January 3, 2024

Mindfulness, True Meditation. Mindfulness, Guided Meditation. What is the nature of consciousness?

Here, it seems that the most important thing for each of us is to discover what we call “consciousness.” After all, what is consciousness? For us, to be conscious is to be living in that consciousness. However, the question is: what is the structure of this consciousness? What is the formation of this consciousness? What is the nature of this consciousness? So, the subject here is to discover how we function and what we mean by “being conscious” or “living in that consciousness.” Of what is this consciousness made, what is it composed of? Why is it important? Because our actions are all born of this consciousness, and it is the result of a whole formation, a formation of society, the world, and culture. What we call “being conscious” is being conscious of something. What is interesting here is the understanding that if I am conscious, I am present. Now, what is the nature of this “I” present in this so-called “consciousness,” since this consciousness in us is the result of all human experience, all knowledge, of everything the human being has been going through within these thousands of years – and in us for these few decades? So, when we put ourselves to act, to do something, what is this present “I”?

We have here used the expression “the egoic mind” for this condition of this “I” consciousness. When that “I” expresses itself, it expresses itself through that movement of the mind, so the egoic mind is part of this “I” consciousness. So, let’s put it this way: what we call “consciousness” is the simple awareness of the mind. That mind, which is the egoic mind, is the “I” mind, and it is within this consciousness that I have just called “I consciousness” – we can also call it mental consciousness. The truth about it is that our action in this world, within this mental consciousness, is always an action limited by a present identity, which is the identity of “I.” When we use the pronoun “I,” we refer to the person we are. We place ourselves as a person, an entity, a character moving within a so-called “conscious” action. This action comes from the background that is all this experience and knowledge of humanity. The point here is that when we observe this action, we realize that it is always an action based on the intention, the motivation, the desire, the fear of this entity we believe to be, which is the “I.” Any action based on that “I,” notice, is always an action where the center of the world is this very entity, this very personal identity. Therefore, our actions are all egocentric since they start, proceed from an activity of the “I.” They are actions that come from an egocentric activity within the egoic mind, which is this consciousness.

So, what is the structure, what is the truth, and what is the nature of this consciousness? When we say “I am aware,” what is the truth of it? We are referring here to an action centered on the ego-identity and, therefore, in separateness, in duality, in differentiation between “I” and the “non-I,” “the other and I,” “life and I,” “the world and I.” So, this nature, this formation, this structure of consciousness, as we know, is the structure of illusion, of this false center, of this egoic identity, of this particular background of conditioning and experience, which is just an inheritance of memory, of human history.

Here the question is: is there anything beyond this consciousness of the “I”, this structure, nature, and formation of this consciousness? We have been talking to you about this encounter with the Divine Truth, the Truth of God, the Reality of your Being. Here, we have some expressions like Being-Consciousness-Bliss; these expressions refer to a Reality outside of this “I” consciousness. So, when we talk about this Being, we are not talking about this body-mind being; we are talking about a Reality outside this limitation of this body and mind. When we refer to the expression Being, we are referring to a Reality beyond this body-mind, this psychosomatic being; and for the expression Happiness we are referring to a Reality outside of what we know as pleasure, satisfaction, and human fulfillment, even because all this pleasure, satisfaction, and fulfillment is something very temporary, it is something that we experience and soon disappears, and we always continue in search of the repetition of a new pleasure, a new fulfillment, a new satisfaction. So, we are not referring to that type or quality of “happiness” here. We are talking about Something that the mind, the egoic mind in this “I” consciousness is unaware of. And in this expression Being-Consciousness-Bliss, in the word Consciousness, we are referring to a Consciousness beyond this consciousness of the “I.”

Here, we are working to end the illusion of this ego-identity that moves within that egoic mind, which, by the way, is within that mental consciousness, within that consciousness of the “I.” So, we are working here on the Revelation, the Verification of this Real Consciousness. Consequently, this idea of “being aware,” which is the common idea that we have, where we move or are moving within that condition, that sense of separateness, of a separate identity from life, existence, from Reality, when that is not present, there comes the presence of the Reality of this Being, Bliss, and Consciousness. Then, we need a complete emptying of all that content of this so-called “I-consciousness,” which is consciousness as we know.

