January 14, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | Consciousness is What I Am | How to Live in Peace? | Master Gualberto

Gilson – Hello, everyone! We're here for another videocast; again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you, Master, for this opportunity to bring us the experience of this State in Freedom, this State without conflicts, without problems, which is Master's life today. Gratitude, Master!

And on this subject of problems, Master, I'm going to read an excerpt from Joel's book called “Consciousness is What I Am.” In this book, Joel says the following: “One of the first principles that revealed itself to me in the form of inner enlightenment was that you can't face a problem at the level of the problem.”

Master, how to overcome everyday problems and be able to live in peace?

Master – This approach to the question of problems... You see, what we call problems are situations that we come across and that we don't immediately find a solution for; that's what we call problems. But here we're already faced with a situation: the non-awareness that, externally, it is one thing to be faced with situations that we can't resolve, but it is another thing not being aware of these internal situations that we can't handle either; these inner situations are also problems. I've been calling this, Gilson, a conflict. Let me start by putting this here for you, so we can make it clearer.

Any internal state of emotional, sentimental, and thought disorder, all this internal state is conflict, all this internal state is a problem. Now, what an interesting thing: we want to resolve external situations in life without first realizing and resolving these internal situations within ourselves. Dealing with problems and living without problems require, first and foremost, Gilson, an understanding of how we work. So, the basis for a problem-free life is an understanding of this inner state free from conflicts. That's why our emphasis here is always on ending conflict, this internal conflict, something sustained by the “I,” by the ego. We've been calling this, Gilson, the Awakening of Intelligence. When there is Intelligence, its presence, this presence of Intelligence, the Truth that implies this presence of Intelligence is the end to problems.

We are in life to take on the Reality of What we are, which represents Life itself taking care of Its own, taking care of Itself. Gilson, the Awakening of Wisdom is the end to problems, and this Awakening of Wisdom is the expression of this Divine Intelligence, this Consciousness of God; this is the Real Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of this Being, of this Divine Truth that we bring. So, how can we live without problems? By attending to each instant, each moment, whatever is arising here without this element present, which is the “I” element, the ego. To attend to this instant without this movement of duality, of separation, is to attend to life for Life. So, in your State, Gilson, in your Natural State free from the ego, there are no problems, there are no problems.

Human problems are present as long as this psychological sense of being human is present. This psychological sense of being human is the condition of separation, of duality; this duality, this separateness is the separation between you and life, between you and the other, between you and God, between you and experience: this is duality. As long as this sense of duality is present, the ego is present, problems are present. Realize the beauty of our encounter here. We are studying ourselves; we are becoming aware of the illusion of this “me” that creates this notion of this “other,” this “me and this other thing,” this “me and life,” this “me and God.” To investigate the illusion of this “I” is to go beyond this illusion, it is when Divine Reality is present. And in God, Gilson, there are no problems. It's only in the ego that there are problems.

Life doesn't encompass problems. The dream of the “I” is full of problems. So, all the problems we have in the world, in this so-called “life” as we call it, are within this dream, which is the dream of the “I,” of the ego. Life is as it is, it shows itself as it shows itself. If the sense of “I,” of the ego, is not present, life is just Life. It's when the sense of “I,” of the ego is present, wanting to alter, change, do something, interfere because of this movement of duality present, when this is present, we have problems.

The beauty of these encounters here is that we are being invited by life to Life. Life itself is Love, it is Peace, it is Freedom, it is the presence of Truth, which is Intelligence. All of this, Gilson, is something we need to understand, we need to assimilate, but we can't do it in the ego. We can only take this on in this Divine Being that we bring. To approach oneself is to have a vision of this Truth. Not having an approach to oneself is to continue living in a pattern of humanity, of culture, of civilization, within that model of ignorance, of human conditioning, of psychological conditioning, of the history of humanity. So, the Truth of What we are, the Truth of this Being that we bring, does not carry problems. That's it.

Gilson – The Master commented in a passage... This Natural State, sometimes the ego wants to force this Natural State and wants to live life, wants to “Ah! Acceptance!”, to accept everything in life, and then we are faking it, because I see the Master's life, and it's completely without problems, but there are situations that need, practical situations in life, the Master makes the necessary adjustment and that's it; in complete Freedom, in complete Peace, without any conflict or internal problem. Now, within the studies, in the years I've spent on this quest, I've noticed, even in myself, an “I” present here pushing it, wanting to live, to let life be lived, in other words, accepting everything. Can the Master bring a bit of... investigate this with us?

