May 29, 2024

What is Meditation? What is Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual Enlightenment. Supreme Self-awareness.

Here, when we use the expression “Self-awareness” with you, we are talking about the truth of Supreme Self-awareness, not self-awareness as people generally use it within psychology and philosophy. We are pointing to you the importance of the truth of your Divine Revelation, of the Reality of your Being, of your Essential Nature.

This self-awareness, where you improve as a person, where there is a whole process of personal development, obviously has some importance or great importance within this person's story. When a person is able to improve or develop, they are able to make better room for the adjusted life they know.

Here we are pointing to something beyond this person and, therefore, beyond this need for an adjustment to this ego-identity, to this personality. We are pointing to Divine Realization, to a real encounter with Love, to a real encounter with Happiness, to your encounter with God.

And here, it's important to say right away that this encounter with God is not you in this encounter, it's the Truth of God revealing itself, precisely when this center, when this personal and particular sense of egoic identity disappears. So, this is about the presence of Divine Truth.

When people ask what is Spiritual Awakening… Here on this channel, as well as on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto”, we are working with you to put an end to this illusion; the illusion of an identity present in the search or the pursuit of something to fulfill oneself, to be happy, to have an encounter with freedom or with love.

Our work here consists of getting closer to what we are. So, here, when we talk to you about Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment, we are talking to you about the end of an identity present in the experience of living. The flowering of your Divine Nature is this Spiritual Awakening, this Spiritual Enlightenment. It is in this sense that we use this expression here, within these talks.

It is not a mystical or so-called “spiritual” or “extraphysical” experience. It's not something that you're going to report about later or tell others about. What is real, as your Natural State of Being, is something indescribable, unnamable, outside the known.

Therefore, the truth of this awareness of Being is the end of all this movement, which is the movement of thought, to describe, to explain, to clarify, to cultivate memories and recollections about it. We're talking about something that thought can't reach. A real approximation to this is the approximation to the truth of Self-Awareness.

The word “Self-Awareness” also has this very clear meaning. It's not about the improvement of the person, the enhancement of the person, but the awareness of this revelation that the sense of person is an illusion. The sense of an identity present in being an experiencer of experience, alive in life, is just a thought, an idea.

All this sense of identity present in life, in living, in experience, and in this self-improvement is just a modification, a change or transformation of a person, of psychological condition, of this conditioning. It's not about that. Here we are talking to you about the importance of really learning about ourselves. It reveals to us what is beyond ourselves, this “me”.

It reveals that which is unknown, that which is unnamable and indescribable, what in us that is beyond this “us.” That which is not part of time, that which was never born, that which cannot die. There will be Happiness in your life when the awareness of Happiness has the room to take its place in your life.

You see, in this movement, which is the movement of the center, which is the “I”, the ego, we are placing this condition of time. There is always this movement of time to achieve, to get rid of, to obtain, to do. Here, it's when time ends that this is revealed. So, when I say “there will be”, I'm saying that this “there will be” is now.

So, the future is now, when the sense of psychological time, which is that time formulated by this egoic identity, no longer enters, is no longer present. Here we already have the answer to the question: “What is Meditation?” So, here we already have an approximation to this answer, to this classic question – “What is Meditation?”

You see, it's not something to be done over time. So, it's not something mechanical, something that you learn and, in a mechanical way, practice, as it happens with the techniques, the systems, the various meditation practices that you've heard of and that you find available out there.

Meditation, what is it? What is meditation? It is the awareness, now, here, of the absence of the “I”. So, it's not about this “me”, this “I”, this ego, this meditator in practice, in other words, meditating. It's necessary to break away from this, to let go of all this movement, because it's still a movement of conditioning, of habit, mechanical, something done by this center, which is the “I”.

We need to let go of all this in order to discover the truth of Real Meditation, of this approaching, in this moment, to all thought, feeling, emotion, and sensation; the way of perceiving this instant, the experience without the “I,” the center, the ego, the experiencer. You see, this is something new for most of you.

So, for most of us, having such approach to Meditation, which implies Meditation without the meditator, is something very new or very strange, because our model, our old model, our way of perceiving all of this is through someone in the doing, it's someone doing, it's someone in the execution, it's someone in the practice.

