May 11, 2024

The fundamental questions in life | What is life? | Inner restlessness | The egocentric thinking

Here, in these meetings, we have no other purpose than to become aware of the Truth about who we are. Because it is the Truth about who we are that frees us from the illusion of this belief about who we are. So, see, there are two things here.

First, there is a belief about who we are. There is no Truth about who we are. Becoming aware of the Truth about who we are completely breaks the illusion, this psychological illusion that thought has produced in us about who we are.

So, we make an idea, an image, a picture about who we are, but we don't come into direct contact with who we really are. And we do this because this sense of “I” in us always protects itself, it puts on a mask when it looks at itself. It puts on the mask that it would like to have, that it would like to be, that it would like to have of itself.

So, we have a completely wrong view of who we are. The Truth of what we are, looking very clearly, we will realize: we are fear, we are envy, we are jealousy, anger, ignorance. That's what we are.

To protect ourselves from who we are, we have an image of self-appreciation. It's the attempt to not suffer so much for who we are. There are some things here that we need to see, we need to investigate. Human beings talk about self-esteem and low self-esteem.

What we have done in life is just creating images of ourselves, to protect ourselves from all this psychological confusion that we find ourselves in, to protect ourselves from having direct contact with who we are. But here I have very good news for you: what we are, what we want to be, or what we want to appear to be to ourselves, they are illusions.

There is a Real Truth of Being in us. It is not what we are, it is the Reality of this Being that we carry, of which we do not have access to even the slightest understanding of the meaning of it. We do not know the meaning of this. We don't know that because we don't know ourselves.

First, we have to get in direct contact with who we are, we have to get rid of this mask we put on ourselves, having direct contact with who we really are, to go beyond that. This is something fundamental for anyone who is, in this life, asking themselves: “Is there really something beyond all this?”

Is life just about this: we grow up, become adults, find a profession, work, start a family, acquire some goods and after a few years, through illness, old age or an accident, something happens and death happens? Is this life? Is this what life consists of?

Observe within yourself: there is an internal state of incompleteness, of dissatisfaction. There is a question that has not yet been answered. The question is: what is life? Who am I? What's the truth? What is the meaning of all this? We don't have any answer.

Human beings, throughout the history of humanity, have been looking for an answer to these fundamental questions of life. These are the fundamental questions in life. So, human beings have been searching, through philosophy, theology, knowledge, in every form of experience, of humanity history. So, we search in human history, we search in philosophy, we search in spirituality, we search in theology.

We create different belief systems in an attempt to find an answer to all of this, because there is this incompleteness, this dissatisfaction within the human being.

Here on this channel, the only thing we are really interested in working with you is exactly finding an end to this ancient, old, problematic, unresolved condition that every human being has in this “no answer.”

We are here working, trying together to discover the Truth about all of this, the Truth about who we really are, and what is the meaning of life, what is the truth of what we are truly looking for, beyond everything we have already searched in all this ancient, old movement, which is the movement of the “person,” which is the movement of the “I,” of the ego.

So, our endeavor here consists of this investigation. To investigate the movement of thought, feeling, sensation, the way of feeling and reacting to life, to everything that life represents, to have an approach to looking at ourselves. Here we have something to tell you: yes, the realization of this Reality of this Being is possible. This Being is Consciousness, it is Bliss, it is Freedom. This Being is the Divine Truth, it is the Truth of God. This Being is present at this moment.

All we need is to discard this illusion; this illusion of this ideal of being, which is this mask, which is this idea we have about who we are, and also discarding this “truth of being” that is behind this mask. We need to get rid of this sense of “being someone,” because it is in this “being someone” that lies the problem, suffering, conflict, contradiction, fear, envy, jealousy, anger, the illusion of self-image.

Understand this clearly. What you have about who you are is an idea, an image that you protect, that you defend. In practice, experientially, existentially, you are what you are. But we are always producing an idea, an image of what we want to be, what we need to be, what we should appear to be to the world around us.

