May 18, 2024

Self-image, psychology | Importance of Self-awareness | To deal with thoughts | Non-duality

If there is one thing we have done throughout our lives, it is valuing this model, which is the model of thinking as we know. So, the idea that I have about who you are, the idea that you have about who I am, is an idea, it is a memory that comes from the past, a memory about who I believe you are. You have the same about me.

This self-image, which is the image I have of who I am, is always projecting into this relationship with you what it intends to obtain within this relationship. Thus, our actions – note this – are actions, first, centered on the model of thought. In other words, something that comes from the past and is introduced into the relationship. And furthermore, this pattern of thinking is self-interested, it is self-centered.

So, notice the importance of having a new approach to understanding the Truth about ourselves here. And we are giving real importance to this within this work. I refer to the importance of Self-awareness. We need to have an approach to the Truth of who we are.

See, this is not a self-image in psychology, a mere theoretical or conceptual approach within the science of psychology. So, our approach here is a direct approach, in an experiential way of revealing this self-image, within an understanding of what we demonstrate to be experientially, in practice.

We give up theory and turn here to learning how to look at this, how to become aware of this self-image. Note that not understanding this self-image means staying in life without knowing how to deal with thoughts.

When people ask how to deal with thoughts, they have already realized the problem that lies in this psychological conditioning movement that we carry. Some of us have already clearly realized the whole problem that consists in a life centered on this unconsciousness, on this unconscious movement of thought. Notice, thought in us is restless, it is chatty, it is negative, it is intrusive.

So, how to deal with thoughts? Because this, this quality of thought that we know in this model of life centered on the “I,” on the ego, for some of us it has already become very clear that there is something wrong with this model of thought. So, this psychological restlessness that thought sustains in us, until we learn to deal with it – and dealing with it means exactly putting an end to this condition –, we take it as the most natural thing in life.

This entire movement of thoughts, including these thoughts that produce this self-image – an image in us that is always in a relationship with others, creating problems – while this pattern of affirmation of memory, which is this condition of thought that comes from the past, is conducting our actions in relationships, our relationships will be conflictual relationships.

So, this self-image is not the truth about who we are. It is what we demonstrate to be, what we appear to be, what we actually are in this illusory egocentric identity. This contact I have with you based on this self-image produces conflict, produces problems. This is what we need to understand.

Can we free ourselves from this psychological condition of being “someone”? What we have seen here, within the channel, in this investigation, in this study of ourselves, what we have seen here are verifications of facts that occur in reality, in our lives.

The sense of person is a problem. The relationship between person and person is the relationship between two images. There is no truth present at this level, because what there is, is a meeting between thoughts. Thoughts are remembrances, they are memories, something that comes from the past. Observe this here. The encounter with this instant is a new encounter. Thought is that which, at that moment, appears, but it comes from the past.

This lack of attention in which we, psychologically and internally, live, in this condition of being “someone” in life, in living, in experience, in this present moment, puts us in a condition in which we are always resurrecting this past, giving life to thought. So, thought is something that comes from the past, and we are resurrecting it here.

The image I have of you, the image you have of me, if this is resurrected here, this meeting is an encounter between images. We are alienated from the beauty of this moment, this instant, what is happening here, because we are bringing this programmed, conditioned model of being “someone” to this moment.

So, what have we been doing in life? Sustaining the continuity of psychological time. This psychological time is this thought pattern. Thought in us is not something alive, it is something that has already gone. It receives life, it is resurrected in this unconsciousness, and so we are continuing this pattern of thought.

Thus, our relationships are not living relationships, they are dead relationships. There is no Beauty, there is no Truth, there is no Love. We have some moments of caress, of affection, of care, of care, but they are agreements; agreements between thoughts, between memories.

The fact is that we do not know ourselves, because there is no acknowledgment of the Divine Reality, of this Being, of this only present Being, which is the Reality of God, at that moment. Because the encounter is a meeting in the ego: the image I have of you and the image you have of me.

Thus, we have emphasized here with you the importance of this understanding of ourselves, the importance of Self-awareness. To become aware of how the mind works here, in this moment, in this contact, in a relationship with life as it happens in this present moment.

Our contact with this moment is one with relationships: relationship with objects, relationship with places, relationship with thoughts, with emotions, with feelings, with people. Thus, discovering what it means to deal with thought is to become aware of the end of this quality of thought that forms this self-image.

