January 9, 2024

Love in Relationships. Advaita Vedanta. Self-Awareness and True Meditation. Existential void escape

The question is: is it possible for us to have an action free, a freedom with such quality that our actions do not produce any form of contradiction, problem, or suffering? Is it possible for us to act free from this “I”? That is what we are studying and working on here with you, within this channel. Here, I am referring to an action where there is no intention, no motivation, this intention to obtain, acquire, earn, accomplish, and after all that, to feel validated, important, fulfilled psychologically, internally.

I do not know if, at some point, you have ever reflected on this. Do our actions necessarily have to be as they have been? Self-centered actions. The fact is that we are living in an internal condition of life where everything we see around us has an evaluation from this “I,” of judgment, comparison, desire, and fear. Here on this channel, we are working with you to end the illusion of suffering. Will there be an end to suffering? Is a life free from suffering possible? What is life without this sense of a present “I”? How is this life without the sense of an ego-identity, without a behavior like the one we have generally had, which is the behavior, the speaking, feeling, thinking, acting within this egocentrism? Will there be actions free from the “I”? Is it possible to realize the Divine Truth?

For millennia the Sages have been talking to us about such action free from the ego, from that personal, particular, self-centered identity, in that self-consciousness interested in itself and doing everything to get something for itself. Notice how important this is. All the confusion, all the disorder, the mess, everything that has become our lives are present due to the presence of this “I.” We never ask ourselves if this feeling, this thinking, and this pattern of action that we have are natural. As people, living in this “I,” we are self-centered creatures; the intention is always to take advantage, or gain something, even if it represents medium and long-term suffering for ourselves and those we claim to love. That is also a subject: do we really know what love is when living in the ego? Indeed, what is this ego? What is ego? What is the “I”? Who am I? What is the truth about this identity that I am? Is there truth in this identity?

The reality about this is that we are living a life within an illusion, the illusion of a separate identity. What is the truth of that identity which is the “I”? The human being has been suffering for millennia, for thousands and thousands of years; everything in the human being – and we are part of it – all of this we have inherited, we are this humanity. There is suffering, conflict, and fear in us. Despite all the entertainment, pleasure, fulfillment, and satisfaction we get in sensations, experiences, in different forms of entertainment we create, even so, we remain unhappy, problematic people. What is the truth about who we are?

Here on this channel, we are working with you to end the illusion of the ego, the illusion of the “I,” for the Realization of your Being, of God, the Awakening of Consciousness, the flowering of Happiness, the Real contact with the Truth of Love; not this awful, strange thing, which is part of this “I,” part of this movement of self-interest and satisfaction, which is part of this pleasure that the “person” obtains in a relation to others. We call it love: pleasure, satisfaction, or fulfillment the other gives me – that is what we call “love.” We are here working with you on the Awakening of your Being, your Divine Nature, your Essential Nature, the Awakening of that Sanity, that Sanctity, that Beauty of Being, that Life in God. It is not “someone” living in God, but rather God here as the only Reality of your Being.

Your Being is not something separate from God; this is the belief. Actually, the only Truth is God; there is only God. There is also this dream, this mysterious mode of manifestation we call life, and we do not understand it because we are inside a particular dream. Now this particular dream is the one of present identity, the illusion of identity here and now, speaking, hearing, feeling, thinking, so there is this sense of separateness, this duality, this “God and I,” this “I” with its particular dream in that mysterious dream of Divine manifestation, which is the Truth of God. So, in that sense of separation, there is this egocentrism; in that illusory identity, there is this sense of control, will, desire, and fear.

In this work, we invite you to a life free from this internal condition, which is this mental, psychological conditioning, and also every form of conditioning in that feeling, thinking, acting, the end of all it. We are human beings, human creatures, conditioned human beings; the “person” that this “I” represents is pure conditioning. So, the Divine Truth, the Truth of your Being, the Reality of God, is What is present and expressed with that Freedom, that Intelligence, that Sanity, that Sanctity when the sense of “I,” the ego, in that movement of self-centered action, is no longer present. So, there is no longer this movement of that time thought has created within each one of us, in this illusion of “I am this, but I need to be that” or “I have this, but I need to achieve that,” all of this to “be happy,” to “have peace,” “have love,” “have happiness,” which is still a mere projection of dissatisfaction, of a conflicted state of separateness. As long as this is present, there will be this feeling of pain, of separation. And a classic form of the presence of this pain, we all know, is this void that “something is missing.” Despite all the accomplishments and achievements that come from this self-centeredness, this self-consciousness, and this self-interest, despite all those, we remain unhappy, and we continue to feel this void. Then, this self-interest, this self-centeredness leads us to actions but actions born out of this background, this existential void, never fulfilled, and this is present because of this sense of duality, of separateness; the presence of that “I,” that ego, is sustaining all of this. Thus, there is a quest, a search for Something beyond that; This is Something inside each one of us, but the mind interprets it as something that has to be achieved externally, in new achievements and new satisfactions, which represent this existential void escape, an escape from this pain, which is never solved.