The human being has divided this consciousness of the “I” into conscious and unconscious; that which is hidden, stored, unknown and, however, still part of this consciousness is called unconscious, and that which is on the surface, clearly accessible and of which we are easily aware is called conscious, so there is this division. What is the truth about it?

The truth is that there is only this consciousness of “I.” When memories surface, thoughts arise, and these thoughts, of course, are memories, recollections, and remembrances; some of them come easy because we have a quick memory of them, your name, for example, your home address; others are more hidden information, more reserved, stored memories, which take a little longer to appear, but they are still pieces of information, like memories and remembrances, within that consciousness. But all of this is part of that psychological content, which is the content of that “I” itself, of that center which has in the brain its main element, its main equipment of function, functioning.

Thus, the brain is the main equipment, this main mechanism. When we examine this deeper, we realize that it is exactly in this brain that this sense of self-protection for this structure, this body, this mind itself has been developing, which is the result of this psychological conditioning. So, this sense of “I” has this very brain as its basic structure, this very brain structure. Our work together here is to discover the Truth about who we are outside of this “I” consciousness, therefore, totally free from the egoic mind, this sense of separateness, this center that is the “I.” That is the revelation of your Being, which is Real Consciousness, Real Bliss.

The approach to this Truth occurs when that center becomes quiet, that brain becomes silent, that mind enters that stillness, and this consciousness is completely empty of all its content. It happens when there is this attention on ourselves. Then, there is this awareness of this Truth of silence, of complete stillness for that mind, for that brain, the emptying of that content of that mental consciousness, that “I” consciousness. So, we are addressing several issues with you here.

The importance, the singularity of this Natural State of Being-Consciousness-Bliss is something present when there is the flowering of this movement, which is the new movement of attention, of this Mindfulness, here and now; then, this space opens for this new Consciousness, this Real Consciousness. If it is present, now the mind is brand-new because it is no longer working within the pattern of the continuity of that time thought has produced, has created in this idea of past, present, and future. When there is this Mindfulness, there is no longer this psychological time – which is the time of this “I” – in this structure of the egoic mind, in this condition of mental consciousness. This contact with the Reality present here and now, without any intervention or interference of thought, feeling, evaluation, comparison, judgment, motivation, intention of this entity, this person, this present sense of “I,” the contact with that moment without thought, feeling, without that background of memory, remembrances, recognition, intentions, desires, and fears, is the presence of that Mindfulness, then Silence is What is present.

We have some moments in life when we are moving within that Mindfulness. There is a movement of Mindfulness in some moments of our lives when we face some unusual moments in our existence: when we are on the edge of a beach or looking at the sky, watching the sliding of some clouds, when something captures us in the nature, like a bird singing perched on a tree branch or the enchantment and beauty of a waterfall. When we are there, at that instant, for a few seconds, something entirely new happens because of this movement of Mindfulness.

At that moment, we are in contact with this direct Truth of this Being-Consciousness-Bliss because this mental consciousness is no longer present. That egoic mind was completely blown away by the impact of that instant, that moment, by the beauty of that scene, by the Divine Truth present, of pure Grace, pure Unknown Presence in that scene. The egoic mind is swept away at that moment; this sense of “I” does not appear with its set of memories and remembrances about this personal, particular life, full of problems, worries, dilemmas, and difficulties. At that moment, you are in touch with the Reality of Something that is beyond the “I,” beyond that center, that brain that lives in this psychological restlessness, that pattern of ego-identity, that egoic consciousness – also, as I have been calling it, this “I” consciousness or the mental consciousness. That is contact with Real Consciousness, with the Happiness of simply Being. So, Being is simply Happiness, and Happiness to Be that Fullness of Consciousness, of Real Consciousness.