The Truth of Self-awareness is having an approach to studying oneself. By becoming aware of this center, which is the “I,” the ego, we can discard this illusion, and thus we can become aware of the Truth of Being, which is Consciousness, which is Bliss, which is Love, which is Peace. This requires an approach to oneself that we have not had until now.

We need to completely abandon all these distractions in which our “I,” our ego, this “person” that we are or present ourselves to be, is involved. So, these meetings here have this purpose.

Observe your mind working, all this inner restlessness of thoughts. We are psychologically – this is what we are in the “I,” in the ego – restless. We have a chatty movement of thought. We are not conscious of thought, aware of thought. They work, but we don't know how they work. They are giving us suggestions for actions, behaviors, for this language presentation that I have with him or her. So, this is within our social, professional and family relationships.

Thought is something that is present in this relationship with ourselves. For example, we have these images we make about who we are, we have the images we make about who the other is. This is another form of distortion of reality.

Just as we don't know ourselves, we don't know who the other is. The point here is that we cannot avoid relationships. And if these relationships are based on these images, which are illusory, because they are created by thought, and thought is an illusion within each one of us...

Notice, thought is just a memory, a remembrance, a predisposition in us, egoic, egocentric, to form images, to accept or reject, to choose. Thoughts are preconceptions, they are social concepts. We acquire this from culture.

I am not referring here to technical, functional thinking. The technical, functional memory, this simple memory is something very natural. If you remember your address, your name, someone's face, that's thought.

Here I am referring to this model of egoic, egocentric, prejudiced thinking, which is based on concepts of culture, society, and fanciful ideas. Here I refer to the pattern of egocentric thinking, in which I have my predilections and you have yours, I have my ideas and you have yours, and this separates us, divides us, I have my beliefs and you have yours.

So, this model of thought is a model of psychological thought, which creates conflict, which sustains conflict in our relationships, because they are models of thought centered on the “I,” on the ego. So, these complex thoughts of the “I,” of the ego, are always producing suffering, because they are falsifying Reality.

In this contact with you, if you please me, I like you, if you displease me, I don't like you: this is based on this model of psychological thinking, where the “I,” the ego, is the center of these experiences. This “me,” this “I,” this center, this ego, is something dispensable.

The disorder in humanity, human suffering, all the confusion in which we are involved and that we are continuing in life, in our relationships, all of this is sustained in this pattern. This is a pattern of egoic conditioning, of mental conditioning, of psychological conditioning.

Becoming aware of this means being able to discard this psychological condition of being “someone,” for a life, here and now, free from this “I,” from this ego, free from what I am here, from what I appear to be, from what I demonstrate to be, from what I aspire to be, for the Real Life of simply Being Consciousness, Intelligence, Bliss, Love, God in relationships.

So, this is the Truth of this Being, it is the Divine Truth, which is present when the ego is not there, when this illusory center, which is this “me,” is not there. So, the awareness of the Truth of this Being is the end of this psychological condition, this “I am,” this “I will be,” this “I was.”

This “I was, I am, and I will be” is within this model of illusory identity. There is something beyond this, which is outside this ego-centered aspect of thinking, feeling, and emotion. It is the Divine Reality, which is the presence of the Unknown.

So, the Divine Truth, the Truth of God, is not in this field of the known, it is not in this model of what thought identifies from the viewpoint of this center. So, a Divine Life is a Life free from the past, free from this illusion of this “I,” which is the ego, in the present, and from this “me,” this ego, this “I,” in this dream of becoming in the future. We thus have the end of psychological time, the time of this egoic identity, because it is psychological time, because it is the time of thought, it is the time of the images that thought constructs.

This is what we are proposing here for you, together we work on this, we get closer to this. We have online meetings that take place on weekends. You have our WhatsApp link here in the video description, you may enter and join our group. And so, we have these meetings that take place on weekends. These are online meetings.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If what you just heard is something that makes sense to you, I want to leave you this invitation: leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel, and leave it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and until next time!

April, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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