January 16, 2024

Illusion of free will | Thought is psychological time | The Awakening of Real Consciousness

Okay! You know that we are, within this channel, talking about the Awakening of Consciousness – what some call Spiritual Awakening, – and there are some very important issues, of great relevance within this context, this understanding of what this represents here. We are dealing with you on a number of issues that are directly linked to this question of the Awakening of Consciousness. One of these subjects is the illusion of time – we have several subjects. Another subject is the illusion of choice and the illusion of free will. So, we're going to talk to you about this in the next few minutes.

The illusion of time has been talked about by science, but science refers to this time, time as we know, the time of the clock, the idea of time. We divide time into seconds, minutes and hours, so there's this whole notion of time. Between sunrise and sunset, we have a sense of time and science has talked about the illusion of this time, but that's not what we want to talk about here, to work with you here. That's not what we want to talk to you about here.

We want to refer here to psychological time, which is something that interests us, the understanding of the illusion of this psychological time, not the time that science deals with. Here I want to talk to you about the illusion of this time of “I am,” “I was” and “I will be.” We have this illusion, we have the idea that we were “someone” yesterday, we are “someone else” today and we will be “someone else” tomorrow. We're always filled with this idea of “someone” now, here, in the present, “someone” who came from the past, is now in the present and is heading towards the future: this is an illusion.

It is the sense of an “I” present, here and now, in this illusion of being “someone” exactly moving in this time – past, present and future – that is creating problems, creating confusion and disorder. So, our lives – this particular life of the “I” – is a life centered on confusion, on disorder because of this illusion – the illusion of time – and we do this because we are programmed to do it, conditioned to do it.

Mechanically, unconsciously, we are moving through this life, this existence with this mistaken perception of Reality. Based on this, we have, for example, the idea of making choices. Because we are “someone” – and this is the belief – we have free will, the power to decide, the power to choose, the power to resolve, to decide, to do, to determine our lives.

It's always the idea of “someone” with a personal life, with personal decisions and choices, and that choice is an illusion. What is born from this sense of an “I,” of a separate identity living in this time, which is the time of the mind, which is the time that thought imagines to exist, in this we have the illusion of choice because we have the illusion of free will.

​​The truth about this is that there is no “me,” no “I.” All we have is a movement of conditioning moving, and when it moves, in this time that it produces, in this dream of separate existence, of separate identity, all that it produces in this movement is suffering, is disorder. So, all this psychological misery and all this internal movement of contradiction, of unhappiness inherent in this illusory identity is something that is present.

The work here consists of getting rid of this illusion, getting rid of the illusion, which is the illusion of the “I.” Some people don't understand when we say “illusion of the 'I’.” Here, when we talk about the illusion of the “I,” we're not saying that the “I” doesn't exist, we're saying that it exists in what it appears to be, in what it shows itself to be. In this sense of being, it exists, but it has no Reality from the Absolute point of view.

So, from the Truth's point of view, psychological time doesn't exist, the sense of an identity, which is the “I,” with its free will, doesn't exist, making its choices, it doesn't exist. Or let's put it this way: all this exists only in this dream, this illusion, this projection, something that thought is producing. So, it's in this world of the mind, it's in this mental world that there is this illusion of an identity that has free will, that makes choices and that moves in the world creating all this kind of confusion. This is within this particular dream of the ego.

The work of the Awakening of Real Consciousness, of the Reality of your Being, is the end of this ego-identity, the end of this “I” sense that separates itself. Then this sense of “I was,” “I am” and “I will be” all disappear. Notice that this is exactly how we behave in the ego – “I'm not happy today, but I'll be happy tomorrow,” “I don't have peace now, but I'll have peace later.”

It's always this sense of time, of doing in time, of achieving in time. “There is no love now, but there will be love tomorrow”: that's the illusion of love. So, we have various illusions based on this basic illusion, which is the illusion of the “I,” which is the illusion of psychological conditioning. In this psychological conditioning, we are living within a program of emotional conditioning, of physical behavior, of actions in our relationships.