It is curious when some people use expressions like “guided meditation,” they do not realize that they are always in touch with the Truth of this guided Meditation when they are in touch with the Presence of Truth, this Real Intelligence, this Real Consciousness, this Nameless and Unknown Thing, which is the Divine Truth, which is the Truth of God. In nature, in front of a sunset, in front of the waves breaking on the rocks, in that blue sea of that gaze when that luminosity is over those waters and the sea foams come back and come back again, for a few seconds, the sense of an “I” is not there: that is the contact with the Truth of your Being. When the movement of Mindfulness is present, True Meditation occurs, and here is the guided Meditation.

You do not need a voice, a song, or an Indian mantra leading you. You do not have to sit in the lotus posture, breathe, or do pranayama. At that instant, in that contact with life, with all that impact of the Divine Presence, Something indescribable and abundant in nature is present. In this contact, this guided Meditation reveals itself; it is the Consciousness with your own Being.

Here we are working with you on the Real possibility of this experience in this Natural State of Meditation, which is the absence of the “I.” In some moments of our lives, we have this impact of this movement of Mindfulness, where the sense of the ego is completely annihilated and undone within us, and this is present when there is Meditation. How can we bring this into our life, into our day-to-day, busy with family, business, work, with different activities? How can we bring the beauty of the Natural State of Meditation to our lives, to this moment? This I have called True Meditation, when the presence of Meditation is here and now and the sense of an “I,” of an ego, of an egoic identity is not present; so we have this Mindfulness here and now because the mind is emptied of all its egoic content; the brain became silent and the mind quieted. Now, this Consciousness is no longer the separatist consciousness of the “I”; it is this Real Consciousness. So, the emptying of the mind, of this consciousness, is the appearance of Something new, like this new mind, the Real Consciousness, this presence of Meditation. Then True Meditation puts you in touch with this Natural Divine Presence, which is the nature of your own Being.

And what is True Meditation? It is the contact with Reality, the absence of the “I” here and now. Everything begins with this awareness of looking at what is happening here and now, internally. You watch the outer movement and are aware of that inner movement. To look at this movement of emotions, feelings, reactions, gestures, and, above all, the whole movement of thought within. Our psychological life based on this “I,” on this ego, is always based on thought and feeling. When you put this Attention, when you look without judging, comparing, criticizing, evaluating, without identifying yourself with what arises, rejecting what appears, when you only notice that thought, feeling, when you learn this art of just looking, in that self-observation, which simultaneously implies observation of the entire movement of the “I,” that gives you this art of Being-Consciousness-Bliss, that gives you the art of True Meditation.

Here on the channel, we explain how this approach to the True Meditation processes practically, in living, and experientially. True Meditation shows that your Natural State is pure Being, Consciousness, and Bliss. So, what happens as Guided Meditation in this contact with existence, with nature, in the most unusual or unexpected moments of your life, This happens. This Reality is also revealed here and now, in living, in daily life, in what you have considered routine in your mind. No, there is no routine, there is no habit, there is no boredom, there is no continuity, there is no repetition. Everything is new, clear, and carries that liveliness and freshness at that instant when the “I,” the ego, is not there. So, when the True Meditation is present, you are in touch with your Natural State of Being, where this Consciousness, as it reveals itself in nature, being the Truth of the guidance to that Natural State of Meditation, is present here and now, revealing itself as your own Natural State of Meditation.

So, this is what our work with you consists of, to show you that a life free of the “I” is possible, free from the ego and, therefore, from this mental consciousness, the egoic mind, this illusory center, this center that is the “I.” This Truth that reveals itself here and now is the Truth of this Awakening of Consciousness, this Spiritual Awakening, this Spiritual Enlightenment. OK? If this is something that makes sense to you, I want to invite you to give a “like” and subscribe to the channel. We have online, face-to-face meetings, also retreats where we work on this with those who approach. In the description of the video, there is our WhatsApp group. Ok? I await you. See you then!

June, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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