Notice the beauty of this. If there is an internal state, here, of sadness, of guilt, of fear, of some form of internal suffering, in this contact with you, it will be present. Notice, this contact is a contact, now, from an image. The image I create about who “I” am at this moment is building this internal state here within me. So, in this contact with you, there is no free relationship, in Peace, in Freedom, because suffering is present here.

So, our relationships are relationships between images – images that suffer or images that enjoy an illusory sense of personal, egocentric and therefore separatist pleasure. And where separation is present, conflict is present. This or that form of suffering is present. This or that form of confusion is present.

Is it possible to have a free life, where a Real encounter, on a new level, can happen? In this encounter, there is the presence of Divine Reality, of this unique Being, which is the Truth of God. An encounter on this level is an encounter free from separation, free from duality. So, this is known in India as Non-duality. Non-duality, Advaita, Non-separation, the sense of Being Consciousness, Presence, in this moment, in this encounter.

Here it is about looking together at this Reality that we are, free from this sense of an “I” present in life, in the instant, in the moment, within this experience. What we have been saying to you here is that, yes, a life free of this self-image, this center, this “I,” this ego is possible. This is not a matter for psychology, this is a matter for each of us.

Studying oneself is something we all can and need to do in this life. To become aware of how thought works, discover this art of Being Pure Consciousness. So, dealing with thoughts is something very basic, fundamental in life, because life consists of actions. Speaking here is an action, listening is an action, dealing with others is an action. And in all actions thought is involved.

If we do not clearly understand what thought is, how it is processed, how to deal with it, life becomes complicated, because our actions are actions in which, naturally, thought is always present. Can we get rid of this pattern of thinking that comes from the past and sustains this self-image that is always being resurrected in our relationships? Notice the insanity of it all.

You are always someone new when the sense of being “someone,” here, does not carry this self-image, when this sense of being “someone,” here, this sense of “I,” here, is no longer present. So, this encounter with you without the sense of “someone” here is a new encounter. We are talking about something unusual, unknown to thought, an encounter without images.

What is this encounter? Try looking at a person without the sense of everything you have about him or her, without the entire idea you have about him or her. Try looking without that background. Note: we are facing a great challenge, because the first thing that thought does is, in order to establish itself within its security, it already supports an image, in this illusion of “I know who he is,” “I can recognize who he is, who is she.” Notice the illusion of it all.

We may have been living with a person for ten, fifteen, twenty years – as happens in a closer, more intimate relationship. The husband does not know his wife and the wife does not know her husband. You don't know the children. You don't know them because you don't know yourself. Becoming aware of self-image is putting an end to self-image.

We need to be free from this self-image, because it is this that within us offends others, that hurts others, that sorrows others, that annoys others, that doesn't like others. This self-image in us feels hurt, it feels injured, it feels offended, it feels annoyed with itself. This self-image in us is the conflict in our relationships with others, in our relationships with ourselves. Are you with me?

We are working here on the end of the “I,” the end of the ego, this is the Awakening of Consciousness, it is Spiritual Enlightenment, it is the end of the illusion of “someone” present within living and, naturally, in suffering. A life in Love is possible, but it is possible when the ego is not there.

We don't know what Love is in our relationships, because our relationships are relationships where thought is prevailing within this pattern. So, the past is sustaining our relationships. Thus, the continuity of our disagreements, our contradictions, our conflicts, our fears, and desires, this is prevailing, not only in our closest and most intimate encounters, such as in family relationships, but also between nations, between countries.

The condition of human beings in the world, in life, is a condition of confusion, of suffering, of disorder. Can we go beyond that? Can we discover the Truth of Divine Reality present for a Real, Happy, Free Life, loaded with this Presence, this Perfume, where Compassion, Understanding, and Intelligence are present?

Discovering how you work is Self-awareness. Becoming aware of the end of separation, of the duality between “I” and the “non-I,” this is known as Advaita, Non-duality, the end of this illusion, of this sense of “someone” present in life, in experience. It is the Reality of this Being, which is Consciousness, Biss, it is Divine Nature.

That's the subject here. We have online meetings, where we are, through questions and answers, within a weekend, exploring this, investigating this with you. So, I want to leave here an invitation for you, for in a weekend to deepen this, to become aware of it, to get an approach of what this Silence is with Meditation, with this encounter with this Reality, which is the Reality of your Being.

So, these meetings take place here on weekends. You can find our WhatsApp group link here in the video description to participate in these meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings, we have retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, here is the invitation. So go ahead and leave it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” Leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel, ok? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and until the next time!

May, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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