January 21, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | Living now | Awakening is Now | Psychic powers | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello, everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Gratitude, Master, for your presence.

Master, today I'm going to read an excerpt from Joel's book called “Living Now.” In this book, there is an excerpt in which Joel says the following, Master: “There is an ‘I’ behind the mind, there is an ‘I’ that thinks through the mind and reasons with the mind. In other words, there is an ‘I’ that uses the mind. Therefore, this ‘I’ is greater than the mind.” Master, how to access this “Higher Self,” this “I Am,” that is talked about so much in spirituality?

MG: So, Gilson… We also have to have a new approach regarding this subject. Notice: we may be on a new journey. This idea still remains a flight of fancy – because it is an idea: the idea of ​​a “Higher Self.” We are very attached – this is part of this model of conditioned intellect within us –, we are very attached to concepts, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and one of the beliefs we have, something quite common within this spirituality, is this idea of this “Higher Self.” Gilson, this is nothing more than an idea, a concept; therefore, another belief.

We believe we have a “Higher Self.” Who is this person who has this belief? Notice, every belief is within the one who believes in it. The one who believes in this, is the thinker! It is always the thinker, and it also carries beliefs. What is the nature of this thinker? The nature of this thinker is one that is keeping remembrances, keeping images, keeping memories. Therefore, these memories and images are beliefs that this thinker holds to be true. What is the nature of this thinker? It’s the “I,” it’s the ego!

So, what can the ego, the “I,” know about this Reality that is outside of it? Absolutely nothing! And yet, even so, this thinker, which is the “I,” is clinging to the belief of this “Higher Self.”

Gilson, we need to get rid of every form of conditioning, every form of belief, every form of conclusion, to, in fact, discover a Reality outside the ego, outside the “I,” outside the thinker. We are doing with this “word” – “Higher Self” – the same thing that we have been doing with the word “God.” We do not know the Reality of God, but we use the expression “God” as an idea, as a concept, as a belief. We also use the expression “Higher Self” as a belief, an idea.

Our work here is to become aware of the truth of what we appear to be, what we demonstrate to be, what we are, when this sense of “I” is present.

We can deal with this, and not with a belief, with an idea, with a concept called “Higher Self.” We have to get rid of this, because this is still part of the thinker. So, this idea of ​​a “Higher Self” is just a projection of the ego itself. This idea about God, this concept, is still a projection of the “I” itself, of the ego itself. Divine Reality is not part of a belief, it is not within a projection of the mind itself.

Thus, our work is to investigate the truth of illusion, and not to speculate about Reality beyond illusion. Speculating about Reality beyond illusion is another illusion. Understand this clearly! We have to deal here, right now, with what we have in front of each of us. So, either we are dealing with facts, with what is shown, with this so-called reality of the moment, or we are dealing with concepts, with ideas, and not with facts.

In the ego, in this sense of a present “I,” in this conditioned intellect, we live – I will repeat this – very attached to ideas. So, we dismiss the truth of the facts emerging here. What are these facts? Illusion, ignorance, suffering, fear, this “I” that sees itself as separate from the other, this “particular I,” which lives in this self-centeredness; This is the “I” that we truly know! So, we neglect this, which is a fact, to believe in a “Higher Self.”

So, see: thought already separates itself as the “I,” and now as the “Higher Self.” This is completely illusory! Getting rid of this idea, getting rid of these beliefs – this and other beliefs –, completely stripping yourself of the sense of “I,” of the ego, which is this thinker, is the end of this illusion. So, yes, something outside the known reveals itself, something outside the limitation of the “I,” this “lower self” or this “Higher Self,” reveals itself.

So, working on ourselves requires that we become aware of what is happening here, right now, with each one of us. We need to strip ourselves of this illusion, to become aware of the truth of this illusion. The awareness of the truth of this illusion is the awareness of the Reality outside of this illusion. This is not within the mind, this is not within concepts, this is not within beliefs. Only Self-Awareness reveals that.

The problem with these concepts of “Higher Self” is that, along with these concepts, Gilson, people are given techniques, practices to get closer to this so-called “Higher Self.” With this, they only have one projection, one model of plan, program, planning, to achieve, and that is a mere projection of the own “I,” a mere projection of the own ego.

Here it is about stripping ourselves of illusion, becoming aware of the Truth of What is here. And why? Because the Reality that is already present is nameless, it is indescribable, and It cannot be sought, It cannot be searched, It cannot be within a program to be achieved. This Reality reveals itself when we strip ourselves of illusion and do not formulate new beliefs, new concepts, new ideas.