Master – So, Gilson, it's not an adjustment. I understand well what you're saying. We spend a lot of time in our lives trying to apply, within this life of ours, which is the private life of the “I,” of the person, which is the private life of the ego, we try to adjust to this life of ours – personal and private life – disciplines that have been learned over the years through studies, through spiritual practices. And we even manage, to a certain extent, to achieve a certain adjustment; we succeed in adjusting all of this a bit to everything we've already studied, read, and learned. But the truth of this is that we still remain within the ancient and old model of an egoic identity that adjusted, that reprogrammed itself.

In this sense, this so-called “religious life,” this so-called “religious life” – or “life of spirituality” or “life of morality, ethics and social respectability” – has played a part in this. But in reality, what we have here is just an ego adjustment. The ego adjusts to a model, but this adjustment of the ego is still an adjustment of the person, of this sense of separation, and, therefore, this still carries all kinds of violence, fear, confusion, and suffering. All of this continues to be present, but in a somewhat more, let's say, gentle, delicate, disciplined manner, something more ethical, moral, spiritual, but the ego is still present.

Here we are talking about something else; we are signaling, pointing out, making clear to you the possibility of a life free of the ego and, therefore, a life outside of this condition, exactly that of adjustment, of standardization, of social and spiritual acknowledgment. The really, truly Religious Life, or what I would call Real Spirituality, has nothing to do with the spirituality we know. This Real Religious Life has nothing to do with the religiosity that people practice at weekends, that people practice on a daily basis, in the sense of adjusting to a relationship that is a little more friendly and less irritable, less unhappy, less complicated, less violent. That's not what we're talking about.

The Reality of this Being, the Reality of the Truth that we bring is the Reality of the Unknown, it's the Reality of the Real Presence of Intelligence, Love, Truth, and Wisdom. So, yes, Gilson, it's a life without problems. Situations may present themselves, but this brain, free of internal conflict and suffering, attends to that situation as it would any other challenge, without turning it into a problem. Understand that. In general, meeting a challenge is already a big problem, because we have a conditioned brain, stuck in a pattern of psychological conditioning and human history; a restless, disturbed, chattering brain. There is no Silence, there is no Stillness, there is no presence of Intelligence. So, how are we going to attend to a challenge without turning it into a problem if we are the problem, if the ego is already a big problem?

So, the point here is that the ego is already the problem, Gilson. So, dealing with problems... The only real problem, the biggest, above and beyond all others, is the ego itself. So, you see, life has its sample, its representation, its challenge, but this inability to deal with this challenge from a trapped, conditioned brain puts us in a condition where problems are present because we are, in the “I,” in the ego, this big problem. So, the big problem is the mind, the big problem is the “I,” the big problem is this pattern. We are becoming aware of all this and awakening to see it and, naturally, to get rid of it.

Gilson – Master, this point is very liberating, because in the ego we always project external problems: “I have a problem because so-and-so did this, or that happened, or the country's financial situation isn't good, or because of the politician, this and that,” and the Master points that out in complete freedom from anything external, because the problem is only this internal madness, this thought. So, in this work with you, Master, it's a complete freedom from everything external, because the problem isn't external, and the only problem is that we can see this madness of this thought that is always projecting itself onto this idea of an “I” that compares itself, that judges, that thinks this is good and that isn't good. And then there's no excuse for not doing what needs to be done, which is to be in that constant state of Consciousness, of Real Meditation, isn't that right, Master?

Master – That's the whole point. Look, Gilson, people are ordering their lives, coordinating their lives, bringing plans into their lives. Externally, they may even get results; if they order well, if they discipline themselves, if they have dedication, purpose, and determination, they will achieve things externally. But as long as this internal element, which is the “I,” the ego, is present, no matter how well it organizes itself externally, it itself will end up overriding this organization and showing, in the end, that it is still unhappy, problematic, miserable, in pain, in suffering.

So, look at the successful people in the world, Gilson, they are very successful externally, materially; so, they have comfort, they have, apparently financial stability, they have, apparently family and emotional happiness. Now, I said “apparently” because, as long as there is, psychologically, internal insecurity and unhappiness, this is what prevails in the lives of all human beings. So, it's not about solving life externally, it's not about trying to meet the external challenges of life and solve the problems that show up externally in life to be solved; as long as this is not attended to internally, the internal will always override the external.

