May 25, 2024

Psychological escape | How to overcome fear? | How to deal with thoughts? | Anxiety and depression

We have tried, here, to present these matters to you in a quite direct, very direct way, because we urgently need to understand who we are. Because it is when there is this understanding that freedom from this confusion occurs. I refer to this confusion of the “I,” of the ego.

We, as human creatures, act in a very curious way. We are not aware of the mess we find ourselves in. Realize what we are saying here to you.

We are not clearly aware of how confused, disoriented, disturbed we are, how much we experience an internal, psychological complexity, which places us in an external life condition in great disorder and confusion. And yet, we have no idea that we are actually living like this.

We have so many ways, so many mechanisms of hiding this from ourselves, of hiding ourselves, of concealing ourselves within these situations, that we are not aware of how, in fact, we find ourselves.

So, one of the very curious things about human beings is that they are always running away. We have several psychological escape mechanisms so we don't witness it in ourselves, we don't become aware of this pain that we represent to ourselves and to others. Therefore, it is essential for all of us, with great urgency, to have an approach to the Revelation of our Being.

What we are presenting to you here, both within this channel and in these online meetings that take place – we have online meetings that take place on weekends, here in the video description you have our link to join the group and these encounters – what we are doing together is investigating the nature of the truth about who we are.

Because all this confusion is not in the Real Truth of our Being. Yes, it is in what we are, in what we present ourselves to be, in what we manifest ourselves to be in this life, all this confusion. So, the truth about us needs to be understood.

So, there are two things here: understanding the truth about who we are and the Reality of our Being, which is something else. The truth about who we are is easy to see. I say easy, if we pay attention to it, which we haven't done. All we have done is to escape from this look at ourselves.

When pain becomes very acute, very intense, we seek help. So, we look for psychotherapy, we look for hypnosis, we look for some form of treatment to have, temporarily, a relief from this relentless pain that is present in this “me,” this “I,” this ego.

So, through treatment or medication, we are always, in a certain way, temporarily receiving relief from this crucial condition, which is the condition of the ego. I know it sounds challenging to hear this here, but we have to make it clear to you.

This “I,” this ego has no cure. What we can give to it is treatment, a condition of better adjustment. Then, it adjusts, in a more adequate way, religiously, politically, socially, familiarly, with itself. It looks for adjustment alternatives. Then, there is a temporary relief from this affliction of being someone.

This “being someone” may have a relief from his affliction, but affliction continues. As long as there is this sense of “I” present, which is the sense of ego, there will be suffering. So, questions are diverse: “How to overcome fear?” “How to deal with thoughts?” We have several questions of this type. “How can we cope with this issue of despair, anxiety, and depression, of anguish, this existential pain, and this pain of loneliness?”

So, all we have done is look for a form of help to alleviate, to minimize this painful, complicated psychological condition of being someone. We lack an understanding of the truth, the truth about who we are here, at this moment. To become aware of envy, jealousy, anger, fear, the conflict that desires cause. See, these aspects for us are clearly aspects of suffering.

Although we are not aware that they are aspects present in each of us, they are present. But we also have other aspects that we don't even have the slightest approximation to realize that they are also causes of contradictions, conflicts and suffering in us. For example, the search for pleasure.

It lies in this dissatisfaction, this search for this form of fulfillment or that other form of fulfillment, emotional, sentimental, sexual, or acquiring personal properties or real estate. All of these are alternatives for us in this pursuit of pleasure. Because of this dissatisfaction, this is occurring.

So, there is this movement of seeking pleasure due to this dissatisfaction. This also leads us to sustain contradictions, complications and existential conflicts for each of us.

What we are proposing here for you is to become aware of a relationship with life, free from this “I,” this ego. A life like this is a life where the awareness of God's Truth is present, of Love is present, of Freedom is present, of Intelligence is present. This is present when the ego is not.

The point is that we cannot eliminate this sense of “I,” of the ego, by a move of this very center. Note, as we have just said, all that this center does, among other things it does, is hide from ourselves the confusion it produces.

So, notice how curious our behavior is. We are in conflict, but we do not feel conflicted, because we are as if numbed, anesthetized, unaware of this conflicting state. We have several ways to escape this look at ourselves.

Here the invitation is to study oneself, to pay attention to this very movement of the mind. Yes, we need to understand how thought works, so do feelings, emotions, the way of perceiving, perception in relationships with others, with the different situations around us. To perceive within each one of us the movement of thought, sensation and emotion.

To become aware, have direct, real contact with dissatisfaction, contradiction, conflict, all forms of suffering. Looking at all of this within each one of us, right now, that is Self-awareness. To become aware of how this “I” works, how it separates itself. And, when it separates itself, it is the one producing all of this.

Your Real Nature, your True Nature, the Reality of this Divine Being that we are does not carry any of this. This is something peripheral. But it is on the periphery of this center. Note this. It is a center that is always remaining within a continuity because it is not observed, because it is not understood.

So, Self-awareness, studying oneself, is understanding this structure, which is the structure of the “I,” of this center. Understanding this center is the end of this center with its periphery. This periphery is suffering in its various forms. This center is the root of this entire tree. The point is that, psychologically, this is what human beings are. Our psychological movement of being someone is just that.

Looking at this structure, becoming aware of this structure, is understanding this root, understanding this tree, being free from this root and therefore from this tree. So, a Divine Life, a life in Love, a life in Peace, a life in Freedom is something possible when you understand the Truth of your Being, which is the Truth of God. Then, conflict ends, suffering ends, this chaotic movement of thought ends.

So, it is not about someone dealing with thoughts, but rather about the end of that someone, because it is that someone who is the thinker. It is this thinker being someone who is sustaining this continuity of chaotic, conflicting thought. We wouldn't ask how to deal with thoughts if thoughts weren't problems for each of us.

The interesting point for you to study here is to understand that thinking per se is functional when it is not dysfunctional. It is functional when you need technical memory to work in a profession, to remember your own name, to remember another person's name, to remember their address.

So, this quality of thought, which is simple memory – as we have called it here on the channel: simple memory –, we need memory, we need knowledge in this sense, in this area. So, this simple thought is something functional. The problem is that we have a dysfunctional model of thinking, which is this thinking that produces contradiction, that produces conflict.

So, when we ask, “How to get rid of negative thoughts,” “How to get rid of obsessive thoughts,” “How to get rid of repetitive thoughts,” “how to get rid of negative thoughts” … That's why we ask how to deal with thoughts, because this quality of thought is a quality of psychological memory, in which this “I,” this ego, is constituted.

Thus, a direct approach to this entire movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of the ego, through Self-awareness is to go to the root of this tree. Then, it is possible to have an emptying of this psychological content that constitutes this identity, which is the egoic identity.

So, the awareness of the Truth of Meditation, of True Meditation, of this art that is part of Self-awareness, is fundamental. What is the Reality of your Being? It is what is present when Meditation, Real Meditation... Here I am referring to True Meditation, not what people out there call “meditation.” Here, I refer to True Meditation, Real Meditation.

The awareness of Real Meditation, which is part of Self-knowledge, reveals the Nature of this Divine Being, this Reality of God, which is beyond the “I,” which is beyond this “me,” this ego-identity.

We have meetings here to work on this with you, they take place on weekends. These are online meetings, you can find our link here in the video description to participate in these meetings.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and we also have retreats. So, if this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel, and leave it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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