January 26, 2024

The Truth of Self-awareness. Action free of the ego. Psychological conditioning. Conditioned mind.

We want to discuss here a subject that may sound very intriguing to you at first: the issue of fight and effort. It is very common – at least for most people – the belief that in order to achieve something in their lives, they need to struggle, they need effort, they need to apply their will to achieve it. So, for most people, it is inconceivable that there could be an Action free from volition, will, desire, and therefore free from effort and fight, because, for most of us, we need these things in order to achieve and conquer. So, at the economic level, the social level, the spiritual level, the idea – at various levels of our lives – the idea is: through effort, we achieve something.

Notice that this effort, this fight implies the presence of an action from a center. This center is the “I.” Notice that our actions always arise from this center. In some moments of our lives, we find ourselves, for a few moments, free from this sense of the “I” in action. Then, Action happens with all the Freedom, with all its fluidity, without any effort, without any will, without any struggle, free from the “I.” Notice that we are going to discuss with you the Beauty of Action free of effort.

Perhaps the question that arises for you is: how is it possible? How does a life without struggle, without effort, free from conflict, become possible? Note: as long as there is effort, struggle – as long as there is an action that arises from this center that is determined to win, to obtain, to conquer – in this effort there is always the presence of conflict, there is always the presence of some level of suffering. Maybe you'll say, “But the final result…” Yes, observe what you're going to tell me. The final result… while the process of this so-called “accomplishing” is taking place, suffering is present. And when this accomplishment comes true, the sense of someone present is still there.

This explains why after so much struggle, effort and achievement, when you look at what you have already achieved, your contact with this experience is a contact from that center which is the “I,” the ego. This also implies the presence of dissatisfaction. Notice that we struggle to get something like a job, for example. And when you are at work you realize that something is still missing. After the job you say: “No, I can't just be a salesman, I have to be the manager.” If you then reach management, you say: “No, I need to be the director, I need to be the president.” So, we are never happy with our achievements when they are born from this egocentric action.

Will it become possible for us to understand today, here, at this moment, an action free from effort and, therefore, from this egocentric movement that is the movement of the “I,” which is the movement of the ego? You must have already noticed that, in your life, some things happened very naturally and without any volition, desire, struggle or effort on your part. Notice what an interesting thing: some things happened just because they happened. Were you not involved in the process? The answer to that is: no. The process has occurred, the process has happened, the result has arrived and you, suddenly, find yourself in the thing itself, without struggle, without effort; without this movement, the movement of the “I,” of will, of desire.

Therefore, we need to understand that life happens in a very natural way when we free ourselves from this sense of identity present in this moment, in the search for something outside of it; as it happens when there is effort, when there is struggle, when we want to undertake based on this movement, which is the egocentric movement. I will repeat: in this movement, which is the egocentric movement, there is conflict from the beginning to the end, and this end is not yet the end. When you reach the end, you realize that it is not over yet. The effort, the struggle has not ended because desire does not end. Where there is desire, there will be conflict; where there is effort, there will be conflict. So, the presence of struggle is the presence of effort, which is the presence of desire. This necessarily implies conflict from the beginning to the end.

Will there be a quality of life in which there is no effort? For most of us, from an economic, social or spiritual viewpoint – or in another area – we need to be present, carrying, naturally, this sense of a present “I” with all our effort, will and desire, to accomplish things. What we have said here on the channel, in these meetings, is that life is a Divine event. But in the ego, in this egocentric movement, in this action from this center, the illusory center that is the “I,” the ego, we are transforming or seeking to transform life into something particular. So, it is not a Divine event, Life is not happening. We are present making it happen. In fact, we are proud of this idea of achieving, obtaining, conquering through effort, through desire.

So, our life consists of conflicts, suffering, and problems. There is Something behind all of this that we have not yet realized. We are not satisfied. We live burdened, heavy, within a huge, extraordinary level of dissatisfaction. We are in search of achieving our satisfactions, that is why we have these purposes, we apply ourselves through effort in search of this satisfaction. In fact, we are in search of a satisfaction that is permanent. And we don’t obtain that in this movement of struggle, effort, will, and acquisition through effort.