GC: Master, this idea of ​​“becoming” is very strong. So, today I am here identified with the mind and I will progress, progress, until a moment comes when I will realize God or I will reach this so-called “Spiritual Enlightenment” or “Spiritual Awakening,” and the Master points out to us that this ends up being a fantasy that the mind creates to perpetuate itself. But there is, as the Master says, a process that happens in this body-mind mechanism. And, yes, the body – as the Master already said –, the body-mind, this process, is in time, but not concerning the work, right, Master? The work, which is this True Meditation, is now! There is only this; period. And, then, may the Master talk a little bit more about it to bring us clarity.

MG: Yes, this is a fascinating subject, because people want to achieve, they want to obtain, they want to conquer, accomplish. Accomplish, obtain, conquer... All of this denotes the presence of time. When we talk about the Divine Reality, the Reality of God, the Reality of this Being, notice: “God,” “Divine,” and “Being,” here, are expressions for something nameless, indescribable, and, naturally, something outside of time. So, this is not something for the future. The Truth of Realization, of Awakening, is now, of Divine Revelation, which is God, always here and now, because we are dealing with something outside the known, outside the project and ideation of thought, and, moreover, outside of time!

So, this process is a process that concerns this machine, this mechanism. The Truth about Awakening, Gilson, is that this body-mind needs a change, this brain, in particular, needs a transformation. Our brains are conditioned. We have a way of thinking, of processing information and of perceiving, of being in contact with the experience of the moment, in a completely altered, completely mistaken way. Our brain needs a change! There is a change that happens in the brain for this Natural State to take its place in this body and mind. So, this body-mind, this psychophysical mechanism needs a change.

It's this change... What we've been saying is that, in fact, it occurs over time, but the work doesn't. The work of this awareness of Truth is now. Therefore, this Realization is now. This moment in the body, so that this Natural State becomes definitive for this mechanism… Ok, the body needs this change. So, this change is necessary. The ancient sages in India called this “Kundalini Awakening.” This is when a process of psychophysical change actually occurs in this structure, in this body-mind, so that this Natural State, free from the “I,” from the ego, is established, but the work is now.

Here it is important to say that, Gilson: without real work now, there is no True Awakening, there is no real process of change in this mechanism. It is important to say this, because many people are going through psychological, emotional, sentimental, and also physical experiences, and they confuse these experiences with Kundalini Awakening. These experiences that people go through out there, on a physical level, on a cerebral level, within mystical, esoteric practices... When they say that this is Kundalini Awakening, they are mistaken. The true Kundalini Awakening requires an approach to the truth of Self-Awareness and the awareness of what the flourishing of True Meditation is. So, only the truth of Self-inquiry, this self-observation, this real revelation of Self-Awareness, and the flowering of the truth of Meditation bring about Kundalini Awakening; that is, this change in this mechanism.

So, we need to understand how this change occurs. It's not tracking this change in the body! This occurs naturally, you don't take any intellectual notice of it. All you need is to discover experientially how to approach Real Meditation, True Self-Awareness; and in a natural way, the body begins to undergo a transformation, a change. The brain itself, the brain cells themselves, undergo a profound, radical change. Then, there comes a moment when this Natural State settles down. So, yes, there is work going on. That work is now! The change in the machine is another thing.

Realization is the vision of Reality, in this instant, of That which is outside the known, of That which is outside of time. So, this Realization, Enlightenment, Awakening, or whatever name we want to give to It – at least here we might be giving these names to something totally different from what people are calling it out there… Here, the words “Enlightenment,” “Awakening,” “Self-Awareness” are not exactly what people are talking about out there. Just like the expression “Kundalini Awakening,” perhaps, here is something else. So, here we have expressions similar to what people are saying in this so-called “spirituality,” but, perhaps, with a completely different meaning.

GC: Master, even within this topic, from what is said a lot about Kundalini Awakening, it is often linked this Kundalini Awakening to the so-called psychic powers: clairaudience, clairvoyance, which are... What is it, what would that be, Master?

MG: These powers... Something may start to happen within the real process of Kundalini Awakening, something may start to emerge, but here, Gilson, we have to tread lightly and very carefully, because what I have seen when people ask questions or make statements... I see them confusing this with Kundalini Awakening; and in reality, something can start to happen when the Truth of Kundalini starts to emerge, to appear in that mechanism, in that organism, but this is not the definitive fact of Kundalini Awakening.

The real sign of Kundalini Awakening, the truth about Kundalini Awakening is that when there is this Real Awakening, the sense of “I,” of the ego, this sense of separation, falls away; this sense of person, of egoic identity, of this center clinging to its experiences, memories, remembrances, and to this entire movement of egocentric activity, all of this falls apart. So, the Truth of Kundalini Awakening is the absence of the “I,” it is the absence of the ego. So, we are facing something unusual.

