May 19, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | The art of meditation | The Power of Silence | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone! We are here for another videocast. Again, Master Gualberto is here. Gratitude, Master, for this meeting.

Master, today I'm going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called: “The art of meditation.” In an excerpt from the book, Master, Joel says the following: “To reach the mind that was in Jesus Christ, it requires self-effort and the Grace of God, which is the most important factor.” Master, what is your view on this self-effort to reach God and also on Divine Grace, the Grace of God?

MG: We have already touched this subject here, Gilson, with those of you who have been following the videocasts, and one thing must be very clear to each of us: the Truth of God reveals itself. It reveals itself, exactly, when we discover how to be still, and not moving. Therefore, it is not a movement of doing, obtaining, achieving... This requires a present entity, which is the “I,” within a movement. But in which direction? If you give me an address, I know where I'm going with that address. At least I have the address, I have an idea of ​​how to get there. The Reality of God is not like that. It's not possible for you to have the address, it's not possible for you to have an idea of ​​how to get there.

This... I'll put it very simple to you: we are not dealing, when we talk about God, with a place that, with the address, you have an idea of ​​where you are going, where you want to get to. The Reality of God is something that is present, not in time, not in some distant place, in the future. So, this is not a movement to achieve. And, naturally, this entire movement is a movement in time and a movement that requires a present identity, in a self-imposed discipline, based on formulas, codes, ideas, concepts, and beliefs to, through effort, get there. It is not how it works.

Here it is about becoming aware of the Reality present here and now. We cannot become aware of the Reality of God present without first eliminating the illusion of this identity that is here creating all this confusion, all this mess, sustaining all this illusion. So, our work consists of becoming aware of this illusion that is here, right now. The awareness of this illusion is the end to this illusion, and the awareness of it occurs by an action of this Divine Grace. And this, truly, Gilson, is an action of Grace itself, it is not an action of the “I” itself, of the ego itself, in time, in that self-discipline that the ego can impose on itself and through effort.

We need to review this, to have a direct understanding of what is happening to us right now. Having an approach to this already occurs due to the Power of Grace itself. This occurs in a very natural way. It does not require this self-discipline, these codes of practices or any effort. It is a divine action; it is an action of Grace itself. Right now, you are here not because of your effort, you are here because Grace brought you to this space. Your inclination to appreciate a speech like this doesn't come through effort, you don't have to make that effort. This is happening exactly despite you, because all the ego can do is create more confusion, it exactly goes away from the beauty of a work like this.

Why? Because a work like this is the annulment of the ego, it is the annulment of the “I.” It has no value, no importance here. Look at yourself. You appreciate hearing a speech like this, you enjoy investigating this subject. There is something in you that inwardly inclines you towards this Realization. This does not come from you, it is not your effort, it is not your work; it is a work of Grace, and this inclination, this disposition, this joy and this moment is an action of Grace. Alright? This is what we need to understand! We don't have God's address, all we have, in the ego, is the past. Our entire life reference is the reference of the egoic mind with its diverse interests, which are purely egocentric.

The egoic mind has no inclination towards what is divine. Everything it can do is in its self-interest. If something is beginning to awaken in you, if this joy has arisen in you for this work, it is because Grace is carrying out Its work and creating this approach. So, here, Gilson, what is necessary is to discover what it is to be still. But even this is the Joy of this Grace, it is the Power of this Grace, it is the Power of this Silence arising within you, creating an inclination towards this Revelation.

Being present here, getting involved with this work, is the invitation that I can give you, but you will only respond to this invitation if Grace itself invites you. If the mind remains present, you will believe that someone is inviting you, but if it is Grace, it will be clear that this speech comes from Grace, that the invitation comes from Grace, Silence comes from Grace. There is no one involved in this, so there is no effort. It is a divine movement, it is a movement of joy, this movement of this encounter with the Truth.