The truth of it all is that there is no Wisdom, Gilson. The Awakening of the Truth of your Being gives you the clear vision that there is nothing out there to be solved. Everything that we're seeing out there as confusion is just a reflection of the inner confusion that we bring; that which is internal will always override anything else. So, the external confusion in people's lives is a reflection of the internal confusion in themselves, and this apparent external order, I'll repeat, is only apparent external order. Behind this appearance, there is suffering, there is conflict, there is disorder, and there is the problem, because the “I” is present. The “I” is present because we lack the Truth of Wisdom; and without Self-Awareness, there is no Wisdom; without Self-Awareness, there is no knowledge of this Being outside of this time, which is the time of the “I,” of the ego, which is the time created by thought, where it places you as someone present today, who has come from the past and is going to the future.

A life, Gilson, without the awareness of this Freedom from the world, a life without the knowledge of this Freedom is an unhappy life. The Beauty of this Divine State, the Beauty of this Natural State is that there is no longer any attachment to the material world, there is no longer any attachment to this known model of life. So, all of this can be left at any time without any weight, because there is no longer this “I” that owns, that controls, that dominates, that needs to have its life in these things. So, it's something completely unusual that we're putting here for you. A life like this, is a life where the death of illusion, the death of the known has already taken place, so there is no more fear, no more suffering, no more desire to obtain, no more fear of losing. The Divine Truth, the Truth of What we are, is indescribable. This Truth of God is unspeakable. That is our subject, the Freedom or Liberation from illusion to a Real Life, to a Divine Life.

Gilson – Master, within this question of feeling, there is often a feeling – a feeling of peace or a feeling of love – and I myself used to confuse this completely. And within this aspect, we have a question here from Eli Fernandes. She asks the following question, Master: “I have a question: when do we know that we are in the Presence, is it when we feel a sense of peace, love, joy so strong that tears flow?”

Master – We need to take a different approach here to this answer. We can't confuse what may be a mere feeling, sensation, or emotion with the vision of Reality. The vision of Reality is what is present as being Real. It's not something we can confirm by a feeling, an emotion, or a sensation. We need to be careful with this.

Reality is Reality. It's important to say this, Gilson, because, in general, we are very inclined towards sentimentality, emotionalism, this search for a sensation, so this seems to be a sign that something real is happening, but it's not quite like that. At the level of feeling, emotion, and sensation, we have the body, we have the mind, whereas Divine Reality is beyond that body and mind. The contact with Divine Reality quiets the body, quiets the mind, but this, note, is something that puts you in an internal state outside the “I,” outside the ego. This search for a criterion based on feeling and emotion, on sensation, is something very delicate; we have to be careful with it.

Reality is the Awakening of Intelligence, the Awakening of Wisdom, the Awakening of Truth, it is the Awakening of Love, but Love is not a feeling, Love is not a sensation. Love is Something unusual, indescribable, Something outside the sense of the “I,” outside the sense of the ego. Sometimes, Gilson, we have questions because we want verbal confirmation. The very search for this verbal confirmation already shows that there is no certainty; if there were certainty, we wouldn't ask the question. Do you realize that? If we were sure that this is Divine confirmation, we wouldn't ask the question. If we're asking questions about it, it's because we have doubts. And it's even reasonable to have doubts as that feeling, sensation or emotion is still within the realm of the known. So, Gilson, that's not the criterion.

The criterion of the Revelation of Truth is something that is outside the known, outside the limitation of the intellect, naturally outside questions and answers, outside certainties and also doubts. Be patient to hear this, but that's how it is. We don't need anyone or anything to give us certainty. When there is Reality, when there is Truth and when there is Awareness, that Awareness is present and that “I” is not, that ego is not, that person is not. Reality is not an answer you receive. Don't wait for answers, don't expect answers. Reality is here and now; it's not something that's going to arrive, it's not something that's going to come, it's not something that's going to appear. It is here. It simply Reveals Itself when the “I,” the ego is not, and this is outside of an interpretation, a translation, an intellectual understanding. It is outside and beyond a feeling, an emotion, a sensation.

Gilson – Master, gratitude, gratitude, our time has come. And for you who are watching the video, please give us a like and a comment; you can comment with questions for us to bring to the next videocasts. And, above all, if what Master Gualberto says makes sense to you, we invite you to come to the face-to-face and online meetings, which are the Satsangs. In the first comment, you'll find the link to the WhatsApp group with information about these meetings. And at the meetings, which take place over the whole weekend, we can enter this atmosphere of the Master's Presence, this sharing of this Energy that is beyond words, beyond thoughts, and we can get small glimpses of this Reality, of this true State of Peace, which is not “someone” with peace, it is Peace happening, it is Joy happening. So, here's the invitation. And, Master, gratitude! Until next time.

December, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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