into communion or it enters into conflict, due to this illusory principle of separation. So, “I” make an image of “you” and I also make an image of God. And organized religions tell us about the importance of each of us – see, as a separate entity, in this belief, which is just a construct of thought – having contact with God. So, God is always outside this “I,” it is a representation of thought, that is, it is an image that thought constructs. So, we were taught to have a relationship or seek a relationship with God. But where, in reality, is God? Will He be in thought? Because it is in thought that each of us constructs this idea: the idea of ​​God.

Here, what we are working on together, Gilson, is the awareness that the Reality that is God is the only Reality present. All we really need is to know the Truth about who we are. See, this representation of illusory identity that we seem to be, this model of being “someone,” with all the conflicts, contradictions, desires and fears… To become aware of this “person” is to discard this “person.” To become aware of this identity that is the “I” is to discard this identity that is the “I.” This means discarding, exactly, thought. And when thought is not creating an image about itself, it cannot create an image about God, an image about others.

I know that this approach here, Gilson, is an approach quite outside of what we have already been taught out there, quite unusual for everything we have learned, because we grew up hearing about God from this “I,” so there is “I” and God. We never investigate the truth about this “I,” with the verification of the structure and nature of this “person,” this “me,” to realize that this “person,” this “me,” this “I,” this individual consciousness is a construct of thought. And this construct of thought, which is this individual consciousness, has an ideal, and the ideal is to have an encounter with God, a God that thought is constructing.

So, here the question is: can we discard the illusion of this false center, this illusory “I,” this illusory identity, this so-called “individual consciousness,” so that this one Divine Reality, which is the Reality of Being, which is the Real Consciousness, which is the Truth of God, show itself? It is not a relationship between two, it is a Communion with the Truth of simply Being. A state free of contradiction is a state in Love, in Peace, it is present when there is no conflict, and conflict is not present when there is no such separation.

I don't know if this is too fast, I don't know if you can follow this calmly, but an approach to the Truth of your Being requires a vision of non-duality, of non-separation, where there is no space between “me” and God. This, Gilson, is what needs to be discarded: this sense of separation, this sense of identity present in the search for something, in the search for a relationship, in search of understanding, in search of complicity with the other, of a complicity with the Divine, a complicity with God.

See, there are not two! There is only one Reality! If It is present, everything is present, illusion has been broken, illusion has disappeared. This is our purpose in life: to become aware that Life is Real when the sense of “I” is not. So, in short, the Reality of your Being is the Reality of God. This is the Truth of Real Communion with your own Being, which is Real Communion with God. Not from two, but from the realization that He is present as the One Reality present in life, in all relationships, in all relationships.

GC: The Master's speech is always very revolutionary, because it is exactly different from everything that has been said. Whether in religions, in philosophies, in spirituality in general, we are – and I speak from what I have experienced – always on a trajectory, seeking, for example, this closer relationship with God.

And then, the Master comes and [says]: “No, no, stop! It is not outside; it is not a relationship with something outside. It is rather looking exactly at this one that wants a relation, exactly at this one” – as the Master says so often – “it is a thought, a thought that divides itself, a thought that creates.” Master, can you talk a little more about exactly this observation?

MG: Gilson, this is exactly the condition in which we were educated to live. We were educated to a model of feeling, acting and thinking based on a present identity that is separate from experience. So, the idea of ​​being someone present is the idea of ​​being someone thinking, being someone speaking, being someone acting, being someone moving in the world, being someone in contact with others, being someone in search of Truth, being someone in search of God.

So, our conditioning is the conditioning that is, at the same time, not just an idea in our heads, but a feeling that is also present; it is a model of thinking and feeling, something so ingrained in this mechanism, in this body-mind, that it gives us a very strong, very strong sensation that we are separate entities living in time and space, having an individual consciousness and in need of something to complete ourselves in our relationship, naturally, with what is outside ourselves. So, we have been conditioned to think, feel and act, as well as listen, speak, move, always as a separate entity in time and space.