GC: It is impressive how, in this contact with the Master, things become clarified, understood, so to speak. A memory came here. One of the first times that the Master brought up this speech that it is this Grace that finds us and leads us to a work, like this work that the Master shares, a flow of thoughts came and the identification was complete: “No, but I got here because I went through this study, I went through that other one, I did this meditation, I did that other one, I took this course, I studied that philosophy....” And then, as following the Master, in these meetings, after a while, it became very clear how it's just a story, which is the past coming to the surface, really wanting to stay alive. So, “my story, where I've been, led me here” ... Just a thought that wasn't seen, so I had complete identification. The moment it was seen by this sharing of Presence, of the Master's Grace, it ended up becoming very clear how it is this Grace that finds us, this Grace that touches us, and this Grace is what does the work too, because the ego only gets in the way.

MG: Gilson, everything we can see, in fact, is by Divine Grace, including the tiredness that arises in this search, in this pursuit. Everything you've done, everything you've read, studied, the paths you've taken, and people go through different paths, but this is not a process of evolution in them towards this moment of more direct approximation with a work like this. This whole process is a process where you start to notice things, but these things are noticed within the “I” itself, for the “I.” So, we go from one school to another, from one religious practice to another, from one technique to another, from one teacher to another, but all this movement is still a movement in time, made by an identity present in its dissatisfaction, still acquiring even greater training.

This doesn't bring you any closer to Grace, it just makes you tired. So, tiredness comes from Grace. Grace itself grants you the vision that you are tired. When this happens, there is a prayer inside our hearts, a prayer, a cry for divine help, because nothing has worked yet, nothing has worked out. So, there is an improvement here, there is an improvement there, there is a change here… we achieve some things, some miracles happen, some successes happen, but all of this is still at the egoic level. And the biggest proof of this is that this does not satisfy you, because it is not the end of the search, you are still within the process of an unsatisfied identity, which is the ego in the search; and in this search, you keep making exchanges and having experiences. These experiences are stored as part of the ego's collection. These miracles happen as part of the ego's own conquests, but none of it takes you away from that sense of separation, and none of it, naturally, brings you closer to God or Grace. Grace shows you the weariness of that.

At a certain moment, Grace reveals itself, by Grace, by Love, by Divine Compassion, not by your effort, by your doing, by your search, by your seeking. This is a tremendous ego’s fantasy, believing that we can attract this Divine Love like this. Yes, there comes a time when you are so tired, so exhausted, that you lie down and you say a prayer, you have an internal cry for God to reveal Himself, then He comes, then He shows Himself to you, and then something new, really, starts to happen, but something completely different from this whole process, from this whole journey or walk that the “I” itself was doing. So much so that we are facing something completely unusual. This will only make sense if you have already been touched, for real, because Grace itself makes you realize the truth of this, because you are already experiencing it. If you’re not experiencing it, it doesn’t make any sense! If you are experiencing it, now it makes sense.

So, when the Presence of Grace takes over Its space and shows Itself to you, then It comes, when It arrives, the search ends, the movement of searching for teachings, practices, techniques, all of this disappears. There is no longer any need for this movement of spiritual practice, meditation practice, this practice, fasting, etc. All this disappears! Or anything else that has been put out there as something important within this so-called “search,” because there is no more search. But this makes sense when the joy of being here looking at all of this, perceiving all of this, having clarity about this, or a suspicion, Gilson, also about this, becomes clear. It is not always so that clear. In fact, there is an internal clarity. Intellectually, in fact, many times we don't reach it, but there is something inside you that shows you clearly what is being asked, because the search is over. That's how it happens.

