January 2, 2024

Satsang: a real work | Live Self-Awareness | Live True Meditation

OK, let’s go! There is something very interesting here, people sometimes ask: “But aren’t your speeches also a theory?” These videos and speeches are here to tell you that these words are indications for you to investigate, look inside yourself and see it.

These videos and these speeches work like an arrow you find on the road. Let’s assume you are walking down a path and you come across an arrow; the head of that arrow indicates the direction you should take from there. The arrowhead is very interesting, but only for indicating the path you should follow now. Our inclination, tendency is pretty strong to cultivate the intellect, feelings, and emotions linked to the words we hear or read in books. That’s not the Truth. The Truth is in the direct experience of what you hear, of what you are reading; however, we are entertaining ourselves with these readings and with these speeches, and that is not the purpose. That’s why I've been inviting people to join, to participate, with regard to a Real work on themselves, and that’s Satsang’s proposal.

The word “Satsang” means “encounter with the Being,” an encounter with Reality, and you can even memorize, learn, and intellectualize these words, and they will not work. So, the point is to experience the Reality of what we are and not to intellectualize words and theories. These theories and words begin to be new beliefs in us. Notice what we are saying to you: if you read a lot about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you will learn these words, and if you study Buddha’s words, you will learn those words. That is just a belief, something you intellectualize if there is no direct experience. It is like seeing that arrow and standing there looking at it; if you do not keep walking to where the arrow points, you will not reach the goal or get to where it points, because you are just standing there under that arrow.

So, the work on oneself is something experiential. You must experience this, live Self-Awareness and True Meditation in a practical way. You must have your experience of this speech, of this word. The interesting thing here is to say that you follow this speech here and now and it is at this moment that you experience this Reality when you learn the art of listening, this art of listening to what is going on inside yourself, the art of observing what is going on inside you, then you have your direct discovery of Christ’s, of Buddha’s words, because it is your experience, what you are living.

Ramana Maharshi said that the study of the scriptures is just another vasana. Vasana is an expression within Yoga for what we still have as a latent tendency within us, still part of the ego, part of the egoic mind, and so are all knowledge we acquire. Our knowledge, especially religious knowledge, is still a vasana, an idea, a memory, a remembrance in the service of the “I” itself; that sense of the “I” still carries all of that. Thus, all forms of knowledge, including so-called “religious” and “spiritual” knowledge – especially those kind of knowledge we acquire by attending lectures or reading books – are just theories, concepts, and beliefs. Unless it becomes a direct experience, it will remain only in the realm of the intellect, as concept, a belief. There is no Truth in words; Truth is in living those words.

What is the experience of these words? What is the real experiential meaning of what we hear from Buddha, Krishna, Christ, or Ramana Maharshi? Your experience is the experience of the Reality of the Sages. You see the Reality of your Being, you become aware of What you are here and now; this experience is the Reality of who you are. Every theory, concept, belief, memorized word, or acquired knowledge is useless. Ramana Maharshi used to say that study of the Scriptures before Realization is unnecessary, and after Realization, it is completely useless. So, we may find very necessary this study of the Scriptures, but who is that that finds it necessary? The “I,” the ego. It keeps this information and becomes part of its entire collection. It has a collection, a psychological, philosophical, and political culture, and now it also has along with it more concepts, ideas, and religious beliefs, and this adds to all this knowledge it already has.

We need to go beyond what is inside this program, which is all this knowledge we have acquired – and that we are acquiring. Only at one level is knowledge necessary; it is practical, objective, technical, and functional in this dream world. You need to know your home address and how to deal with something technical and practical in your profession, and that, naturally, requires a type of knowledge, a specialization; at this level, knowledge is necessary. But this issue of experiencing Reality requires a direct experiencing of what is outside the mind, the known, the “I.” So, it is not about this continuity of acquiring more, but rather emptying yourself of all that psychological content. Here the art consists of learning to unlearn. Listening to these talks has a certain value in the sense that they are saying to you: “Stop listening and live! Experience Reality here and now; experience what you are hearing.”

That is our subject here in the channel. This art of Being requires learning about oneself, and not this continuity of the infinite movement of studies and readings without directly experiencing it. Our proposal is for you to live this; the possibility of directly experiencing this is an approach, in Satsang, of a Real work on oneself. Where we are working directly on experiencing this Reality of what we are, abandoning, completely dispensing with theories, beliefs, and concepts, for a direct life with what is, for an experiential contact with the Reality of what we present to be and with which we mistake ourselves.

This approach, this Real approach to ourselves, requires direct work and acknowledgment of the Truth about who we are here and now. The point is that we can spend a lifetime dedicated to studies, poring over books or listening to lectures, and participating in conferences and events; we can spend a lifetime occupying ourselves with the theory of it without directly experiencing it. The experience requires an approach to surrender and abandonment of this “I,” and part of this surrender and abandonment is the emptying of all this content. Knowing the Truth about who You are lies in understanding yourself here and now. So, what is needed is to come closer to the Truth about who you are.

So, Self-Awareness is this look at what is processed here and now, at all this movement of thinking, feeling, acting, and being in the relationship with the other, with the world, in the relationship with life, a direct contact with the Reality of what is present here and now; having this relationship with the world around you as a very clear one, where you can look at yourself, see yourself, perceive this internal movement, which is the movement of the “I,” the ego: envy, jealousy, anguish, pain, the existential void present, whatever is arising within, these negative or unhappy aspects, or apparently positive, happy and fulfilling ones, such as the desire to possess, ambition, that sense of control, ownership, that relationship we have with the world around us.

Here, we show you that we need to investigate ourselves and learn to observe all this internal movement of the “I” without putting the illusion of identity present. We can discard this illusion, this sense of ego-identity through self-observation. This abandonment of the illusion, of this false center, this false “I,” requires a work on ourselves in a direct and experiential way. I have been talking about the importance of studying ourselves, of being in direct contact with the study of ourselves, in the observation of this “I,” this sense of ego-identity present within the experience of living. Becoming aware of it, looking at it, learning this art of looking at yourself without condemning, judging yourself, looking without a sense of an observer, an experiencer, someone present to do something with it, figuring out how to look at it. Then this emptying takes place – the emptying of that inner psychological content, which is sustaining this identity, which is the “me”, the ego.

So, this is the invitation within this channel for direct work on yourself, here and now. What makes this work possible is the Presence of Grace in direct verification of what is happening here and now. That is why we are also proposing online, face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we are directly working on this experientially and in a practical way to end this illusion, which is the illusion of the “I,” beliefs, theories, and all concepts the ego itself has formed about this, already knows about this. All of that needs to disappear with it. OK?

That is the subject we bring to and work on with you here on the channel. If this is something interesting, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel, and we will continue investigating and deepening for a direct experience of this in online, face-to-face meetings, and also retreats, where we work with those who approach. OK?

If this is something that makes sense to you, here’s the invitation and see you soon. Thanks for the meeting!

June, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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