We see many things around each one of us, but we see from a brain that perceives, from the senses, with this idea that there is someone present in that look, there is someone present in that listening. This someone is separate from everything around him. See, from an apparent point of view, in what I have called a dream, in this divine dream, in this world where we see names and forms, everything is different and everything has its apparent singularity in this great diversity of things, but the Reality of What we are in our Being does not carry this psychological model of separation. This psychological model of separation, where we see all this diversity and see ourselves as the center of these experiences, as an entity separate from everything else, is psychological conditioning.

So, psychologically, we are educated, within human cultural conditioning, to feel like separate entities. This is something completely false! Here the separation is biological, it is physiological, it is phenomenal, it is of names and forms, but psychologically there is no such thing as this separation. The point is that our human problems are based on this psychological separation introduced by this illusory identity, or this illusory identity is the result of this psychological separation, which is mere conditioning, from which we need to get rid of.

Liberation in this life, for the Truth of the Awareness of God, consists exactly in the end of this psychological conditioning, in the end of this illusory present identity. I refer to this psychological entity, this sense of being someone within life, within experience, within living, including seeking to have relationships, seeking relationships. Gilson, life is already a pure relationship. We are already in relation and in relationship with everything around us. The problem is that this element, which is the “I,” the ego, which is this model of psychological worldview, is exactly in our relations and in our relationships producing suffering, producing problems, conflicting, fighting, disputing, looking for something to complete itself.

This is typical of the nature of the ego, which is this psychological structure of identity in this model of separation, separation from God, separation from others, separation from life, and carrying this illusory sense of needs. The belief that this illusory entity has is that when these things arrive, it will feel complete and happy. The ego will never feel complete and happy, because this incompleteness, this sense of separation and this illusion of achieving something or getting rid of something is part of its structure and nature.

Here, we already get into the issue of this psychological model that thought introduces into this movement, which is the movement that I have called “psychological time.” It is what builds the idea of ​​achieving in the future or getting rid of in the future. It wants to achieve something in the future, it wants to get rid of something in the future, or it wants to get rid of something in the past. Notice: we have an illusory present identity that has things to get and things it wants to get rid of. All that to be happy, which is impossible, because the nature of the “I,” of the ego, is to sustain itself in this imaginary time created by thought itself, which, in turn, is the structure of the ego itself, is the nature of the ego itself. The Truth of your Being is free from this structure and, therefore, free from this thought model, free from this egoic structure.

So, life is as it is, without the sense of someone present in it. And as it is, it has all this phenomenal representation of what appears and disappears in this time, which, in reality, is the time of this divine dream, this dream of God; this is the clock time. We are not talking about this psychological time, which is already another time, which is the time that thought is creating for an identity that does not exist. I don't know if this is too confusing for you.

It is important for us to have an approach to Self-Awareness, to the vision of what is happening inside each one of us to, precisely, discard this psychological model of a present identity creating a time – thought is creating – that, when we are free from it, we are left with life as it is. Life as it is, is a divine dream, where everything is happening within a moment that is the moment of Grace, it is the divine moment, it is the moment of God, within a time that is not the time of thought. It is another quality of representation, it is what I have called “the divine dream,” “God’s dream.”

GC: Master, we have a question here from a subscriber to the channel, which is Salete Silva, precisely about this topic. She asks the following, Master: “How can we overcome a psychological prison of fear of the past? How to change this memory? I feel guilty.”

MG: So, look, Gilson. These statements we have just made may seem a little confusing, but notice how essential it is to investigate this, because we are in an enormous psychological complexity. What we say here is not complex. Complex is this psychological condition, notice, in which we live, because in this condition, as she just put it, the idea in us is of “someone” present who needs to achieve something, as we just put it, or get rid of something. This “person,” this “entity,” this “I,” this “me,” is this complex movement, created by thought, sustained exactly in this time, which is a construct of thought. In this construct of thought, you have to get rid of the past, get rid of remorse, regret, guilt.

But who is this? Who is this element in us that carries this feeling? Why is this feeling present? Isn’t it present because of memories, remembrances, and thoughts? Isn't this the identity of the “I,” of the ego, that lives in this illusion of someone who came from the past, who is here now and is moving towards the future? This, Gilson, is what we need to get rid of, because there is no such entity present at this moment, here and now. There is only life as it appears in this great divine dream.