This contact with Real Self-Awareness is the realization, in that instant, of Divine Reality, Supreme Reality. That's why we've called it Supreme Self-Awareness, because it's Self-Awareness that reveals God. It's not something you practice to improve yourself, as it has already been said – and as we've always said in these videos, in these meetings.

Here, in life, the only thing that matters is the awareness of Life. And the awareness of Life is Life in Itself, aware of Itself. There is no one in it. There is no sense of an identity present in it, of a person in it, of a personality in it. That is the truth of this Divine blossoming. That is the truth of Spiritual Awakening.

Spiritual Awakening is the awareness of your Essential Nature, which here and now blossoms when this model, which is the model of the “I”, is not. That's why our emphasis is on investigating what thought is, what feeling is, what emotion is, what this way of feeling is, this way of moving through life is, what action is.

You see, all of this is something that needs to be investigated, because not understanding it keeps us in a psychological condition, which is the condition common to everyone, in this unconsciousness, in this posture of profound ignorance. See, here, the word “ignorance” in the sense of not being aware of the movement of the “I” itself.

We need to become aware of the movement of the “I” in order to end suffering. When this ignorance prevails, as it does within humanity, because this Blossoming, this Awakening is not present for the majority of humanity, suffering is present. The sign of the absence of this Spiritual Awakening, of this Spiritual Enlightenment, is the presence of duality.

Duality implies the presence of someone suffering, someone afraid, someone anxious, someone depressed, someone in the pain of loneliness, someone experiencing some level of internal suffering, anguish, guilt, remorse, regret.

The presence of ignorance is the presence of the illusion of a present identity that sees itself separate from experience, separate from life, separate from existence, separate from God; in conflict with itself because of this restlessness of thoughts – repetitive, chattering, negative thoughts, intrusive thoughts. You see, these are all internal, psychological conditions of life present in this identity, which is the egoic identity.

You see, we can seek all kinds of help in psychotherapy, psychiatry, psychology, this so-called “spirituality,” but as long as this sense of an identity, which is the identity of the “I”, is sustained in each of us because of this ignorance, illusion will be present, this sense of separation will be present and, naturally, conflict will be present, suffering will be present.

Here we are working with you to end this psychological condition of being someone. Here we are signaling to you, on this channel and also on our other channel, which is called “Marcos Gualberto” – you can find our link to our other channel in the description of the video – we are working with you to put an end to this illusion: the illusion of a present identity, sustaining itself in life and seeking in life, separate from it, to achieve from it, which is life, something for that center, for that “I”, for that person.

Then, here we are telling you that Realization of Truth is possible, which is the Realization of God, which someone calls Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening – what some confuse with all kinds of things that have nothing to do with what we are pointing out here.

Here, this Awakening, Enlightenment, God Realization, is the end of the “I”, it's the end of the ego, it's the end of this illusion of this center that separates itself. It is the presence of this Consciousness, this Being, this Happiness – this is straight out of the Vedas –, your Real Nature when there is no more ignorance. The truth of this blossoming of your Natural State of Being is Being-Consciousness-Bliss.

Thus, our whole purpose here is to have this approach, to position ourselves in front of life within a clear vision, without the sense of a present identity, believing in all kinds of things that conditioned thought, the thinking of human history, that has been put into this brain.

Therefore, a deep, radical change is needed, a real contact with the truth of what I have called a new mind. A new mind is not a mind in the sense that we know it. We are pointing to something indescribable, the presence of a new way of thinking, feeling and acting, when we talk about a new mind.

So, that's our work here with you. For this purpose, we have online meetings, which take place at weekends. We have a weekend together. Therefore, on Saturday and Sunday, we dedicate ourselves to this investigation, through questions, answers, through a contact with the awareness of Meditation in this Silence, we can explore this together.

You can find our WhatsApp link here in the description of the video, so you can get closer to these online meetings that take place during these weekends. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats.

If that's something that makes sense to you, here's the invitation. Leave a “like,” subscribe to the channel and take a look at our other channel too, ok? Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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