Thus, this work here purposes to you an investigation about the truth of who you are and the discarding of the illusion of this “I” that has this intention of “I am not, but I will be,” “I do not have, but I will have,” and this “becoming,” “coming to be,” “conquering something,” all that disappears, vanishes when there is this understanding of what is here, when we come across every thought, feeling, sensation, perception, vision within this dream of the “I,” and we become aware that it is only this “I” in this dream creating this illusion that is sustaining the existential void and the illusion of the search for something the “I” itself, the ego itself gives the name of “love,” “peace,” and “happiness.” When I become aware of this, there is an end to this “I.” This is possible when there is the Truth of approaching Self-Awareness.

Here on the channel, we have been talking a lot about Self-awareness, looking at oneself, the awareness of seeing all this movement, noticing all this movement, perceiving the illusion of this identity creating a particular dream of separate existence. The Truth of Self-Awareness brings you closer to the correct Meditation, which I have called True Meditation – it is the correct Meditation. So, Self-Awareness and True Meditation are the basis for this Liberation, for the end of the illusion, the ignorance, this “I,” this illusory identity. We are working together, here in the channel, showing you that a life in Bliss, Happiness, Real Love, Real Peace, and Real Truth, in your Real Being, in this Real Consciousness, is possible.

Everything you know about yourself, every idea you have about who you are, all that illusion of self-consciousness or this consciousness that is actually the consciousness of “I,” it all dissolves into this Real understanding of the True Consciousness, the awareness of the Reality of your Being, which is the Reality of God. That is the Life of God; it is no longer the life of the “I,” the “person’s,” the ego life, no longer this consciousness of the “I,” no longer this conditioned mind. Now there is a new mind, a meditative mind, the Silence of a mind freed from all sense of separation and, therefore, from all conflict, suffering, contradiction, and all forms of searching for fulfillment of any kind. All that disappears when you Realize the Truth of your Being – some people call it the Awakening of Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment, the Divine Reality here and now. Thus, this work of Self-Awareness and True Meditation in a practical way is the key that opens this door to the end of the illusion of the “I” and, therefore, to the end of this existential void.

Here we are inviting you to a Life in God, a Divine Life, a Life Free from the “I,” to a new way of living, and that represents the end of suffering, the end of emotional disorder; it is the Divine Truth, the Truth of God Revealing Himself here and now – we were born to Realize This. A human being can spend a lifetime achieving anything external, anything outside, however, without the Realization of What he Is, that Divine Truth, a life free from that sense of separateness, free from that pattern of self-centeredness, of a model of ego-identity, without this any other “achievement” means absolutely nothing.

The human being is born and goes from cradle to grave in this state of egoic conditioning, in this illusion of the “I,” so your life is just this dream, the dream of “someone” in the world, and nothing can make you really, truly happy. It does not matter what a human being can obtain, achieve, or accomplish if there is not in his life the Presence of that Perfume, the aroma of that Grace, which is the result of True Meditation, there is no possibility of this flowering of Happiness. So, we spend our whole lives in this condition of egoic identity, a pattern of egocentrism. Here, the Truth of your Being is What is Nameless, the Unknown, Real Bliss, Real Peace, Real Awareness of God, the end of that dream, which is the dream of the “I,” the end of this confusion, which is the confusion of the “I,” the presence of Love, of Freedom, the Truth of Intelligence, of seeing Life as It Is, without any sense of separation, without that illusion of duality, the presence of the Truth, of that “One without the second.” Sages call this Advaita, this is straight from Advaita Vedanta, the Truth of that “One without a second,” the unique Present Reality, which is Divine Reality, which is the Reality of God.

You were born to realize This, and when This is present, there is no longer this pattern of action to reach, accomplish, obtain, do, or become somebody. Something new is present here and now, the presence of Reality, of Truth; This is the Realization of God. We can give different names to It, but we are facing Something unique, singular. So, now there is the talking, listening, doing, and accomplishing, but there is no “someone” in it; it is the presence of Reality, all happening here and now, with no sense of an “I” present within that experience, then there is no fear. That is the Divine Truth, the Truth of your Being.

That is the subject here on our channel. If this is something that makes sense to you, so please, leave it in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense”; leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. You, who watch our videos, but still forgot to subscribe to the channel, go ahead and do it. I want to remind you: we also have here in the video description our WhatsApp group, and on the weekends we have online meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. Here is the invitation for you and see you. OK? Thanks for the meeting, and until next time!

July, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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