GC: Master, I laugh when you give these comments, because, in my case, it was exactly like that. I was tired as hell, I had already studied all the books, meditated until I couldn't anymore, and there really came a moment of exhaustion. And then, I went crazy, I left every group, I moved away from the study groups we had and everything, I deactivated WhatsApp, in an internal despair, because... practice this, practice that, there are some improvements, as the Master said, but it's all very superficial, because internally there is still this dissatisfaction. So, when I really got tired, I couldn't take it anymore, then Grace revealed itself: a video of the Master appeared on YouTube. And as the Master said: inside, something was already touched, but the mind comes, and then, for example, as we have already said in other videocasts, the name of the channel “Master Gualberto” ... Oops! Then, the mind wondered: “How come, ‘Master’?” We've already talked about this in other videocasts. But, obviously, participating in the meetings, and as it is something that is outside the intellect and the Master is this Grace, then, through Grace, Grace flows. It's a blessing.

MG: It’s so natural for it to happen! This encounter with Grace is an encounter of Grace, in Itself, with Itself. So, when Grace arrives, the intellect also approaches and starts saying things about: “But how come ‘Master’?” and so on, which was the name of the channel, which was always the name of the channel. They put that name on the channel. There are videos here, we have been telling you this. There is no such thing as “Master,” there is only one present Reality, and that present Reality is the Truth of Christ, of Consciousness, whatever you want to call That! This Reality has no name. It is thought that projects characters: master/disciple, guru/disciple, teacher/student.

There is only one Present Reality! This Reality is beyond the known, it is beyond the nameable, the describable. It is the Reality of that encounter with Joy, with the Real Joy of Being, with the Real Presence of Being. And when that approaches, the search ends, illusion ends, real work now begins to take place on an entirely new level, entirely unknown, and it is something that occurs by Divine Grace. Despite this “me,” this “I,” this ego, the work continues, and all the ego can do is keep, still, trying, in one way or another, to sustain itself in its little world, but the Power of Grace, the Power of Silence, the Power of Presence, carries out Its work, and it is exactly this Grace that does everything. But it’s pure Grace, Gilson… pure Grace.

GC: It is truly pure Grace and a blessing, something unspeakable, because there are so few awakened beings sharing Satsang, and having this opportunity here in Brazil, someone speaking our language and being available for Satsang is truly something indescribable, Master, it is a Grace without precedents.

Master, we have a question here from someone subscribed to the channel, Bárbara. She asks, comments this: “Good evening, I’m listening to the videos, watching the videos. I would like to ask you a question: is your consciousness awakened?”

MG: Gilson, there is only one Consciousness, and It cannot be mine without being yours too. In fact, there is only one Consciousness, and that Consciousness is not sleeping. This Real Consciousness is the Reality of that Being that you are. You who are listening to me: you are this Reality; you are this Consciousness. Once you are not unaware of this Reality, you are no longer asleep. But to put it very clearly, a large part of humanity, in this condition of unawareness of their own Being, is sleeping. And if you are asleep, this common consciousness, which I have called “egoic consciousness,” is actually the consciousness that prevails in most of humanity.

Here, we are sharing with you the possibility of Awakening. When That is present, there is no longer this unconsciousness, there is no longer this sleep, there is no longer this model of egoic consciousness operating, producing contradiction, suffering, all forms of fear, all kinds of problems. All of this falls apart when there is no longer this unconsciousness. And here the invitation is for you to assume this, because it is, in fact, your Natural State, the Natural State of all of us! Awakening in this life, assuming this Reality is the only thing that matters! So, as for Consciousness, there is only one Consciousness, and It, in fact, is present.

This consciousness common to everyone, which is the consciousness of dream, of sleep, is, in fact, unconsciousness, which we call consciousness, egoic consciousness. But, the Truth of Real Consciousness, which is the Consciousness of Being, is present, and here we are sharing That with you from this Place, this Space. This comes to your life through Divine Grace. Here, this photo, it is the photo of Ramana Maharshi, the one who, by his Grace, this State is present here, by his Grace, this State is revealed here, in a very clear way. There is no more contradiction, no more suffering, no more problems, because the Truth of your Being does not carry this. So, yes, we are sharing with you, not from a theory, from a belief, from a concept, but from this Space, from this new Place. So, this is possible for every human being, this is possible for all of us. That´s it.