I see people a bit lost, or quite lost, in these so-called “mystical,” “esoteric” experiences, or when some extraphysical perceptions arise, and they confuse this with the flowering of this Natural State of Pure Consciousness, of Pure Being, when identify this with Kundalini Awakening. Let's make this clear: when there is Real Kundalini Awakening, that is the end of the “I,” that is the end of the ego, and, of course, it is also the end of all these kinds of mystical experiences, mystical visions, and mystical, esoteric, and so-called “spiritual” experiences. It is the revelation of something outside the “I,” outside the ego, which is your Natural State, where what is present is the action free of the “I,” it is Compassion, it is Love, it is Freedom, it is Intelligence. It is not, at all, what, in general, people out there take for Kundalini Awakening.

GC: Master, so the own expectation of “becoming” or the hope of awakening someday is something that really needs to be investigated, because if we fall into this thought and this idea, we become a dog chasing its tail, thinking… instead of doing the work right now, going into these thoughts of “someday” or with hope of something happening, right?

MG: This idea of ​​“someday” is an idea, it’s a concept, it’s an imagination. All that thought needs is to maintain this continuity, and for it to maintain this continuity, it has forged, it has created, it has established this idea of ​​time. Note that there is no time without thought; thought is the author of time. Our relationship with the past is the relationship of thought. Thought tells us about the past, because thought is the memory of what was; that's the past. It tells us about the future, which is still just thought, which is the past, projecting itself into tomorrow. So, it tells us about the future, it calls this future tomorrow. So, everything we know, based on thought, is within this configuration: past, present, and future. That's time.

So, time is something constructed by thought, and thought, to maintain its continuity, creates this idea of ​​becoming, of achieving, of accomplishing, of coming to be: “I am this today: violent, aggressive, ambitious, attached to all kinds of things, but I will overcome this. Tomorrow I will not be violent, aggressive, attached… I am afraid today, but tomorrow I will be free from fear.” So, notice, these are imaginations that thought builds, and it projects itself into the future to become, to come to be, to obtain something different from what it represents, now, here. They are projections of the ego, they are projections of the “I,” they are projections of thought. This implies the presence of that time. This is an illusion!

When we deal with Divine Reality, we are dealing with something timeless, something outside of time, and therefore something outside of thought. So, Realization, Awakening, the Truth of God, is not in tomorrow; It is in this instant. So, this instant is the instant of the Revelation of the Truth of That which is You. The whole process in this body-mind takes place in time, but the Reality of That which You are is here and now, outside of time, outside of thought.

GC: Master, we have a question from Alê. He made the following comment and a question in between. He said: “Hello, Master Gualberto. Although you have no words to describe this Enlightenment, it is with words that you have been trying to explain what you live. So, normally a being that has reached this State will be quieter for most of the day? Perhaps seen as strange to society?”

MG: Putting it that way, Gilson, is already establishing a rule. When we talk about this Awakening, when we talk about this Realization, when we talk about this Truth showing itself – now we know that this Realization is something outside of time and, therefore, it is also something outside of the known – we cannot put It inside a model. So, it's something here that we can't describe. Once this Realization happens now, reveals itself now, in this or that mechanism, in this or that so-called “person,” from that moment on, something new is present, so there are no rules. There is no way to establish a rule for a Realized Being. Some become silent, others write books, others talk and talk a lot, talk a lot.

Buddha, for example, spoke for more than forty years. Others remain silent, like Ramana Maharshi. So, there are no rules for That which is outside the known, for That which is outside of time. The Truth about this Natural State is that an unknown, nameless, indescribable Energy takes possession of the organism, the mechanism, of that so-called “person.” From then on, one will express this Natural State through silence, speech, writing, or any other way. We are always faced with something indescribable, out of model, out of standards.

Here, Gilson, the most important thing is to assume It, to become aware of It. So, when This is present, this Energy is present – ​​what I just called “This” – It assumes the work, It does the work. There is only this Divine Reality now expressing itself. There is no longer a sense of an “I,” of someone, of an experiencer, of a thinker, of someone involved in this. It is Divine Reality itself carrying out Its work. That’s it.

GC: Master, our time has come to end, so thanks for this videocast. For those of you watching the video, we ask: leave a “like” and leave a comment. This helps the channel, helps YouTube recognize that the content is relevant and distribute it to more people. And for you who feel that what Master Gualberto says makes sense, we invite you to come to the Satsangs, which are intensive weekend meetings, both online and in person, where the Master shares this Wisdom, shares this Energy of Presence, and then something mysterious, something indescribable happens, so that we can investigate this madness of being someone, being able to see these internal conflicts, these constant thoughts and being able, in this ride with this Grace of the Master, to be in a Real State of Meditation and free from all ego limitations.

Master, gratitude, see you soon.

December, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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