We are not in search of Truth, we are not in search of Happiness, we are in search of a permanent, accomplishing, fulfilling satisfaction for the “I,” for the ego. Here I want to invite you to a life where Life is happening, no longer this sense of an “I” trying to make it happen. The sense of “I” is that which separates itself from Life and sees life as something to be conquered, achieved, something yet to be done. And here we are saying that Life is what happens. It is what happens exactly when this sense of “I,” of the ego, of that illusory center, is no longer present in its old and ancient movement of action.

So, we have an Action of a different order, an Action of a totally different quality. For us, action requires an idea, will, effort, self-discipline and action. Here we are talking about an action that is totally different from that. When, in action, we need the idea, the will and the action, there comes the author of the action, which is the “I,” the ego, this “me.” Just like our actions by self-discipline, by intention, by motivation, within this volition and this egocentric desire. When, however, Life happens and the sense of “I,” of the ego, is not there, a new Action is present. This is the Action free of the “I,” free of the ego. This requires the vision of the Truth about you.

The fact is that we do not know ourselves. We place ourselves in life as an entity separate from it, we try in every way to protect ourselves from everything that is painful, difficult, and complicated in life, and this occurs because we see ourselves as a separate entity, as a creature separate from Life itself, so life is burdensome, heavy, and difficult. Then, there has to be struggle, there has to be effort. We always carry the egocentric idea of conquest, of “achieving” and also of “getting rid of.” And here we are saying: you are – as Real Consciousness, this is the Nature of Being of each one of us, the Truth that we are – you are the very Life. So, there is no separation between What is you in your Being and Life.

So, Life, when it happens, it is when you are present in What you truly are. That is life! Then there is no effort, then there is no fight, there is no egocentric movement or activity to perform, to obtain, to conquer. In general, we are unaware of this quality of Life that we are discussing here with you, because we have been educated since childhood within a model of human culture, of society, in which everything needs to happen for us through effort, when we force ourselves, when we force ourselves to do. So, it's not something natural, it's not something that flows from within each of us. It is not something that flows from our Heart but from our cultural model, that mental model of thinking and feeling about life... Something that we receive from our culture, that we receive from our parents, our grandparents, from the whole society around us... from those who came here before us, because they also lived or are still living in their struggles, in their efforts, still within the conflicts they bring.

Can we have a life free from conflicts? Notice that all of this is based on the idea of “I am not, but I will be. I do not have, but I will have.” It is always this “coming to be, becoming, achieving.” We never observe this movement that represents Life that is happening here and now because there is this movement of the “I” present in this illusion of “being someone.” This “being someone” is someone who comes from the past, who is looking at this moment and is not seeing the Beauty of what is here. When you look at this moment, you only see a door, a portal to the future. This is how, in the ego, we have moved. This has been the movement of each of us in the ego: the present is just a portal to the future. So, this “I,” this “me,” this ego, is something that comes from the past; It is an element that comes from the past, it is an entity that comes from the past. This feeling of being someone is something that comes from the past. This sense of someone is just a set of memories, remembrances that come from the past and, when faced with this moment, sees a portal to go towards the future. Thus, we always carry this thought of coming to be, dissatisfied, here and now. The “I” feels unhappy, incomplete. The feeling of this “I” is that there is something to be achieved. It is not happy because it has not yet achieved it, and it will achieve it if it works hard, in a hard, heavy way, if it struggles, if it fights.

So, this idea of ​​achieving tomorrow, of reaching tomorrow – achieving love, peace, happiness, prosperity, abundance – all of this is within this misunderstanding, this illusion, which is the illusion of the “I,” of the ego. This is part of this conditioning that we all bring. It is psychological conditioning, it is a model of thinking, feeling, and also acting on the own “I,” the own ego. Here we are working with you on the Truth of Self-awareness and this Action free of the ego. This is Something that is present when there is no longer that movement that is the movement of the ego, that is the movement of the “I.”

So, this is our work here. There is a playlist here on the channel, where we are deepening this issue of Action free of the ego. An Action of a different quality, an Action completely free from everything we know within this old model of coming to be, of achieving, of becoming. It is when Life is present and it is the Action itself. Then, there is an action now, but it is the Action of Life, it is the Action of this Intelligence, this Presence, this Being. Something entirely unknown to this old conditioned brain, to this conditioned mind, in this model of ego identity.

For this purpose, we have meetings here, online, on weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to participate in these meetings and go deeper into this. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we are working on this with you. So, if this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave your like here, subscribe to the channel and write: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

January, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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