GC: Master, even within this topic, it becomes very clear, when we find the Master – in reality, when this Grace finds us – that the search is over, there is nothing left to look for, but there is this work to be done, this change in the machine itself that is addicted to this model. Can the Master talk a little bit about this process that occurs in the machine, about this issue of Kundalini Awakening?

MG: Gilson, all of this is something natural, which happens very naturally through the Power of Presence itself. So, it's not about the use of practices, you see, of techniques, of effort... None of what is taught to us out there, within these models, in this so-called “spirituality.” We are facing something that is this Realization, which occurs in a very simple, very natural way. All that is necessary is to be open so that, through this Silence, this entire internal process of change occurs. And yes, there is a change that occurs in this body, this mind and, of course, this brain. However, this is not an action that is based on a technique, a practice or a model to follow. This is something that happens by the Power of Presence itself. This occurs very naturally within these meetings called Satsangs, and this, on a daily basis, begins to happen due to the awareness of Self-knowledge, the true art of Self-awareness. So, there is a difference between the truth of Self-awareness and what is called “self-knowledge” out there.

I use this expression here with an entirely new meaning, do not confuse this expression with what you have already heard about self-awareness, in philosophy, psychology or any other science related to human relationships. We are talking about something else. The awareness of Self-knowledge brings you closer to the Truth.

of Meditation. When there is this vision of Self-awareness and this approach to Real Meditation, the Awakening of this Real Consciousness occurs, flourishes within you, and this, naturally, brings about a change in this body, this mind and this brain. This is what the sages of ancient India called the energy of Consciousness or the energy of Kundalini. A change occurs in this structure, in this body-mind, so from that moment on, a new brain is present.

The word “Kundalini,” too, let's understand it: nowadays, people use the expression “Kundalini” in any way, as they use the expression “meditation” in any way or the expression “self-awareness” in any way. So, it is always in any way that people use it, without understanding what Kundalini really is, what Self-awareness really is, what Meditation really is. It's a process, Gilson, that takes place in the machine. This could take days, it could take months, it could take years, and it can take a lifetime! Some only achieve this at the moment of leaving the form, in this so-called “death,” as people generally use the expression. At the moment of death, of leaving the form, some enter Sahaja Samadhi, the state of Turiya.

So, this is very relative, it varies from person to person. To put it better: this goes from mechanism to mechanism, because the Truth of Revelation of this Real Consciousness is exactly the end of that “sense of person” there. So, it's a work on the machine. A beautiful work, but in which the sense of “I,” of the ego, does not enter. It is not about experiences, extraphysical contact or sensations in the body. It’s not that! The classic sign of this Real Awakening of Consciousness, which is Kundalini Awakening, is the absence of a sense of separation between you and life, between you and God.

When there is Real Kundalini Awakening, the sense of ego disappears. Something is present, a new Energy, a new Intelligence, a new Power. We are before Compassion, before Love, before Truth, before Real Divine Grace, there in that form. This is the Real Kundalini Awakening, this is the Real Truth, when this Divine Energy, which is Divine Grace, which is the Grace of God, takes over this body-mind; then, we are faced with Reality, but this is something that occurs, I repeat, naturally, and the intellect does not reach this. It is not for the intellect. In fact, this conditioned intellect is also part of what disappears in this real and profound change or transformation in this structure, in this body and in this mind. That’s it.

GC: Master, gratitude, gratitude. Our time has come to end, so let's stop here. Thank you for this videocast.

For those of you who are watching the video, leave a comment, leave a “like” and, above all, if you want to experience it, delve deeper into this investigation that the Master brings, to be able to delve into this Silence that the Master lives, in the first comment, fixed, you will have the group link for information about Satsang meetings, weekend meetings, both online and in person, in addition to retreats. So, here's the invitation. And, Master, until next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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