May 15, 2024

Spiritual Awakening. This observer and the thing observed. How can I get rid of suffering? Duality

Here the question is: “How can I get rid of suffering?” I'd like to ask you another question: Is it true that there is any separation between suffering – you see – and the one who suffers? Because, generally, the idea we have – this is something common to all of us – is that one thing is me and suffering is another thing.

So, yes, we have some moments where there is no suffering and we have moments where there is suffering. So, what's the idea we get from this? It's that if suffering is there sometimes and sometimes it isn't, I'm one thing and suffering is something else.

See how interesting that is. That sounds quite reasonable to all of us. However, we need to investigate this further, because at the moment of suffering, what separation is there between the sufferer and suffering? You see? There is no separation. When suffering is present and there is an “I” in suffering, that “I” and suffering are one.

If, for example, you feel pain, the pain is in that feeling. That feeling is not separate from the pain, that feeling is someone's feeling. Someone in the feeling is the pain in the feeling. So, we have the pain and we have the feeling, and that can't be separated. If there is no feeling, there is no pain. Without the pain, without the feeling, there's no one in the pain, there's no one in the feeling.

So, you see, there's no separation, but that's exactly the wrong idea we have. We don't realize that there is no separation between a present thought and the one involved in the thought. If there's an involvement with thought, that involvement with thought is thought itself, and that's what's involved. So, that which is involved is thought itself.

Thus, if a thought is present, the thinker is present. We can't separate thought from the thinker. Thought is the thinker, because when there is no thought, there is no thinker. If there is no feeling, there is not this element in feeling, so there is no one who feels. So, if suffering is present, that implies the presence of a sufferer.

See how simple and reasonable this is – truly reasonable. The sense of someone present in the experience is the experiencer of the experience. But experience and the experiencer are not separate, they are a single phenomenon. So, realize the importance of this understanding.

How do I get rid of fear? The principle is the same. How to get rid of anxiety? The principle is the same. Anxiety presupposes the presence of the anxious one; and fear, the presence of the fearful. Just like thought with the presence of the thinker; and suffering, the presence of the sufferer. Is that clear?

That's what we need to understand. If we need an end to suffering, we naturally need an end to the sufferer. That's what we're dealing with here with you, exploring here with you, investigating here with you. Becoming aware of the end of this psychological condition of this “I”, who is the experiencer of the experience, who is the sufferer of suffering, who is the observer of what he is observing, who is the thinker of his thoughts.

So, the real form of an approach to freedom from anxiety, fear, suffering, from everything that this “I” represents in experience, the truth of Liberation from this, is the end of this “I”, because it is the presence of this “I”, of this center, of this model of the experiencer, of the observer, it is this model of being someone that is sustaining this condition in each of us.

What is the truth about you? The truth about you is beyond this truth that you are, as you show yourself, as you demonstrate, as you appear to be. The truth of what we are when that which we are, because we seem to be, when that is no longer present, the Reality of That which we truly are shows itself.

We've been exploring this subject with you, investigating this subject with you here, within this channel. We have to be aware of all this psychological background that we bring, because all our problems, all our situations, all our difficulties lie in this psychological condition of being someone.

All of this lies in this condition, this psychological condition of being someone. So, we've been brought up socially, religiously, politically, philosophically, spiritually, within this model – in addition to everything we've received from family tradition and from all those who have come before us.

Everything we have received in this world, from this culture, is part of what constitutes this humanity; this humanity in us, this model of how our brain works, how this mind in us happens.

What is this mind? This mind is the result of race, group, family, human history – this mind in us. We are functioning this way in life. We are carrying this model of separation, of duality, something totally illusory. The idea of being the thinker is sustaining all the problems that thought in us is sustaining, is maintaining.

So, this condition in us, this idea of being the thinker with thoughts, controlling thoughts, solving situations through thought, having problems through thought, all of this has placed us in a psychological condition of existence where we are sustaining an illusion: the illusion of duality, of separation.