So, there's always this illusion, the illusion of coming to be, of becoming, of achieving and also of getting rid of. It's the same movement: “I need to get rid of jealousy, I need to get rid of envy, I need to get rid of fear.” So, I always use the idea of present time to accomplish this. The truth is that, psychologically, time doesn't exist, it's an illusion of the “I.” This psychological time is not Real.

Yes, we need the clock time; if we have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock, we need the clock, we need this sense of change from one day to the next, we need time. In that time, things happen or seem to happen in this dream of a world. This time is practical, it's something objective, it's something functional, it's something we have to deal with now, in the next moment and in the next. So, here, we have the past, the present and the future.

Physically, technically, objectively and practically, we talk about time as being a reality or as being a functional truth, but psychologically, time is an illusion. If jealousy is here and now, this is where it ends, not tomorrow. If fear is present here and now, this is where it ends, not tomorrow. If any form of suffering is present here and now – we've talked a lot on the channel about suffering, including the illusion of suffering – suffering ends here and now. Suffering, for example, is rooted in this psychological time, the time that thought is producing. Thought produces psychological suffering, it sustains psychological suffering.

We have several videos here on the channel investigating this with you, showing you the Truth of it, the understanding of this psychological movement of the mind, this psychological movement of thought that is sustaining suffering, as well as fear. The roots of suffering, the roots of fear are rooted in thought.

Thought is the ground where the roots of fear are always being fed, being supplied, being nourished. So, this tree of fear has its roots in thought, and thought is the basis of this psychological time. The roots of suffering lie within this psychological time, in this realm of thought, and all this needs to be investigated.

To look at this movement of the “I,” to look at this movement of the ego, is to become aware of the movement of thought, how it separates itself between this “me,” this “I” and “the other thing.” This “I” sustains fear in the form of the fearful, this “I” sustains thought in the form of being the thinker, this “I” sustains suffering in the form of being the sufferer.

Follow this: it's always the “I” element as being the thought sustaining the thinker, the sufferer or the fearful one, sustaining the fear, the suffering and the agitated, restless thought itself, producing images. So, these internal frames of suffering that we have are rooted in thought.

The psychological condition of being “someone” is to live in this illusion, in the illusion of time, in the illusion of having free will and making choices. These subjects have been explored with great care here on the channel. I don't know if you're here for the first time, if this is the first video you've watched from the channel, but here we're working with you to bring an end to the illusion of the “I,” of the ego, to the Realization of your Being, to that Divine Truth, which is the Truth of the Flowering God, and That is the end to this psychological time, to this illusory choice of this “I,” to this illusory identity that wants to get things right through personal, private decisions, in this idea of “power of choice,” of “power of decision,” in this belief.

So, we are working on this with you, here. The way to get closer to this is through Self-Awareness. Here on the channel, we have a playlist on the important issue of the Truth of Self-Awareness – not what many people out there call “self-awareness.” The Truth of Self-Awareness brings you closer to True Meditation, the Truth about Meditation – it's another playlist we have here on the channel about the Truth of Meditation.

We are working with you to put an end to this illusory identity, something that occurs when you discover the Truth about who you are. What you seem to be, what you appear to be, this set of beliefs, this set of conditioning, opinions, beliefs, this whole background of programming, culture, society, the world, if all this is discarded, Something new emerges.

This new Something is the Awakening of Consciousness, it is the Awakening of your Being, it is the Awakening of God. This is Spiritual Awakening, this is God Realization, this is the encounter or the realization of the Truth that there is only God. And when this is present, there is no need to make choices, make decisions, or take actions. Actions happen, decisions happen, everything happens without the sense of an “I” in this wanting, in this will, in this doing, in this intention to become, to come to be, because here and now, in this instant, this Truth is present, which is the Truth of God, and That is Clarity, that is Love, that is Peace, that is Happiness.

So that's our job here on the channel. For this purpose, we have online meetings that take place on weekends, and here in the description of the video is our WhatsApp group, you can join the group, get information and participate in these meetings. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. I want to invite you. So, please, give your “like” and subscribe to the channel, ok? See you then! Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

August, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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