It is thought in us that is introducing the illusion of a present identity, that it has a story, that it has a name, that it has a past of which it has good and bad memories. The good ones, this entity that is the “I” wants to keep; of the bad ones, it wants to get rid of, and this whole movement of getting rid of or preserving, keeping or reaching, is a movement of the ego, it is a movement of an illusory present identity.

Liberation in this life, God Realization, whatever we want to call it, Enlightenment, the Flourishing of your Being... I have called it the Natural State, because it has nothing to do with what we learned out there. In fact, here we use these terms: “Spiritual Enlightenment,” “Awakening,” but it has nothing to do with what people are saying about this so-called “awakening,” or this so-called “spiritual enlightenment,” or this “divine realization,” or “God realization.”

Here, we are telling you that it is something that has nothing to do with what thought can construct, within a formulation of time. It is exactly the end of this psychological time, it is the simple Realization of your Essential Nature, free from this sense of an identity present in time, which is the “I,” the ego. When this ends, the Reality of That which is present is Love, it is Peace, it is Happiness, it is Freedom, because that is the Nature of Being, that is the Nature of God, and that is the Nature of the Truth about That which we are, when this illusion of what we appear to be is no longer present.

So, this work of Realizing Reality, the Truth about who we truly are, who we really are, is Awakening, it is Enlightenment, it is God Realization. It is well understood that these words we are putting here in a meaning, perhaps, totally different from what people have already read about it, heard about it. We are talking about this state free from the ego, free from the “I,” free from the sense of separation, where there is this illusion of “someone in the world,” where there is this “I,” this “you,” “him,” “them,” this notion of “us,” this notion of God, this psychological notion of time, this illusory notion of something to be found. It would have to be in space too, so it is the end of that space, where there is this separation between “I” and God. All this disappears when there is an Awareness of the Reality of this Being.

Now, this, Gilson, requires work. People want to get rid of, notice, in her question… This is very common in all of us: we want to get rid of what is painful. But we don't realize that we are still supporting something that is pleasant. We cannot get rid of illusion in part, that means, we either get rid of illusion – and the end of illusion is the end of a present identity with these pleasant or despicable memories, with this feeling of pride, of purely egoic satisfaction and fulfillment, along with this feeling of guilt, remorse and regret… Either we completely free ourselves from this psychological condition of an illusory identity that encompasses all of this, or we keep that! We cannot have one thing without having the other.

So, Truth, when It reveals itself, It reveals itself as the end of illusion, and not as a partial illusion, which is only the end of suffering; it is the end of the illusion of identity. The truth about suffering is that suffering carries another side, the side of the continuity of an egoic identity in the pursuit of pleasure or in the fulfillment of pleasure, which is still suffering. These are all matters, Gilson, to be investigated. The end of the ego is the end of illusion. There is a present Happiness, a present Love, a present Peace, but none of this is this idea that we have of love, peace and happiness. It is something completely different from everything that the conditioned intellect, that the ego, that the egoic mind knows. And that is what we are proposing here, within these meetings.

GC: And The Master always brings this really revolutionary vision; and by listening to the videos, something starts to make sense. And then, I take this opportunity, because our time is coming to an end, to leave the invitation: If it makes sense to you who is watching the video, come to the weekend online or face-to-face meetings, because then, yes, being in this atmosphere of the Master, who, by the Grace of his Master, realized That and lives in this Natural State, in this sharing of His Presence, these words, which sometimes make sense, but we don't understand, in a little while, in Satsang, which is the name of these encounters, something that is beyond time, beyond thought, happens and we have an understanding, we have a direct vision, so to speak. So, here's the invitation. In the first pinned comment and in the description of the video there will be a link to the WhatsApp group about this information, the dates, the days on which the meetings take place... Go ahead and leave a “like” on the video, leave a comment asking questions for us to bring to the next videocasts, and, Master, gratitude for this videocast.

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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