May 24, 2024

What is Meditation? | What is Spiritual Awakening? | Spiritual Enlightenment | Self-investigation

The purpose of these meetings, here on this channel, as well as in online meetings that take place on weekends, is to become aware of the Truth of What we are. So, one of the essential subjects here is this Real Awareness of Freedom, not the freedom as the mind idealizes this matter, but of the Truth of Freedom, which implies an internal Truth revealing itself. If this inner Truth reveals itself, this is the end to this psychological confusion that our minds are experiencing today. The psychological condition of being someone in life, in the experience of living, without the Awareness of the Reality of this Divine Truth we bring, outside of this psychological, egocentric, personal movement of being someone, without the Revelation of this, there is no Love, Peace, Happiness, there is no Freedom in our lives.

Thus, we are discussing with you, here, the importance of this Freedom. We need to discover this Freedom internally, the flowering of this Freedom, from all this conditioning in which we were educated to live and that, psychologically, we are living in the world. Because this internal Freedom that is reflected externally in our world of relationships when this sense of “I,” of the ego, is no longer present, means a life where we have the perfume of Compassion, Intelligence, and Understanding.

So, we need to ask some questions here. There is a very ordinary question: “What is Meditation?” Note, the issue of Meditation is something essential for each of us, the comprehension of the Truth of what to Meditate is. This is not about someone meditating as, in general, people idealize, design and engage in different forms of meditative techniques and practices. For most people, meditation is an act of someone doing; someone is predisposed to this act of doing, which is meditating. Here, meditating is Awareness of Being, it is not about someone in this movement. Exactly because the Truth of Being is the absence of someone, therefore, meditating is possible when there is no one meditating. This is what needs to be clear to you who are working on this issue of the Truth about Spiritual Awakening.

There is tremendous confusion about this too. For most people, Spiritual Awakening is extraphysical perceptions or moments where a metaphysical, spiritual or mystical experience takes place. So, they say they are awakened, “spiritual awakening has occurred,” “enlightenment has occurred.” The Truth about Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment is that this Reality is not an event, a happening in time. Then, when people ask, “What is Spiritual Awakening?” – let's understand this – the awareness of Being is here and now, it is not about an experience, about something that someone lived, kept in their memory and now says: “I have awakened, I am awakened.”

The Reality of Awakening is the absence of this “I” awakened; the Truth of Awakening is the absence of an experience that can be told; the Reality of Being, the Awareness of Being is the absence of the “I.” This is here and now, it's not an experience, it's not something you can go through and still be present. The Truth of Being is the absence of an identity present in life, at this instant, at this moment. Then, there is no experiencer within its experience or the experiencer reporting its experience.

So, what is Meditation? It is the awareness, at this moment, of a Reality. It is present, aware within itself of the only Reality present, which is itself. This may seem a little confusing because the central idea, the general idea, for almost all of us – not to say all of us – due to this whole pattern of human history we bring, of psychological conditioning we carry, is that we are someone to live experiences, to have experiences, and one of the richest experiences and the most desired of all experiences, for those who engage in this search, in this search for God, is the experience of Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment. However, there is no truth in this, because when this is present, there is no longer the experiencer, there is no longer someone who has gone through something and can report what they have gone through. It's not about something you live.

Divine Reality is present when the sense of “I” is not there, the ego is not there – this is Spiritual Awakening. When someone publicly says, “I had an experience, I've awakened,” and can report something about it, what the person is reporting to us is a mystical, spiritual, extra physical experience. Some attribute this expression – Spiritual Awakening, or Spiritual Enlightenment – ​​to contact with extraterrestrials. So, there are all sorts of things attached to this expression, which is totally false. At least here on this channel, when we use this expression, we are pointing to the end of this center, which is the “I,” the ego. Therefore, it's not about someone having something, someone seeing something, someone feeling something; It's about the disappearance of this someone. And how does this become possible? By approaching Meditation.

So, what is Meditation? It is the Awareness of pure Observation, without the center of experience. For us, every experience has a center, because every experience is happening to “me.” This “me,” this “I,” is the center of experience, it is like saying: “I am conscious.” When you say, “I am conscious,” what you mean is that there is this “I” conscious of something, then there is this “I,” which is the center, and there is this consciousness of it. That is the experience and this “I” is the center of that experience. So, we need to have a new approach to this matter of the Truth of Meditation, since it is not a practice, an exercise, a technique. It is about observing what is.