So, there is a Truth present, but this present truth is not this “me”, this “I”, this ego. This “me”, “I”, ego, is the psychological “truth” of being someone. That's what we know as our truth of being a person.

This truth of being a person has placed us in tremendous confusion, in tremendous disorder, in a great weight of existence, because there is this pattern of psychological suffering, of human suffering for each one of us due to this particular vision of this center, which is the “I”, the ego; this has been constituted as the truth about each one of us due to this psychological conditioning, this pattern of human history.

Becoming aware of all this, the end to all this, due to the understanding of how we work, in this studying of ourselves, which is Self-Awareness. If this is present, if this begins to blossom, we can have the Revelation of That which is outside of that which we are, to the truth of this Reality which is present in this moment, when illusion is no more, when this sense of separation, of duality is no more present.

When there is no longer any separation between this observer and the thing observed, when there is no longer any separation between thought and the thinker, between feeling and the one who feels, between life and this so-called “living being”. When this separation no longer exists, then we have the end of this duality. Then, we have the Revelation of Something. That Something is the presence of God's Truth, the presence of Divine Truth.

If this is present, there is no more suffering. If this is present, there is no more anxiety. If this is present, there is no more depression, anguish or fear, because there is no longer this center, which is the “I”, the ego, separating itself from life, separating itself from the other, separating itself from experience, always showing itself, invariably, as the experiencer, the thinker, the controller, the manipulator and, therefore, the sufferer, the fearful, the anxious, the depressed one. Are you with me?

To get closer to the truth of what we are, to become aware of this model of separation, of duality, to become aware of this illusion of being someone making choices, resolving, making decisions, controlling, manipulating, always projecting oneself into the future to change things, to alter things. To become aware of this model of being someone who lives in this time. Realize the beauty of this.

This time is only present because of this model of separation. We psychologically need, in an illusory way, this time to control, to solve, to do, to obtain, to get rid of, because if there is this sense of an “I” to do all this, we need time for this to happen. This time is an invention of thought itself. See that.

Thought is always introducing this notion into our lives, into our existence: “I don't have peace, I don't have love, I don't have happiness, but I will.” Observe the trick of thought, which is this thinker, which is this ego, which is this experiencer, who idealizes finding peace, love, freedom, happiness in the future, or finding an end to suffering, anxiety or depression in the future.

So, there's always a mistaken idea of time. Time is always present. This “always” is present because thought is moving at every moment, trying to prevail, trying to establish itself, trying to maintain its continuity. So, thought creates this future, this tomorrow. So, thought always maintains this format, this continuity.

Learning the art of looking at the movement of thought and putting an end to this model of the thinker, then there is an end to this psychological condition of being someone, because we have the end of this continuity, the end of this well-known model – so well-known to all of us – of being in this illusory notion of time, of reaching in time or getting rid of in time.

So, that's our work here with you. We are deepening this in these meetings, becoming aware of this Divine Truth that we bring. So, this is the end of the known, the end of the model of being someone. This is the end of time, the end of this continuity of thought in you. If this ends, anxiety – see – which is rooted in thought, ends; depression, which is rooted in thought, ends.

This whole model of coming to be, of achieving, comes to an end, because it is rooted in thought. The ego, the “I”, is a movement of thought in this time created by thought. All right? In these meetings, we're going deeper into this. The Truth of your Being is the end of this psychological condition of someone present within this experience, being the experiencer of it all.

Thus, this work with you consists of this awareness of Being, of simply Being, of purely Being. Some call this the Awakening of Consciousness or Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening. It is the Divine Truth revealing itself, the Truth of God showing itself. That which is You in your Being is the end to disorder, to confusion, to suffering.

For this purpose, we meet here on weekends. You have the WhatsApp link in the video description to join the group and take part in these meetings that take place on weekends – they are online meetings.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we go deeper into this with you. If this is what makes sense to you, please leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. Okay? And we'll see you. Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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