So, the truth of self-investigation, the science of self-investigation, is observation without the center, without the “I.” Notice the importance of this. What is self-investigation? It's having an approach to this moment, without a center that sees this moment from a background. This background is the “I,” this background is the one that likes, dislikes, accepts, rejects, names, classifies, judges, compares, feels, or wants to do something with what is present here. Then, an approach to this moment without this center is this observation without the observer. Get the importance of this: we need to eliminate this psycho physical model of existence or this body and mind as we see ourselves, this model of being as we see ourselves, this particular vision where, in a physical and psychological way, our response to the moment is from a center, which is the “I,” the ego. We need to eliminate this center, this “I,” this ego.

This psycho physical being needs to undergo a change, a deep and radical transformation. So, self-investigation is the ability to look without the observer, to listen to experience without the listener, to perceive whatever is arising, to perceive without the one who perceives. So, yes, at that moment we are in direct contact with Self-Awareness, which is the verification of this duality. It is clear what we have been doing for millennia, what we are doing due to all the cultural programming we have received, which is to separate ourselves from experience to control experience, to do something with experience, to be the author of actions, the thinker of thoughts, the experiencer of experiences.

So, notice our approach here to this answer: “What is Meditation?” Note, it is something totally different from what people do in the name of meditation. Obviously, these different practices out there to quiet the mind, to relax the body, this is great for the mind, for the body, but that's not what we're talking about here. We are talking to you, our proposal for you is the Awakening of your Divine Nature, something possible when this movement of psychological conditioning of being someone, which is this pattern of egoic identity, disappears. This is the flowering of your Divine Nature, your Essential Nature.

So, what is Spiritual Awakening? What is Spiritual Enlightenment? What is Meditation? What is self-investigation? Notice, we are dealing with this subject here with you, in a completely new approach, something for most of us, in an unfamiliar way, because the ordinary way of thinking about it – notice – of thinking about it, is from the viewpoint of this background of conditioning. Here, we are pointing out outside the center, the “I,” outside all this conditioning, all this programming, all this specific way of thinking, where this “I” is finding its ways.

Notice, here, we are pointing out a leap out of the known. So, having an approach to this moment where you look – just look – a thought, a feeling, an emotion, a sensation, a perception, just look, just observe, look without someone seeing, observe without the observer, you are going to the work, you are coming back from work, you are working, you are dealing with family, talking to people, taking care of the most trivial matters in life and, at that moment, the Truth of Meditation is present, because there is, at that moment, an approach to that look, without that background.

You might say, “That’s too complicated.” Note, I would tell you that this is not simple, but it is not complicated. It is not simple because, due to a whole programming conditioning where this sense of an “I” is always present, thinking, acting, speaking, gesturing, working, dealing with people – this model of being someone all the time, within the experience, of being an experiencer within the experience – it is an addictive format of being, in this psycho physical pattern of being someone. Then, we have to bring awareness to this moment, so that this addictive model of behavior disappears.

We are before something that is not so easy, getting closer to it requires attention to this moment. That's why we've been talking about the importance of full attention, since that's what brings us closer to a direct vision in this self-investigation, in this look without the “I,” without the center, without the ego, at our reactions. So, notice: at no point do you need to be in a silent place, sitting, legs crossed, breathing in a certain way. Here you are driving your car, you are dealing with the present moment without an egocentric, egoic identity involved in it. This is Real Meditation!

We have an extensive playlist here on the channel emphasizing the importance of that. Furthermore, I want to extend an invitation to you here: we have online meetings that take place on weekends, where we explore this whole subject here, with you, of Spiritual Awakening, through questions and answers, through this contact with Silence, also, through Meditation present in these meetings. There are two days, on weekends, Saturday and Sunday. We have these meetings online. You have here, in the video description, the WhatsApp link for you to participate in these online meetings; in addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats.

So, I want to invite you here: besides this channel, we also have another channel called Marcos Gualberto. Then, you can also take a look at our other channel. We have a lot of videos there as well and new videos coming where we're delving into this with you. Then, if this is something that makes sense to you, leave here your “like,” subscribe to the channel, take a look at the other channel, and we’ll see you. Thanks for the meeting and until next time.

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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